Supreme Satyr

Chapter 630

Looking at the motionless, flesh and blood blurred Yunmeng dragon, let go of heaven's loss. Then there is heartache for no reason. Shouldn't he be happy? Why would he be lost and heartache? Now he understands that his feelings for yunmenglong are very complex. Behind his deep hatred, he misses, relies on and loves.

He knew that yunmenglong didn't voluntarily give up their mother and daughter, and he couldn't help it. He knew, but he couldn't forgive him. He looked at his mother for so many years. She never blamed yunmenglong, or even a word. She just waited foolishly, foolishly loved and asked him why he didn't come back. What's the difference between a man so deeply loved by his mother?

Yunmenglong is not bad, but he is too playful. He is excellent with so many women around him. But when he thinks of his romantic and happy life, he can't help thinking of his mother who has worked hard all his life. His hatred for yunmenglong has expanded several times for no reason. In fact, at the bottom of his heart, he is eager to know Yunmeng dragon, because he has been looking for 900 years, more than 900 years, and finally found his father. This person is his only relative after a thousand years, the real closest and dearest person. Now, in order to pray for his forgiveness, he stabbed himself six times, plus a knife blessed by the dark magic power of the left demon saint, even if Yunmeng dragon is the Tathagata Buddha, It's also under the control of the king of hell.

After so many years of searching, I finally found my closest person and lost it now. What's the feeling?

The chest of the release day is not depressed, as if the dark sky wall before the heavy rain is about to tear. He often taught the people of the interpreter guild to learn to let go, but he was the one who couldn't let go all the time!

He has never enjoyed the happiness of his father and son's family, not before, not now, not in the future. With his ability, he can't think of any way to save Yunmeng dragon's life. With the death spirit dagger and the magic power to destroy all vitality, Yunmeng dragon has any reason not to die. His blood is almost dry

"Yunmenglong! Yunmenglong! Wake up, you're so powerful. How can you die so easily? I haven't forgiven you. You're not allowed to die. I won't forgive you if you die!" shihuaitian suddenly rushed up, grabbed yunmenglong's collar and shook it hard.

Unfortunately, yunmenglong can't hear it. His soul has crossed the Naihe bridge

Meng Po is serving Soup for everyone: "take your time, everyone has a share. Don't fight, don't rob. After crossing the Naihe bridge, the end of the afterlife and this life!"

"Meng Meimei, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are more beautiful." yunmenglong smiled at Meng at the end of the bridge.

Grandma Meng looked at Bai yunmenglong angrily and said, "I don't have time to serve you. Didn't you get rid of your name in the book of life and death long ago? Why did you come?"

Yunmenglong sighed, "you think I want to come. I wonder why I should not die. How can I come here?" then he shook his head: "forget it, it doesn't matter. Give me a whole bowl of soup. I'm thirsty."

Mengpo threw yunmenglong a can of Coca Cola: "you'd better drink this. If you drink Mengpo soup, your wives won't tear my old woman."

After drinking the coke, yunmenglong casually threw the coke can back.

"Oh!" a scream sounded.

When yunmenglong looked back, an old man with white hair and white beard and a duster in his hand covered his forehead. There was a big bag on his forehead, which was swollen very high. Yunmenglong didn't think he could cause so much damage by throwing it casually.

"Sorry, old man, I didn't mean it." yunmenglong was very polite in the underworld.

The old man waved his hand. It doesn't matter. He took out a small porcelain bottle from his sleeve, poured out a dark red pill, threw it into his mouth and swallowed it. Then Yunmeng longan looked at the bag on his forehead.

Yunmenglong shouted miraculously. He thought of six big holes in his body that could not be healed. He couldn't help thinking: "I don't know your name, sir. What kind of medicine is this medicine? It's so effective."

"Don't you know me? I haven't seen the market, but it doesn't matter. Although the little old man is famous, it's normal for you not to recognize me." the dignified old man rolled his beard and said.

Yunmenglong was a little upset. He scolded: "old and immortal, Why drag? I'm so arrogant. I'm not so arrogant." he said according to his nature, "I'm sorry to be clumsy, but please tell the old man clearly."

"Haven't you seen the journey to the west? Guess who I am?" the old man smiled kindly, shook the dust and teased yunmenglong.

Yun Menglong was worried. His son was so miserable that he asked him to guess the riddle. Shit, my uncle and aunt can't bear it.

Yunmenglong grabbed the beard of the old man with white beard and said angrily, "it's none of my business who you fucking love. I haven't seen the journey to the west, but I've heard that there is a very annoying character on it, which is very similar to your virtue." a character image flashed through yunmenglong's brain. The old boy is a diplomat. He is not retired at an old age. He lobbies everywhere, "Da Sheng, it's official. You do it." the old man is too white Venus, "aren't you too white Venus?"

Taibai Venus belongs to the type of bullying soft and afraid of hard. Seeing that yunmenglong is so strong, he feels very strong power from yunmenglong, so he can only pretend to please his grandson and say with a smile: "the handsome guy is really good vision. Xiaoke is Taibai. I don't know who the handsome guy is?"

"The universe is super thunderbolt invincible. No one in the world can reach it. People see people, love cars and see cars. It's unique. Today, the first handsome man yunmenglong is me." yunmenglong arrogantly introduced himself. He might as well be in the eyes of immortals, not to mention the scum of Taibai immortals.

Taibai Jinxing can be the best diplomat mainly because he has two outstanding paparazzi, Qianli eye and Shunfeng ear, so he has a little knowledge of human affairs. Yunmeng dragon is also the hottest handsome man on earth. Taibai Jinxing likes to say: "It's more famous to meet. It turns out that you are the handsome Yun Menglong who crosses the black-and-white road and crosses the gambling world. It's really disrespectful."

If not, the old boy was so pleasant to listen to. Yunmenglong was flattered by the gods and was comfortable. He loosened Taibai Jinxing's beard and nodded: "so you know me, too. It seems that I'm very famous?"

Taibai Venus brushed the dust and handed it to her left hand, raised her right thumb and praised: "that's, handsome boy, you are very famous, which is better than the great sage of Qi Tian in those years. The Jade Emperor said he would invite you to tea when he was free. The seven fairies said they wanted to have a long talk with you. Even Chang'e said they wanted you to accompany her to enjoy the flowers and the moon in Guanghan palace..." Too white Venus talks and blows. The flattering Yunmeng dragon is dizzy and can hardly find the north.

Yunmenglong thought of the God of Taibai Venus. He knew that this Ya's words were at most one in ten thousand, so he remained unmoved on the surface and asked coolly, "less nonsense. What pill is that? It's so powerful?"

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