Supreme Satyr

Chapter 648

When yunmenglong looked back, a lady with a phoenix crown and gorgeous clothes stood not far away and looked at them coldly, especially at her eyes. It seemed that she owed her tens of thousands of liang of silver, and it was like killing her father and raping her daughter.

The Queen Mother's eyes are full of murderous power, like a magic sword out of its scabbard. Yunmenglong stared at the queen mother. To tell the truth, the queen mother is not young. Her eyebrows are not young. They are full of mature charm and lofty momentum. It is a kind of pride to look down on all things. This makes yunmenglong think of a woman. Wu Zetian, the first female emperor in history. The temperament of the queen mother is quite similar to Wu Zetian.

As for the appearance of the queen mother, yunmenglong admitted that she had been falsely told by hearsay. To tell the truth, she was not ugly. On the contrary, she was a beauty. Her Phoenix eyes were slender, her eyes twinkled, making people shiver. The bridge of her nose was high and straight, showing her self-confidence. There was a smile of contempt on her lips, which made her feel very proud and conceited.

This is completely different from the legendary queen mother. The legendary queen mother is fat and ugly, with a knife hidden in her smile, insidious and cruel. Er... It seems that the last insidious and cruel has not been verified, but yunmenglong can see that she is a smart and powerful woman. I'm afraid the old rogue of the Jade Emperor is not an opponent. No wonder the jade emperor has been squeezed for so many years.

Seeing the queen mother, yunmenglong also understood the reason why the Jade Emperor didn't like her. She was too strong. Few men liked such a woman, just like empress Lu or Liu Bang needed her and respected her when she fought in the world, but how could she like a woman stronger than herself?

Men don't like women who are too strong and too smart. It's a blessing for women to be stupid, but it's a disaster for men who play tricks on themselves.

The queen mother is willing to let the Jade Emperor pursue Chang'e, not because she is generous, but because she knows that the Jade Emperor can't succeed at all!

These thoughts flashed through my mind. Yunmenglong looked at the queen mother and said in a humble and arrogant way: "I've seen Yunmeng dragon. I've seen the queen mother. The queen mother is beautiful in the world. I've never seen a woman who can be so gorgeous and graceful at the age of the queen mother. People can't help but save the heart of worship and admiration. Yunmeng dragon worships unceasingly."

Good words are what people like to hear - God also likes to hear. What's more, the queen mother, who has always been very vain, although yunmenglong's words are thorny, her face is still a little Ji, and the frost on her face seems to melt a little, but her voice is still cold: "I don't think you are an immortal. How can you be in the immortal world, and how can you become a sworn brother of the monkey king."

Yun Menglong noticed that when the queen mother talked about the monkey king, her eyes showed infinite hatred. It was obvious that she was still angry about what the monkey king had done. If she couldn't deal with the queen mother, brother monkey might make a big fuss in heaven again.

Yun Menglong bowed and said, "go back to the queen mother. The villain came to the fairyland rashly because he admired the Jade Emperor and the empress. As for the monkey brother, he asked me to apologize to the empress for his behavior in those years. I hope the empress won't blame him. He's just a stubborn monkey. Empress, you're generous and don't have the same experience as a monkey?"

In her heart, the queen mother wanted to fight the monkey king to the end, but on the surface, she could only say the following: "Of course, we don't have the same experience as monkeys. It will only dirty our hands and damage our wisdom. Don't say that. How can you worship the monkey king? As far as I know, the monkey head is stubborn and unruly. He has been pressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain for thousands of years. Now I don't know who released him. I'm afraid the jade emperor has something to do. Who knows what you say about picking up girls? Hum , can't you let the monkey head out? "The queen mother suddenly looked at the cloud dream dragon in her eyes and saw the opportunity in her eyes.

Yunmenglong only felt a burst of murderous spirit coming to his face. He was funny. Hell, the queen mother was angry when she was free. No wonder it was so easy to menopause. However, he admired the Queen Mother's shrewdness. Yunmenglong looked at the Jade Emperor. He saw a trace of relief in the jade Emperor's eyes. It was thanks to the queen mother waiting for the Jade Emperor to have sex with three chicks. If If you are caught, it will be a big one. The queen mother still doesn't turn over the fairy world.

"The queen mother is really wise and wise. It is yunmenglong who released the monkey king, and the reason why the monkey king and I became brothers is that we cherish each other. Just like me and the Jade Emperor, if the Jade Emperor were not the supreme of the three worlds, I would have been brothers with the Jade Emperor." Yunmeng Longsi had no fear at all. His blue eyes were clear and deep, and the anger in the Queen Mother's heart was gradually extinguished

"It's true, yunmenglong. It doesn't matter what I am. Let's make friends. I like you. You're interesting." the Jade Emperor immediately shouted excitedly after hearing yunmenglong's words. He dazzled the three girls in the world.

"Jade Emperor, please respect yourself. Don't forget your identity. It's not proper for you to make friends with a mortal and a ghost." The Empress Dowager glared at the Jade Emperor. There was no respect in her tone, only blame and warning. The Jade Emperor quickly kept silent and kept silent, just like Empress Dowager Cixi. The Jade Emperor is the poor Daoguang emperor. No, it should be Li Zhi and Empress Dowager Wu Zetian.

Seeing that the grandson of the jade emperor made a shrinking turtle, the queen mother turned her head to Yunmeng Dragon: "the monkey king made a big fuss in the heavenly palace, which made the chickens and dogs in the three realms restless. Pressing him down the mountain was just a small punishment. Why did you let him out? Aren't you afraid that he would turn the world upside down again and harm all living beings in the three realms?" the queen mother frowned slightly and questioned Yunmeng dragon.

Yun Menglong offered his seat to the queen mother. He shook his head and said: "I know that the queen mother is merciful, but you are too worried. Monkey king was just impulsive and ended up in a difficult situation. He has been pressed for so long, and it is enough to punish him. Now I let him out and agreed in advance to live in peace and not disturb the heaven. He asked the queen mother to be an honest God as long as she promised a few conditions Immortal. The so-called prodigal son doesn't change his gold when he turns back. What's more, yunmenglong is not a prodigal son. The queen mother is merciful. How can she not give him a chance? "

The queen mother knew that the monkey king had come out and it was too difficult to catch him back. The price to pay was unimaginable. The Buddha Buddha had no time to deal with this matter. For the sake of peace, she had to agree to his request. She thought that the queen mother asked Yunmeng and said, "what do you want from the monkey head?"

Yunmenglong can't directly copy what he said to the Jade Emperor. For the Jade Emperor, the flat peach garden is an insignificant tree garden. For the queen mother, it means a lot. It is equivalent to her summer resort. She is proud of her capital. When it comes to the queen mother, people first think of the flat peach. It can be seen that the queen mother is the image of the flat peach Speaking for God, yunmenglong's asking for a flat peach garden is tantamount to robbing the Queen Mother's job and wasting her efforts. The queen mother hates him in every way. How can she promise?

"Empress, I won't say the conditions of the monkey king first. Can I ask you a few questions first?" yunmenglong thought and said.

In fact, the queen mother has no prejudice against yunmenglong, a handsome young man. She is just unhappy that he is the sworn brother of the monkey king. Yunmenglong is neither humble nor arrogant. She always speaks slowly and politely, which makes her very comfortable. How could she not agree to yunmenglong's requirements?

"What's the problem?"

"Do you think the monkey king will make trouble in heaven again and his mother's flat peach garden can be spared? According to the monkey king's love for his subordinates and children, one thing he will definitely do is to pick the peaches in the flat peach garden and even destroy the flat peach tree. Should the flat peaches be almost the same after thousands of years of growth? The millennial flat peach meeting of the queen mother should also be on the agenda, If it is destroyed by the monkey king, will the empress be very sorry and reluctant to give up? "Yun Menglong looked into the eyes of the queen mother and asked very sincerely.

"Of course, I'm sorry. I won't let the monkey king destroy my flat peach garden. Even if I fight my life, I won't give up." the Queen Mother clenched her fist, but her heart felt powerless. The harsh laughter of the monkey king rang in her ears, making her some crazy impulse.

"The Queen Mother's body of ten thousand gold, how can she be as knowledgeable as a monkey? If there is any mistake, I'm afraid the Jade Emperor will be sad for a long time." Yunmeng longleng pasted gold on the Queen Mother's face.

The Jade Emperor said, "how can I be sad for a long time? I will be happy for a long time." but his face is full of pious concern. He echoed yunmenglong's way: "queen mother, don't be impulsive and don't take risks easily."


The queen mother was silent.

"The second question, what would you do if someone split you up with the Jade Emperor?" yunmenglong continued.

"Who dares to do that?" the Queen Mother hummed in a cold voice.

"Of course, no one dares to do so. I mean, what would you do if someone did? This is just a hypothesis, but its significance is very great. I hope the empress must answer positively." Yunmeng long Zhenger's eight classics, with a serious face, seems to be doing some scientific research.

"Well, if someone insists on separating us, I'll work hard with him!" the queen mother said this, and the Jade Emperor was startled. Whether true or false, this is very touching.

"Why do you have to, Queen Mother? Do you love me so much?" the Jade Emperor was flattered.

The queen mother said in her heart, "love a fart. How can I be the queen mother of the world if I don't follow you?" she said softly: "of course, the Jade Emperor is always so handsome and great in my eyes."


The Jade Emperor and yunmenglong fought a cold war at the same time, and goose bumps fell out.

"In that case, I can say that Sun Wukong's condition is to have flat peach garden and Zixia. Can the queen mother agree?"

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