Supreme Satyr

Chapter 597

Yunmenglong was stunned. Everyone was stunned. Time seemed to stagnate at this moment. Everyone stared at Cheng Qiqi. They beat him half to death. They didn't expect a 12-year-old girl to say this to yunmenglong. How could they say this if they didn't love him deeply?

Those beauties just jumped up and down happily covering their breasts, and now they are calm. Er, it seems that this can't be called calm.

Cheng Qiqi openly teases their beloved lover in front of so many beautiful sisters. Her feelings are very brave. Moreover, the little girl is looked at by so many eyes. She is stunned without blushing. In her eyes, she can really eliminate interference factors. In her eyes, yunmenglong is the only one in her heart, and others ignore them all!

"HMM... er... Well," yunmenglong scratched his head. His scalp didn't itch, but he had a headache: "if you were □□, I would ask you to take a bath." then he turned his head to Lin wanruo. Lin wanruo only tied a simple horsetail. His jade face was not powdered, and his skin was fine, greasy and glittering.

Yunmenglong said to her, "just like, take Qiqi to take a bath and walk around to see the charming scenery of my Tibetan Golden Pavilion."

Lin wanruo loves yunmenglong, but she can't make love to him in front of so many people. Yunmenglong is also very clear about this, but yunmenglong wants it, and she doesn't want to refuse it. In a dilemma, she is really happy to listen to yunmenglong's order. She looks at yunmenglong gratefully, answers and knows, so she pulls 11000 unwilling Cheng 777 out.

Yunmenglong clapped his hands and said, "well, first wives, middle wives and second wives, everyone..."

As soon as he said this, yunmenglong was interrupted by the angry voice: "what little wife, who do you say is the little wife?" the bold and unrestrained beauty led by Feng Ling began to question yunmenglong.

"Hehe, ladies, don't get excited," said yunmenglong, who saw that he had provoked public anger and quickly apologized: "The little wife I said is not the little wife you understand. The little wife I said refers to the younger wife in my wife. For example, dai'er is only 18 years old. She is my little wife. I treat everyone equally, regardless of each other. They are all my dearest old women. Are you satisfied?" Yunmenglong glances at all the beauties. All the beauties' faces are yours.

"Our dream dragon has a sweet mouth. It's really fascinating to say sweet words." long Mengyun Jiao smiled.

Yunmenglong said positively, "no, what I yunmenglong said is not sweet words, but heartfelt words, words and sentences from the heart."

"Yes, but your words are really as sweet as honey. What moves people most is your sincerity." Xue Piao nodded and felt deeply.

"Well," yunmenglong stretched out his hands and made a stop gesture like the leader of so and so. Well, it was more like surrender. "I understand that wives are too shy. I don't want you to undress here."

As soon as the beauties heard this, they breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately became nervous. The subtext of this remark was obvious. If they didn't let them undress here, they needed to undress elsewhere. The facts proved how correct their guess was. Sure enough, Yun Menglong said the following: "There are your rooms in cangjiao Pavilion. Please check the numbers and get started. Don't go wrong. Now let's start."

Yunmenglong's voice has just dropped. The beauties who have not been taken off by yunmenglong and have been liberated give yunmenglong a wink. After throwing, they run fast one by one. Everyone goes to their own room and waits for yunmenglong's luck.

Yunmeng and Longzhi are complacent. They sit in the big □□□, waiting for the beauties to enter their rooms. All the unhappiness is forgotten first. Today, we only talk about the wind and the moon, not about other things.

Close your eyes and feel your limbs stretching away like octopus. Yunmeng dragon can see Su Qingyao's beautiful and quiet face. Her eyes are a little flustered. Yunmeng dragon's heart floats like a soft mist, and the corners of her mouth bend into a smile. Dai Daier's expectant eyes are full of love. This girl has loved Yunmeng dragon for ten years. Of course, her love is not The longest time, but her love is one of the best. The longest love of Yunmeng dragon may be longmengyun. She fell in love with him before Yunmeng dragon. She has loved the Lord for hundreds of millions of years.

Thinking of meeting his son Shi huaitian in Japan, the Bagua energy disk in Yunmeng dragon's heart rotates rapidly and at an amazing speed. Four golden villains appear in four directions from heaven and earth. The four villains master the Ren Du two veins of Yunmeng dragon. In the other four directions of Bagua, they are the four souls and gods of the golden villains.

Stars change, distraction, dragon in the abyss, flying into the sky!

Looking up, yunmenglong could see the lines of rock on the nearest star in the sky! The four villains in his heart had their own souls, and yunmenglong had reached the distraction period!

After sitting for three hours, yunmenglong felt comfortable. The energy flow in his muscles and veins was no longer separated from each other. All kinds of energy were integrated into one, but all of them were pulled out when needed. Yunmenglong can simulate any state. Now he is really pretending to be a ghost, like a ghost, and pretending to be a god! The rotation of gossip makes yunmenglong's naked eye better than the astronomical telescope. He finished He was addicted to the beauty of the infinite starry sky. He tried to see everything more clearly. The energy worked for nine weeks.

In a sense, yunmenglong has been able to look at the galaxy. The four golden bodies in his body look at yunmenglong in different states. Yunmenglong created them and they also support yunmenglong's life. In a sense, they are different states of yunmenglong, some lively, some quiet, some upright and some evil.

Yunmenglong had a whim. Now that I have reached the distraction period, if I take out the golden villain and shape it into a flesh body, can I have the art of separation? In that way, four separate bodies, plus me, there are five Yunmeng dragons. In that case, five fight one. I'm afraid the right demon saint should also be careful. Suck the magic skill of the right demon saint, and then fool Miaomiao and Wangwang to get something. In that way, you should have a fight with the demon emperor, right?

Thinking of this, Yunmeng dragon became active and did what he said. Yunmeng dragon closed his eyes, separated the body and soul, and the soul went into the eight trigrams energy plate to explain the situation with the four gold bodies and their souls. Then he learned from empress Nu Wa to sculpt the body in clay, and the gold man and soul entered the clay body.

Yun Menglong put energy as like as two peas in the body. The Goldman made his own five limbs, and Yun Menglong helped him to finish it. It was not a while. Four handsome brother like Yunmeng dragon were officially released.

Yunmeng dragon and the four Yunmeng dragons looked at each other. The five people looked at each other and smiled. Unexpectedly, they were surprisingly similar!

Yunmenglong said to the four: "brothers, you are me and I am you. In front of outsiders, you are yunmenglong. In front of me, you are the shadow, code named a, B, C and D respectively."

Four false cloud dream dragons agreed: "yes."

"Now, I'm going to pick up girls. Go and do something." yunmenglong continued.

"Yes," said the four neatly, turning into four golden lights and rushing to the sky.

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