Supreme Satyr

Chapter 608

There are more than 200 people in this huge warehouse. They are constantly busy. Yun Menglong thinks of the rusty lock. It is listed as a forbidden area. Usually no one comes near or comes in. What's the matter with the more than 200 people in it? How did they get in? What are you doing? How to eat, drink and sleep at ordinary times? Yunmenglong is really in a fog. He guesses that there may be weapons of mass destruction, illegal chemicals, antique jade, gold, silver and jewelry, but he didn't expect so many people!

Yunmenglong glanced at Chu Jingfeng. Chu Jingfeng also looked stunned. It seems that he doesn't know about it. Yunmenglong saw a familiar face from the more than 200 people. Yunmenglong cried out, "shit, Dad, why are you here?"

Ling aopeng was dressed in overalls. He took off his gloves, called yunmenglong and Chu Jingfeng out, and closed the door of the forbidden area. There was darkness out of reach. However, the darkness did not hinder yunmenglong. Ling aopeng patted his palm. Hundreds of bright lights shone together like heaven, but the light was not dazzling, It's amazing.

"Menglong, don't you think Dad is unusual?" Ling aopeng was very satisfied with yunmenglong's expression.

"Dad is more than ordinary. He is just unfathomable and hidden." yunmenglong sincerely praised him.

"Ha ha ha." Ling aopeng smiled brightly and shook his head: "your boy's speech is pleasant to hear. Although it's exaggerated, dad is very happy to hear it."

Yunmenglong said seriously, "Dad, I'm from the bottom of my heart. Don't doubt it. By the way, Dad, what's going on here."

Ling aopeng sighed: "There is no real peace or eternal stability in the world. War will come sooner or later. More than 200 people here are scientists who study weapons. They are adopted by me. I provide them with education and study. They serve me after graduation. Here they study a super weapon that surpasses nuclear weapons. Its cost is not as high as nuclear weapons, but its power is not inferior Besides, it has good control and can be carried around. These 200 people have studied it for 20 years and are finally about to succeed. I know the demon emperor that Menglong wants to deal with. When it is studied, I will give it to Menglong. This super weapon I call rh-3. With it, it should be helpful to Menglong. I originally reported it as a secret weapon at the time of World War III It works for the country, but now I'll give it to my son first. "

Ling aopeng's words made yunmenglong moved into a mess. Ling aopeng was far-sighted and far-reaching. He took more than ten years to study for these □□ and asked them to use 20 years to develop rh-3, which surpasses nuclear weapons. Now he has made generous contributions to the achievements of decades. Yunmenglong hugged Ling aopeng and sobbed: "Dad, you are so kind to others. What do you want them to do?"

"Give me less meat. Just take good care of Qiqi. This is a great war in the world and the universe. Should I be grateful for my son's modest strength?" Ling aopeng pushed away and disgusted his Yunmeng dragon way.

"By the way, Dad, is there a secret way to here in your study, and the Research Institute in the warehouse should have a kitchen and bedroom, otherwise where can these people eat and drink?" yunmenglong asked.

"Smart, indeed, I come here every day to see the progress. You know, I stay alone in my study for a period of time every day. I just want to come here during that time. Is it in the kitchen and bedroom? It's underground. From the outside, the warehouse is not very big. If it's too big, it's easy to be suspected. Well, the environment here is bad. Let's go out and talk about it." Ling aopeng said and took yunmenglong and Chu Jingfeng out of the secret room of the study.

Yunmenglong learned about rh-3, gave Ling aopeng some of the latest refined best pills, and told him to take care of his body and not to stay in the research room for too long. Yunmenglong said goodbye to Chu Jingfeng.

"Jingfeng, let me see how your lightness skills are. Come on, come together," said Yun Menglong. He spread his arms like a roc spreading his wings, and then threw lightning into the lengyun mountains.

Chu Jingfeng said well, and also started the Liuyun step. After closely following Yunmeng dragon, he had reached the valley opening period. They jumped high and low in lengyun mountain, and walked out of hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye.

Of course, some things can not be achieved by cultivation. For example, yunmenglong and Chu Jingfeng are in the valley opening period, but 10000 Chu Jingfeng may not be yunmenglong's opponents. Shenglian people are more prominent in speed. Although yunmenglong's key is released from heaven, his speed can be close to the speed of light, which is the limit in the place with many restrictions on the earth.

If Chu Jingfeng had been racing with that speed, Chu Jingfeng would not have been able to touch the shadow of yunmenglong.

"Qi resists emptiness and wanders in the eight wastelands. No one has me, and heaven and earth unite." the ethereal voice of Yunmeng dragon surrounded lengyun mountain and got into Chu Jingfeng's ears.

At the same time, yunmenglong injected a combination of energy, water, soul, dark fire spirit and all kinds of evil Qi into Chu Jingfeng's Dantian. Chu Jingfeng's brain flashed and his speed increased several times, which surprised him inexplicably.

Chu Jingfeng not only heard yunmenglong's words, but also two people. To be exact, they are two trees. Those two trees are old friends of yunmenglong. They have always worshipped and appreciated yunmenglong. They have no intention of becoming immortal for a hundred years, but they have met yunmenglong several times. They could have spoken with Wei Ya for so many years. They have seen yunmenglong pianruo several times The passing of Jinghong made them want to fly the same. Several times, their desire became stronger and stronger.

This time, yunmenglong's words sounded like a shock to his ears. Their brothers suddenly realized that they broke through the bottleneck and transformed the human shape.

"Handsome boy, Grandpa..." they flew side by side and shouted at yunmenglong.

Why did yunmenglong compare these two words to handsome man? He suddenly stopped flying at high speed and even violated the law of inertia. Chu Jingfeng finally stopped, but he still flew hundreds of meters more. He flew back to yunmenglong and said, "what's the matter, boss?"

"Someone called me."

"Yes? Why didn't I hear it?" Chu Jingfeng listened.

"Handsome... Grandpa..." the voices of the two trees were getting closer and closer.

"Do you hear?" yunmenglong asked Chu Jingfeng.

"I heard it. I only heard it called 'handsome eunuch', but I didn't hear it called you." Chu Jingfeng said.

"In the cold cloud mountain, who dares to be a handsome man except me? If they call handsome man, they must call me." Yun Menglong said arrogantly.


Two young men in gray clothes, with giggles, red faces and long hair rushed to yunmenglong and ran to yunmenglong. They knelt down together and said, "handsome boy, we have admired you for a long time. You made us turn into human shapes again. We will follow you in the future."

"Please get up quickly, you two. I don't know you two. Why should you do this gift? I can accept it when you call me handsome boy, but I don't understand when you call me eunuch. Do you recognize the wrong person?" yunmenglong came forward and helped erhumanitarian.

"No, no, we won't recognize the wrong person. You have taken root and sprouted in my heart and are about to blossom." tree armour said.

"Yes, yes, your heroism has always been reflected in my mind." tree B quickly echoed.

After two people's narration, yunmenglong basically understood. Seeing that the two tree demons were not idiots, yunmenglong let them follow.

When the four were about to fly, yunmenglong's mobile phone rang. Yunmenglong pressed the connect button and said, "Hey, what's the matter with Yao baby? Do you miss me?"

"Yunmenglong, things are bad, ah..." Lu Jiayao's anxious voice came over the phone, and then the phone was cut off after a scream.

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