Supreme Satyr

Chapter 614

The beauty's eyes to yunmenglong are full of grief, anger and hatred. It is this man who ruthlessly and ruthlessly took away her virginity. She is only 16 years old. She is still a flower like youth and should be carefree. Although her hands are full of blood and hundreds of people's lives, she is just a little girl. Why does yunmenglong have to spoil her.

She hates yunmenglong and herself. For the man who forced her to become a woman, she should want to eat his meat and drink his blood. But why do she miss him? When she woke up from the nightmare, what came to her mind was his handsome and tall body, his charming and deep eyes and his ambiguous and seductive smile

She hates herself. Why doesn't she hate him? Why does she miss him? Is she so cheap? She was robbed of her body and heart. She wanted to tell yunmenglong that she missed him, but she couldn't. She could only express hatred.

It's painful to pretend to hate when you clearly love someone.

Yunmenglong looked at her up and down with great interest. She became more beautiful. A 16-year-old girl had such amazing charm. She hadn't seen it for a long time. Her charm was so amazing. In a word, a woman like a girl. Or, on the contrary, a girl like a woman.

Anyway, it's his cloud dream dragon skill to become so beautiful. Perfect facial features, eyes like spring water, white neck, two jade rabbits standing like a mountain, slender waist, straight and slender legs, the temptation of youth. Yunmenglong really misses the feeling of being held by her.

"What's the fuss, adulterer?" the beautiful woman was forced by yunmenglong to have a little witch's rain moon with him in Dongsu country.

"Hehe, you should call me the adulterer, right * * that day you screamed very vigorously. When we have time, we'll continue the front edge." yunmenglong said with a thin smile, and his expression was very debauchery.

"Hum, if the master didn't come to you, I'd castrate you." Yuyue scolded.

Yunmenglong thought about how to face his son and joked with Yuyue: "are you willing? If you are willing, I'll give you a chance to castrate me after chatting with your master?"

"Hum." Yuyue humed heavily, turned and left.

"Hum? Default?" cloud dream dragon smiled.

Yuyue doesn't answer again. For a hooligan like Yun Menglong, she is not an opponent. She can't fight. She can only shut up and say nothing. Coldly, she's right.

"Little witch, how did you become so charming? Did you become so feminine after my nourishment?" yunmenglong shook his hand to prevent the residual blood from following them, and sent a message to Lei Zhe to take pork Rong to Wei Ya. Although he broke the ban for pork Rong every other space, he has suffered a heavy internal injury. If he is not cured, the consequences will be in danger.


"Acquiesced again. Do you love me and miss me very much?" Yunmeng Longtian asked again.

"I love dogs and cats, and I won't love you. I miss you every day. I want to break you into pieces and turn you into a dead eunuch." Yuyue was so angry that she turned back and gnashed her teeth at yunmenglong.

Yunmeng Longsi didn't think it was a pestle. He continued to talk to himself affectionately: "beating is personal scolding is love. If you scold me so gnashing your teeth, you must love me very much."

"Shameless." Yu Yue's face showed a look of contempt.

"Toothless? I have thirty-two teeth, not a few of them, and there are no cavities. Eat it, Ma Xiang, look." yunmenglong opened his mouth and showed his neat and white teeth.

The rain moon didn't even look at the cloud dream dragon. She lowered her eyes and began to read the obscure mantra: "! ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ #......"

"Are you telling me you love me in a foreign language I don't know? I know you're shy, hehe, or are you cursing me?" the divine light burst out in the cloud dream dragon's eyes, and the rain and moon were taken by God for a time.

Yuyue was surprised and said, "how do you know I'm cursed?" she was stunned when she blurted out this. Her mind was very strong. Generally, there would be no such slip of tongue. However, in the face of Yunmeng dragon, she was like a mouse, and Yunmeng dragon was a dead cat that controlled her, and her every move seemed so involuntarily.

Yunmeng dragon smiled unfathomably and looked into her eyes. Her eyes were like ultraviolet rays. She saw her very thoroughly. She was as weak as a baby in front of Yunmeng dragon. She was naked and had no ability to resist.

"Do you like me?" walking to the corner, yunmenglong suddenly grabbed the delicate body of Yuyue and pressed her to the corner of the wall.

"Ah!" the rain moon gently exhaled, her mouth slightly opened, her eyes flustered, like a frightened deer. Her chest fluctuated, looked at yunmenglong in horror, her hands protected her soft crisp chest, and stammered, "what do you... What do you want to do?"

Yunmenglong deliberately bent down and oppressed her with a condescending attitude, which made her unable to breathe, made her unable to resist, and made her have an irresistible heart.

Yunmenglong's nose and her Yao nose stick together. Her eyes are close. She can see her panic from yunmenglong's eyes. Yunmenglong looked at her with a narrow smile. The radian on his lips made Yuyue ashamed.

"What do you think I want to do? What do you think a man wants to do when he presses a woman so close to the corner of the wall?" Yunmeng's dragon eyes turned into a new moon.

"I... I don't know." Yuyue looked frightened, but there was a trace of expectation in her heart

"Then let me tell you..."

Yunmeng dragon's voice is low and slightly magnetic, as if it can bring people into a dream, a charming dream of longing and fantasy.

Yunmenglong's mouth gradually approached Yuyue. Yuyue's body tightened and her inner expectation was even worse. She closed her eyes tightly and shouted no, but her heart was waiting: "closer, closer..."

"I want to know where your master is waiting for me?" the cloud dream dragon wiped the soft fragrant lips of the rain moon and brought a short current.

Yuyue opens her eyes and looks at yunmenglong angrily. She is angry that yunmenglong teases her so much and hates why she wants to expect this rogue kiss. There was something clear in her eyes. She just wanted to scold yunmenglong, and a familiar baritone came.

"I'm here."

Yunmenglong suddenly turned around, and the familiar handsome man he wanted to see and was afraid to see stood opposite him like a jade tree facing the wind.

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