Supreme Satyr

Chapter 665

Slightly cool lips, light sweetness, soft loneliness, continuous sadness, and the gentle kiss of yunmenglong want to smooth all the lonely sadness of Chang'e.

Chang'e's delicate body was shocked, yunmenglong's lips were rich and hot, and the man's breath came to her face, just like a towering mountain. Chang'e was close to yunmenglong's arms, and she was incomparably safe. For tens of thousands of years, the wandering soul had a port to rely on for the first time, and that warmth was enough to never forget.

The moment of a kiss, has been a thousand sails, immortal for thousands of years!

A Crystal Teardrop slid down Chang'e's jade cheek and soaked her thick eyelashes. The butterfly's wings were wet and lost the ability to fly. I put my wings away and leaned quietly in your arms.

Birds without feet keep flying, and I can finally park.

Seeing Chang'e's tears, Yun Menglong was a little flustered: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, i... I didn't mean to. You're so beautiful that I can't control myself..."

Chang'e shook her head slightly, smiled with infinite sadness and tears gushed out. She stretched out her hand and touched the angular side face of Yunmeng dragon, saying softly: "I'm not sad, I'm too happy. My little lover, Chang'e will always remember this kiss. This kiss gave me the courage to face loneliness alone. Even after 10000 years, I won't be lonely. Thank you, little lover. I'll ask someone to give you Ning Xiangyu Lu later. Goodbye. When you miss me, look up at the moon. I've been in Guanghan palace , gazing at you, watching your happy life, goodbye. "Chang'e said and flew away.

Yunmenglong reached out and caught only a wisp of residual incense. He was stunned and looked at the snow-white shadow floating away. The sadness in his heart spread like water, boundless and traceless.

There is still a faint and enchanting lip fragrance on her lips, but she has gone. What can I do about it? She is Chang'e, the fairy in the Moon Palace and the Guanghan palace. She is imprisoned in it and can't escape. That is her cage, and she is just a bird in the cage. No matter how big the cage is, she can't be free.

Can yunmenglong take her away? I'm afraid it's unreasonable. How can such a fairy who doesn't eat human fireworks integrate into his three palaces and six courtyards is really a problem.

But yunmenglong can't bear to give up. He's not afraid. For him, the world can't compare with his relatives. His beauty. As long as Chang'e is willing, he is an enemy of the heaven and earth Tathagata, the fairy world and the divine world. He doesn't regret at all! He is the kind of person who has no hands on the beauty of the world, but he is still a man and will bear his responsibilities! He knows that Chang'e is for his good, but he doesn't want to Brought him too many disasters, but

The Iraqi has long gone away, and the night is colder. Yunmeng dragon, the great saint of the whole sky, feels bursts of cold wind coming through the hall. In his chest, the cold wind is like a knife, and his heart hurts. If... Yunmeng dragon moves in his heart.

With a long sigh, the Milky way became dim and the magpie bridge dispersed. The Yunmeng dragon could only be the Yunmeng dragon, not the cowherd. Chang'e was only Chang'e, not the weaver girl, so the play was destined to come to an abrupt end.

Yunmenglong returned to Taibai Jinxing mansion, lay down with clothes and looked at the roof until dawn. Everything happened like a dream, but yunmenglong knew that it was all true, because he would never forget the kiss. Although he got the condensed fragrance jade dew so easily, yunmenglong had no imagined joy. Chang'e was just a weak woman who needed care.

The next day, the monkey king pulled the Yunmeng dragon aside and said in a mysterious low voice, "what did you do last night?"

Yunmenglong was stunned and said casually, "what didn't you do? I had a nightmare and couldn't sleep. I went out for a walk."

Sun Wukong's eyes were full of laughter: "then?"

Yun Menglong saw a cunning smile from the monkey king's eyes. He felt a little drumming in his heart and said, "did brother monkey see it? It's impossible. My spirit is so powerful that even brother monkey may not be able to hide?"

"Then, then I came back. What's the matter, brother monkey?" Yunmenglong doesn't cry when he doesn't see the coffin. Anyway, he can't move obediently. How can it be done if it comes out? Kiss Chang'e, shit, it's definitely the front page of the Xianjie daily. It must spread all over the Xianjie in a short time. Yunmenglong is a rogue and the boss. He's not afraid to travel all over the world, but Chang'e's reputation is bad.

"Hey, you're dishonest. You're dating Chang'e and pretending to be me." Monkey King scratched his ears and cheeks and smiled.

Yunmenglong was startled and looked around. He didn't see too white Venus. He was relieved. He lowered his voice and said, "brother monkey, don't tell me about it, otherwise I'll die."

The monkey king threw his mouth and said, "what are you afraid of? You're the sage of heaven now. Besides, there's me? Who dares to blame you for this? I'm sure he'll look good. If you like him, just let the Jade Emperor betroth Chang'e to you?" the monkey King's last idea was not very good.

Yunmeng long sweated a little and said with a bitter smile: "Brother, my own brother, I'm not completely psyched now. What's the marriage? Are you shy about getting married alone? How can you ask the Jade Emperor to promise to marry Chang'e to me? He has chased Chang'e for tens of thousands of years. If you know that Chang'e has been done by me all night, you won't be crazy. Don't create complications. You can marry Zixia fairy Brother is already very happy. "

The monkey king was told by yunmenglong that it was the central thing. Mao's face turned red. Thanks to Mao duo's inability to see inside, he laughed and said: "Joke, a woman, when was my monkey king afraid? It's easy to say about your soul. Go to find Nezha later and ask his master Taiyi immortal to get you a body first, and then propose marriage to the Jade Emperor. If you really don't want to, when you go down to earth, take her secretly, fly away and elope."

Yunmenglong's heart moved. What he thought was just this. He leaned close to the monkey king's ear, suppressed his excitement, and asked the monkey king, "is there any way for monkey brother to steal a beam and change a column? Li daitaojiang? I won't turn the sky when I take Chang'e fairy world away, unless I find a substitute."

Monkey King smiled: "no problem..."

The two discussed the solution of the whole thing. Finally, yunmenglong was cheerful and smiled happily.

Taibai Jinxing came to announce their audience. Seeing that they were very happy, he wanted to share their joy with them and said, "I don't know what's happy about the two saints? Why are they so happy."

The cloud dream dragon and the monkey king looked at each other and smiled. The cloud dream dragon said, "Xiaotian dog has a son. See if the jade emperor wants to see us."

Taibai Venus nodded and flattered, "the great sage is really smart."

The cloud dream dragon had a big tail and the wolf smiled, "that's it." then he handed the monkey king a look in his eyes and said, "flash."

Monkey King nodded, and they quickly disappeared outside Taibai mansion.

Taibai Jinxing murmured to himself, "Xiaotian dog has a son? No, Xiaotian dog is a male dog. How can he have a son? Hey, Yunmeng Dragon..." looking up again, there are no shadows of Yunmeng dragon and monkey king. Taibai Jinxing stamped his foot and hurried to Lingxiao Baodian.

Seeing the Jade Emperor, yunmenglong observed it carefully. He saw that the Jade Emperor was red and had spring in his eyes. He couldn't help laughing. He praised the Jade Emperor with meaning: "the Jade Emperor is dazzling today. It seems that something happy happened yesterday?"

The Jade Emperor said with a smile, "the cloud saint is as bright as a torch. In fact, he is not only happy yesterday, but also very happy this morning."

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "the Jade Emperor's golden body should not be overworked. Rest is also very important."

The Jade Emperor nodded and said, "the cloud saint has a heart. I must care."

The conversation between the two people sounded confused, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

"Hey, jade emperor, Lao sun didn't come here to listen to your nonsense. What's the matter? Talk quickly!"

The queen mother smiled kindly and said, "Monkey King, I brought a man. Guess who it is?"

The monkey king's heart "clattered" and he had guessed that nine times out of ten, yunmenglong was not an idiot. He knew what was going on when he saw the monkey king's slightly excited expression.

Sun Wukong pressed his heart and was excited. He tried his best to keep calm and said coldly, "Lao sun hates beating around the bush. Just tell me who the queen mother is."

The Queen Mother clapped her hands and said in a loud voice, "Xuan Zixia enters the hall!"

Yunmenglong hurriedly turned back and looked forward to seeing her sister-in-law in the future. Zhu Yin, the actor of Zixia, was very beautiful and sexy in the big talk journey to the West. That Zixia was the eternal in yunmenglong's heart. I hope this fairy Zixia has a better temperament than Zixia in the big talk journey to the West.

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