Supreme Satyr

Chapter 640

The gods despised one after another: when ya was the Jade Emperor, he knew to ask for help from the Tathagata Buddha. The Buddha was broad-minded and fat. He had to breathe heavily when he took two steps. He really didn't know how to be considerate.

Generally, the work of inviting people is done by the foreign minister, Taibai Jinxing. Despite her age, she is still very efficient and will come back in a few days.

"Taibai, what does the Tathagata say?" the Jade Emperor calmed down when he saw Taibai Venus coming back.

Taibai Venus bowed down and replied slowly: "back to the Jade Emperor, Taibai didn't see the Tathagata Buddha."

The Jade Emperor was slightly angry, his face sank and said, "too white, what do you mean? I asked you to invite the Tathagata Buddha. Why can't you even see people."

Taibai Venus saw that the Jade Emperor was angry and quickly explained, "the Jade Emperor calmed down. I only saw kayah. Kayah stopped me under the West bodhi tree. He said that the Buddha was closed."

The Jade Emperor didn't understand: "shut up? The Tathagata Buddha is invincible in the world, and his Dharma is the limit. Why shut up again?"

Taibai Jinxing said, "Taibai also asked Kaya. Kaya said that Buddha was studying the stock market in isolation."

The Jade Emperor suddenly realized: "the Buddha is really merciful. He knows that the world has paid all the people for the stock market, so more and more people are dying of bankruptcy. The stock market is changing rapidly and soul stirring. I hope the Buddha can find out the law of the stock market and return the investors to the blue sky." the Jade Emperor began to be melancholy again after saying the scene: "But if the Tathagata Buddha doesn't come, who can subdue the demon monkey?"

As soon as the Jade Emperor said this, there was silence in the temple. Usually, the fierce power of judging and commenting on the fairy dances was gone. Most immortals lowered their heads. They knew they were not the opponent of Sun Wukong and humiliated themselves when they went.

Taibai Jinxing clenched her fists and remembered that the alchemy furnace had been destroyed by him. He ate the painstakingly refined pill as a sugar bean and said, "Jade Emperor, I'm going to subdue the demon monkey. I'm going to fight with him alone."

The Jade Emperor looked at the bent body of Taibai Venus, sighed and said, "Sir, I know you resent what happened in those years, but the demon monkey has great powers. Why should you insult yourself?"

"I want to compete with him..."

The great old gentleman is very stubborn, but he is not an idiot. He fights with the monkey king alone? Joking, he finds a hundred great old gentlemen to pick the seven meat and eight vegetables that the monkey king has to be beaten. The second time he shouted, his voice was much lower and his confidence was not so strong.

"The Jade Emperor, in the view of Wei Chen, we should look at the situation first. Although the demon monkey comes out, if he wants to be good, why don't we give him a chance? If he goes to war rashly, he will have to lose his life. The Jade Emperor is kind. How can he have the same knowledge as a monkey? He may have been pressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain for 3000 years, and he has put away his stubborn heart?"

The role of Taibai Venus is generally used to activate the atmosphere of the scene. Now, hundreds of immortal officials on the temple are scared to death when they hear that yunmenglong comes out. They don't dare to put one. None of them wants to top the cylinder. Although more than 1500 years have passed, the shadow left by the monkey king in their hearts is too deep. Originally, they have already forgotten the monkey king. Who knows what he is today God was rescued again.

The scene was cold. The Jade Emperor naturally had no face. He raised a group of waste immortals. He usually watched songs and dances and boasted about flattering each other. When it came to the truth, he made a fucking shrinking turtle. Taibai Jinxing saw that the Jade Emperor couldn't hang on his face, so he brought him a high hat and set up a ladder to let him down.

The Jade Emperor coughed, pondered a little and said, "Taibai Jinxing is reasonable. We are gods. How can we see the demon in the same way? If he doesn't make trouble, we'll let him do it. What do the Qing family think?" the Jade Emperor looked around at the civil and military officials and waited for their approval.

The Jade Emperor is on his way down the slope, and all civil and military officials are old and sophisticated. What they are best at is observing their words and colors. If the Jade Emperor is so clear, who will sing the opposite tune?

"The jade emperor has a broad mind and is surrounded by ordinary people. Long live, long live!" all the officials knelt down and shouted in unison.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" the vanity of the Jade Emperor was satisfied.

"Qianliyan, can you see clearly the person who cast the spell on the monkey king?" the Jade Emperor began to point the spear at Yunmeng dragon. The monkey king couldn't afford to offend him. Can this minion always move? Where else would he put the majesty of the Jade Emperor?

"Well, I can see it clearly, but..." Qianli's eyes looked pale and hesitated.

"If you have anything to say," shouted the Jade Emperor, who was not angry and threatened himself, but also had the meaning of being in charge.

"He doesn't seem to be an immortal." Qianliyan's eyes are poisonous. In fact, he has been sleeping. He only woke up when he heard the chaos. He saw Yunmeng dragon at a glance. Across the clouds, sand and stones, Qianliyan didn't see the appearance of Yunmeng dragon very clearly. After Sun Wukong came out, he took Yunmeng dragon away. Qianliyan was afraid that Sun Wukong would blind him and didn't dare to see it again, but he was sure that the man was not an immortal.

"What? If it's not an immortal, how can it be in the fairyland? Is it a demon? That's outrageous. How can demons make trouble in the fairyland, tota King Li Jing!" shouted the Jade Emperor.


King Li came out in a crowd with a pagoda in his hand. The pagoda is rare and looks valuable.

"Give me a carpet search. The man who released the monkey king is wanted in the whole fairyland!" in this way, the jade emperor issued a wanted warrant in the fairyland, and yunmenglong, unfortunately, became a wanted criminal in the fairyland.


On the other hand, yunmenglong and Sun Wukong, who had no knowledge of it, were holding a ceremony of worship in the residence of Taibai Jinxing. On the white jade table, there were Xianguo, Xiantao and two pots of good wine. The aroma of Xianguo and Xiantao was pleasant. The taste of the wine was also rare in the world. Sun Wukong made these things.

Sun Wukong is very familiar with the facilities of the fairyland. When Bi Mawen was idle, he wandered around. Where there was good wine, where there was good meat, he knew it well. After two thousand years, there was almost no change in those places, and the buildings destroyed by Sun Wukong were already intact.

The ceremony was chosen by the two people by drawing lots. They chose the name of the one they caught. As a result, they caught Yunmeng dragon.

The worship ceremony of the monkey king is very traditional. Give yourself a knife, shed a few drops of blood, drop it into the wine, drink it up, then give incense, knock three heads, and make blood into an alliance.

Relatively speaking, yunmenglong's worship ceremony is a little updated.

Yunmenglong held the cross in his hand, and the other hand kept drawing a cross on his chest. While drawing, he murmured, "I, yunmenglong, am willing to become a brother of the opposite sex with Mr. Monkey King. In the future, I will always be a brother and brother in this life, regardless of prosperity or adversity, illness or hardship!"

The monkey king thought it was fun to learn from others. With a hairy hand drawing a cross, he shook his head and said, "I, the monkey king, am willing to become a brother of the opposite sex with Mr. yunmenglong. In the future, no matter good or bad times, illness or hard work, I will always be a brother in this life and this life. I have both blessings and difficulties!"

This ceremony is obviously copied from the church wedding. If there are more priests and one of the monkey king is a woman, it is happy marriage.

"Monkey, do it," said Yun Menglong.

"Brother long, do it," said the monkey king.

Each of them picked up a pot of wine and hit it hard. Most of the wine in it spilled out. Then they looked up and poured it down their throat. If people who know wine see that they drink so much and spoil good wine, they will be angry and smoke all over.

"Brother monkey, what are you going to do?" they drank up the wine in the pot and talked while eating fairy fruit and peach.

"I want to make trouble in heaven again and bring back all my things!" the monkey king thought, clenched his furry fist and said with certainty. In his eyes, there was a steady golden light.

"What?" yunmenglong killed him, but he didn't think that this was the first plan of the monkey king.

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