Supreme Satyr

Chapter 606

Thunder Tiger said: "as long as you follow the boss, it doesn't matter if you don't have yourself."

"Worthless." yunmenglong laughed and scolded, and the vendor flattered: "my vendor has only one person to worship in his life, that is the boss you. I don't want to worship you, unless the mountain has no edges, heaven and earth are united, thunder in winter, rain and snow in summer."

"Shit, you are so disgusting that you don't pay for your life. You use such classic love words blindly. I tell you, it's not my intention, but it really started because of me. Just now you saw that I have four doubles. They don't make up like Shaoyang, but they are separated from my body, just like they were copied by my cells. Although their skills are different I'm not as powerful as I am, but everyone also has one tenth of me. That's already very powerful. I'm very happy after I made them, so I let them play. Who knows that these smelly boys went to different places in Shanghai to mess around, which made people panic. "Yun Menglong said the causes and consequences.

They stared at yunmenglong for a long time and felt incredible, but yunmenglong would not cheat them and had no reason to cheat them.

Chen Shaoyang said with heartfelt admiration: "the boss is the boss. It's really extraordinary and unexpected. I admire him. By the way, the boss, I haven't seen the boss's doubles. Can you call them and let us have a look?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Yunmenglong couldn't bear to offend everyone when he saw that everyone was looking forward to it, so he shouted, "a, B, C, D, come back quickly."

As like as two peas in as like as two peas in Yunmeng, three people are not in the room. There are four people in the conference room. The expressions and movements are so similar, but the eyes are slightly different. Everyone seems to be different. If they don't look carefully, they can't see the subtle difference. Their pupils are not as blue as yunmenglong!

Seeing that everyone looked at them in disbelief, they scratched their heads together and said shyly, "why do you look at me with such worship eyes? Don't you know that it's easy to lose yourself to worship others?"

They were absolutely speechless.

Yunmenglong was also suffocating. He almost didn't turn over. He coughed and said, "what are you doing? I didn't let you go to a place. Why did I go to Shanghai and make things noisy and make headlines?"

The four people looked at each other and looked puzzled. They shook their heads and said, "boss, I didn't do it."

The crowd blurted out, "what?"

"What, I went to Beijing," said Xiao Jia.

"I went to Tianjin," said Xiao B.

"I went to Nanjing," said Xiao C.

"I went to Tokyo." Xiaoding said with a smile.

Yunmenglong knows that the four younger brothers can't lie. They don't have this function at present. Even if they do, they don't dare to tell yunmenglong. Yunmenglong doesn't have to do anything if he wants them to die. When he thinks about it, they all fly away and annihilate. They are composed of yunmenglong's energy and cells. As long as yunmenglong does not die and the yuan God does not die, the four separated bodies will not die. In addition, even if all four of them are dead, yunmenglong can also recreate them and make them reborn. This is a very favorable weapon for yunmenglong.

At first, everyone thought these four brothers did it, but they denied it. Obviously, someone else did it. Why did they do such a thing? If only yunmenglong was blamed. What is it to make three? Does anyone know about the separation of Yunmeng and dragon? How is that possible? Or

After thinking for a long time, yunmenglong couldn't think of an ugly Yin Mao. He just felt as if it was a conspiracy, but yunmenglong was not afraid. Despite his conspiracy, soldiers came to block, water came to drown, and on the conspiracy, yunmenglong was surrounded by experts such as Yun, bing'er, Lang Xiao, Wei Ya, Lin wanruo, and Jin Bingying. Which one is not extremely smart? It's almost time to call Lang Xiao back.

Yun Menglong told everyone about the war with Rb in Dongsu country, and praised the hawkers Lu Da and Chu Jingfeng. He had already told everyone about his identity, so he didn't hide it from everyone. He also said that he almost killed Lao Tzu when he met his son. He also talked about meeting the right demon saint on the way. Now he shook Ya and trapped Ya comfortably with a powder trap. But there was one thing he didn't say, that is, the identity of Yun Miaomiao and Yun Wangwang.

Yunmenglong is talking nonsense and serious. The discussion with Wei Ya and others is in full swing. Yunmenglong asks about Wei Ya's heavenly book. Wei Ya shakes his head and says, "although we are gods, we can't crack the secrets of the heavenly book. It's like guarding a treasure mountain, but we don't know the way in. Guarding a virgin can't * * in general. It's very cowardly."

"Don't lose heart. Since the book is ours, I'll find out its secret sooner or later. Shit, move it to Yunlong garden and put it in my bedroom. I want to cultivate feelings with it." yunmenglong said with a smile.

"Hehe, boss, what if you fall in love with that stone book? Sister-in-law will be jealous." Feng Leihu joked.

"I have no pit in my head. I want it to fall in love with me!" yunmenglong turned his eyes and said.

In a secret room, a stone book with a height of more than one person and a thickness of more than half a person muttered to himself: "want me to fall in love with you, dream!"


Wei Ya told yunmenglong to be careful of LAN hengyuhuan and Youmo saint, and went to the company. Yunmenglong baked two big black dogs, moved two jars of Wuliangye and carried them to the military camp. Forget that no one can forget the commander of the three armed forces who has known and cherished him and his first good brother Chu Jingfeng in modern times.

Yunmeng dragon called Xiaohei as a means of transportation when walking in the mountain. In order to make Xiaohei happy, Yunmeng dragon had already packed the rest of the bones eaten by the people in heaven and earth bags. The black dragon smelled the dog bones with awe inspiring aroma, and the glittering saliva flowed down the big mouth into a waterfall.

Sitting on the black dragon, Yunmeng dragon, the peerless beauty Yun Miaomiao and the super simple handsome man Yun Wangwang chewed a big black dog, leaving only one for Ling aopeng. Ling aopeng is not Wei Ya. He doesn't have the capacity of three dogs for a meal.

"Dad, I'm back." before the man arrived, yunmenglong had shouted. In the sun, the eight characters on the huge door wall "military important place, no noise!" became a wonderful irony.

Ling aopeng heard the sound and came out. He was overjoyed to see Yunmeng dragon carrying a big black dog and Wuliangye. His usually dignified face was kind like Maitreya Buddha. He came forward and hugged Yunmeng dragon. He laughed and said, "good boy, you can come back. Dad misses you very much."

Seeing that Ling aopeng was old and strong, Yun Menglong knew that the pill he had made and the cultivation method he had given him were effective. He also smiled and said, "Dad is even younger. It seems that he is a young man in his twenties and thirties. It seems that we should match our brothers in two years."

"No big or small." Ling aopeng scolded with a smile.

Yunmenglong had already seen Chu Jingfeng followed by Ling aopeng. He looked at himself. His face as firm as a rock also had an excited color. His eyes were bright. It seemed that he had reached the late stage of the valley. He had made great achievements on the road of truth repair. Chu Jingfeng, such an iron man, only smiled when facing yunmenglong and his mood fluctuated.

"I've seen the commander." Chu Jingfeng came forward and gave a standard military salute to yunmenglong.

"I'm very glad that the amazing skill of startling wind has soared." yunmenglong also saluted.

"They are all well taught by the army commander." Chu Jingfeng is modest and polite.

The three talked and laughed and entered Ling aopeng's office. They divided the big black dog into a pile of dog bones with still fragrant smell, and drank the jar of Wuliangye in one gulp. Then Ling aopeng became serious. He said in a deep voice, "Menglong, the central government has ordered."

Yun Menglong knew it was bad when he saw Ling aopeng's expression. He looked cold and said, "what are you talking about?"

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