Supreme Satyr

Chapter 656

Yunmenglong's control of speed is still not in place. Especially after arriving at the fairy world, he has always overestimated immortals. He thinks that immortals are the kind of cow force and glitter. If he says no, there is no existence.

Yunmenglong holds a golden cudgel and two white clouds in his arms. With a whoosh, he comes to a border where a group of horses are running and running happily. Those horses are divine horses. Any horse pulled to the ground is a thousand mile foal, which can be comparable to BMW, fuel-saving and environmental protection. Yunmenglong really wants to pull them all down and sell them.

He glanced at the horses without three eyes. It seems that the monkey king and Erlang God have not become horses. These horses should be the royal horses raised by brother monkey in those years?

Unable to find two people, yunmenglong thought about it. He guessed that he had run past and flew back. He saw two pandas fighting.

One is not as flexible as a panda. Its round body jumps up and down, and its furry fist always greets the other panda's face.

The panda is a little better. It is originally a black eye. It can't see any change with one punch.

Another panda has three eyes. The third eye stands on his forehead and is surrounded by black hair and dark circles.

Yunmenglong couldn't help laughing. These two pandas are too cute. At first glance, they are the monkey king and Erlang God.

Erlang God evaded the attack of the monkey king, rolled 18 on the spot, and then got up. Mao's hand posed and shook aside to become a polar bear. When the monkey king saw that Erlang God changed, Ya changed and became a shaky Antarctic penguin.

Yunmeng dragon is very interested. It's a strange story that two creatures in the South and north can fight each other. However, Yunmeng dragon is worried about the monkey king. The penguin chassis is too unstable. It swings back and forth like a pendulum. It's really cute.

"Don't fight, you two, and meet my little brother's wish." yunmenglong said with a move in his heart.

The monkey king penguin looked up and said, "what wish?"

"How about the three of us taking a photo together?" Yunmeng long proposed excitedly. Hehe, taking photos with Antarctic penguins and polar bears is not PS. it's so handsome. It's exciting to think about it. After resurrection, you can also explain to dai'er and Qiqi. Alas, I don't know how they are.

"What's a group photo? I think you want to partner with Monkey Sun. It's a pity that you look so handsome and collude with monkey." the three eyed polar bear, oh, no, it's Erlang God talking.

"Your alertness is very high, three eyed boy. You really don't know me, Monkey King. When do I have yin? I fight with my strength and never use Yin moves. You think I'm the Buddha of the Tathagata?" Mr. Monkey King, the Antarctic penguin, remembered that he had been pressed by the Buddha of the Tathagata for thousands of years.

"Erlang God, when were you so timid? I'm such a human with incomplete soul. What are you afraid of me? I didn't expect that Erlang Zhenjun, the God of war in the fairy world, would be afraid of me. Ha ha, I'm really laughing to death." yunmenglong deliberately ridiculed Erlang God to annoy him.

Erlang God is arrogant. He has always looked down on others. Now yunmenglong despises him. How can he stand it? The three eyed polar bear is stuck on the ground and the fairy world trembles three times!

"Just take a group photo. I'm really afraid you won't succeed. One wild animal and one disabled. Come on." Erlang God was really inspired by Yun Menglong.

Yunmenglong smiled and pulled the two sworn enemies together. He stood between the penguin and the polar bear. He put his left arm around the Antarctic penguin and his right arm around the polar bear. Then he controlled the mobile phone with Qi and stayed in mid air to switch to the shooting mode.

Monkey King and Erlang God have never seen this thing. They don't know what magic weapon it is. Erlang God is nervous and on high alert.

"Relax, relax, let's talk about eggplant!" Yun Menglong patted Erlang on the shoulder.

"What kind of eggplant? I hate eggplant most. I like peaches. Can I say peaches?" Sun Wukong was very upset when he thought of the dark appearance of eggplant.

"I don't like eggplant either." Erlang God didn't expect to have the same place as monkey king.

"Forget it, forget the eggplant, let's look ahead..." yunmenglong and the two brothers really had a hard time communicating.

Penguin and Polar Bear looked straight at the camera, Yunmeng dragon fired, pressed the shutter, "click!" and took a group photo of one person, one penguin and one polar bear.

Erlang God's body was excited and startled. He hurriedly pushed away Yunmeng dragon and rolled back flexibly for more than 20 somersaults.

"Cut, look how timid you are." yunmenglong mocked Erlang God, and then showed the taken photos to Sun Wukong: "look, brother monkey, the effect is good?"

The penguin monkey king stretched out his neck and looked at it. Wow, he shouted, "it's amazing. I'm so handsome, ha ha ha."

How do you feel when you see a penguin holding his waist and laughing? Anyway, yunmenglong thinks the world is crazy.

Yunmenglong took out the nude photos taken for Taibai Venus to show the monkey king. Sun penguin was surprised and said, "ah, this is not Taibai Venus. Why is he naked? Hahaha, look at his expression. It's like a dead father. I'm laughing to death."

Then yunmenglong showed the photos of his wives on his mobile phone to Sun Wukong: "brother monkey, look, this is your eldest sister-in-law. Her name is Xiaohui. I miss her very much."

"Wow, sister-in-law is so beautiful." the penguin exclaimed.

"This is your second younger brother and sister Su Qingyao. She is the reincarnation of a pink confidant in the Song Dynasty. I love her very much." yunmenglong turned to Su Qingyao's beautiful jade photo and showed it to the monkey king.

"Wow, how holy!" the penguin uttered a second exclamation.

"This is..."


Yunmenglong flipped photos one by one. The monkey king, who became a penguin, was always wow. He was very depressed when he saw the Erlang God polar bear. He was very curious to see what they were looking at.

Taibai Jinxing, after looking for a long time, finally found three people. He was stunned when he saw the scene. Yunmeng dragon and a penguin were pointing with a mobile phone, and a three eyed polar bear was next to him as a watchman.

"Brother monkey, will you become a dinosaur? Let's take another picture." yunmenglong met the 72 changed Monkey King and asked for a heavenly horse.

Sun Wukong also thought it was fun to take pictures, so he nodded: "OK."

When yunmenglong saw Taibai Venus, he said, "Lao Bai, you came just in time. Come on, put down Xiaotian dog first and take pictures for us."

The dinosaur hurriedly said, "put the Xiaotian dog on my back. Menglong, you take pictures with the Xiaotian dog in your arms. Don't let the three eyed boy take the Xiaotian dog away."

The polar bear was so angry that he wanted to tear down the giant. Yunmenglong wanted to give Erlang God a chance to save Xiaotian dog. Otherwise, with his character, he might roast Xiaotian dog.

Yunmenglong taught Taibai Jinxing how to take pictures with a mobile phone, and then jumped onto the monkey king's back with a roaring dog.

"Will you become a phoenix? I want to take a photo with Phoenix." Yun Menglong is addicted to taking photos.


"You become a dragon. I want to take pictures with the dragon."

"You become ginseng fruit..."

"You become a unicorn..."


Yunmenglong's request, monkey king agreed. Anyway, he also likes to play, but in these photos, except for two people, there is a big black dog as a prop.

"Erlang God, do you want to take a group photo together? Look at our photos first." yunmenglong said to Erlang God.

Erlang God is depressed as a watchman. It seems to be fun. The three eyed polar bear thinks about it. Diandianer strolls over. Yunmenglong turns the picture for him with his left hand. Erlang God is stunned and yells magic.

Yunmenglong took out the golden cudgel with his right hand, quietly shone on the polar bear's head and hit it with a stick.


With a scream, Erlang God fainted.

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