Supreme Satyr

Chapter 637

Although Taibai Venus is an immortal, it is also a man. It is a man. It is no stranger to the term brothel. He stared at yunmenglong and said with dignity: "Where are you in the fairyland? How can there be such a foul place? Immortals don't have such dirty needs. Immortals generally don't marry wives, because all evil is the first. The married immortals are in the fairyland. In addition to the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, Li Jing, King tota Li Tian, but Li Jing married when he was a man, and now his wife is gone, Therefore, the Jade Emperor is the only immortal with a wife in the fairy world. "

Yunmeng Dragon said to himself, "you don't have desire. If you have desire, you can't help it. The second is so small. It's like a bug. You can only shout for the □□ beauty you give you. However, it's hard to touch yourself if you have desire. After the stomach Fei is too white, Jinxing Yunmeng dragon thumbed up and said: "Lao Bai, you're right. All evils are led by adultery. You immortals and villains are led by a adultery God. That leader is the Jade Emperor. This is the best explanation for all evils. Ha ha."

Taibai Venus is both angry and funny. Although his explanation is unreasonable, it is also quite interesting. He sighed: "you are so bold. You dare to tease the Jade Emperor. You are really impatient."

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "wrong. I live very patiently, but now I'm dead. If I don't die, how can I have the opportunity to go to the fairy world with your brother."

They chatted and walked all the way. It seems to outsiders that they can only hear the voice of Taibai Venus, while yunmenglong's voice is directly conveyed to the heart of Taibai Venus, which others can't hear.

Therefore, in other people's eyes, the state of Taibai Venus is no different from a sick God walking out of a mental hospital. Ya talks to herself with a duster as if there were no one else. What is it?

Many fairies passing by lamented that the old boy was teased by the queen mother and the Jade Emperor.

Speaking of the couple of the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, it is really well known to all gods. Taibai Jinxing told yunmenglong that the two immortals rarely live together in circles and forks. The Jade Emperor suspected that the queen mother was a fat woman, and the queen mother was unhappy with the emperor's impotence and premature ejaculation. If the two gods who lived apart for a long time were not the watchers of the divine world, they would have divorced.

The queen mother likes the world, but she is vain and narrow-minded. The Jade Emperor is a wimp who is afraid of his wife. However, the backstage is very hard and old, so she has always been honored as the Jade Emperor. Ya is a real sex wolf. His motto is, I am the color, so I am the Jade Emperor. Who am I afraid of? In his opinion, it is not the nature of a man, but the nature of a man God!

Ya's reserved program when she went to court with civil and military officials every day was to invite a group of singing girls to dance in front of him in sexy gauze skirts. In fact, according to the analysis of yunmenglong, most of the immortals in the sky, especially the male immortals, are victims of sexual repression. In fact, they are all debauchery. Just because of their body status, they can only pretend to be upright gentlemen. They are dignified, pretend to be forced all day, and sometimes they don't The color is very normal. The Jade Emperor demoted him to be a pig. Finally, he protected brother Tang Seng from the west to learn scriptures and achieve the right results. However, brother Bajie's biggest wish is to return to Gao Laozhuang and fly with Miss Gao.

In fact, the reason why the immortals are not lecherous is also because they are powerless. According to the observation of yunmenglong with Taibai Venus, the little brothers of the immortals are very little brothers and have little development. Because once they develop, it means that they move the ordinary heart, and if they move the ordinary heart, they don't have to mix in the fairy world.

The fairyland is very beautiful and the environment is very good. Except that the clouds are not good, everything else is very good. The air is fresh, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the carved fences are made of jade, and the Qionglou Jade House is full of white attic buildings, which are so beautiful that they are not stained with dust.

Yunmenglong sighed: "the fairyland is worthy of being the fairyland. It's really different, but what are the rows of small white buildings? Won't they change colors?"

The question was too white for Venus to answer. He came to a white building and said, "here it is."

After entering, Taibai Jinxing's residence was very luxurious. White jade paved the floor and gold built the wall. Although yunmenglong had great wealth, he was stunned to see Taibai Jinxing's home. He murmured, "grandma has a hairy chest. Is there as much gold and jade in the fairy world as bricks in the world? Why do you have such a luxurious home as a nine grade sesame official?"

Taibai Venus closed the door, put down the dust and said, "you can come out. The gods don't like to visit. No one will see you. Also, I want to correct you."

Yun Menglong sat on the Marten's master's chair, shaking and asking, "what's wrong?"

"This is not my home, it's just a residence. Immortals don't have a home." Taibai Jinxing said at last, his eyes were unspeakably lonely, and his expression was sad as water. Yunmenglong suspected that he was wrong, but the last sentence was really sad.

Immortal, there is no home.

People only say how happy and carefree immortals are in the world. In fact, immortals are more sad and depressed than people. They can't have wives, children and families, unhappy emotions, and smile before and after people. They bury their loneliness and sadness in a place thousands of miles away from the bottom of their heart, and no one can dig it out.

What is home? Family has relatives, laughter, sadness, happiness and pain.

Immortals have no home. This sentence points out the sadness of immortals. There is a saying in the world that only mandarin ducks are envied but not immortals. When yunmenglong saw such a large building like a manor, there was no one except Taibai Venus. Is such a cold building called home?

Too white Venus beard, eyebrows and hair, all the hair on his body, including * *, none of them is black. Although he has white hair and young face, who knows the fatigue of his eyes? Immortals are as sad as zombies. They are not old, immortal and immortal. In fact, immortals are not as good as zombies. The pronoun of immortals is greatness, compassion and kindness. Zombies can go their own way, burn, kill and loot. Even if immortals have that heart, they don't have the courage.

There are also unruly immortals, but such immortals have a more accurate name: demon.

The distance between God and demon is not far, just a thought.

"Lao Bai, this is not home or used to be, but I Yunmeng dragon came and this is home!" Yunmeng dragon patted Taibai Venus on the shoulder and said soothingly.

Taibai Venus nodded. There were bright things flashing at the bottom of his eyes. He hasn't been moved for a long time. Should it be nearly ten thousand years?

Taibai Venus tried hard not to cry, but since he became an immortal, he didn't cry again. Years of depression finally broke out at this moment. The scholar died for a confidant. Taibai Venus finally found a confidant. Of course, there's no need to hide his emotions about a confidant.


Taibai Venus opened her mouth, threw herself on Yunmeng dragon and burst into tears.

Yunmenglong sighed in his heart. Hua Hua was right. Immortals are bullshit. It's not cool to be a fairy. I'm still handsome in my family.

I thought it would be over if Mr. Taibai Jinxing, the immortal brother, cried twice. Who knows, Ya cried like a burst of the Yellow River and a fountain of tears. No one can control it. Yunmenglong's clothes were wet by his tears.

"Darling, don't cry. Don't you still have me? I'm your married man. From today on, you have a home." Yun Menglong lovingly stroked the hair of Taibai Venus and said softly.


Too white Venus cried with a smoking throat and a dry sore throat. After a long time, he regained his look. Now he looks like an old dog many years old, pale and loose skin.

"Now that we are in heaven, let's listen to my plan to come to the fairy world." yunmenglong deliberately changed the topic.

"OK, all ears." Taibai Jinxing finally stopped crying. Yunmeng dragon is really not easy.

"According to the social survey, I found that the proportion of men and women in the fairyland is seriously unbalanced, and the immortals are sultry and often suppress themselves. There are human demons. No, they are 'God' demons. Look at Nezha's little broken child. What a pity. In view of this, I decided to open a brothel in the fairyland, which is called the fairyland Fengyue hall." yunmenglong proudly said his plan.

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