Supreme Satyr

Chapter 708

"Yunmenglong, you haven't died yet. You're still so shameless that you haven't seen it for ten years." Lan hengyuhuan, who is gorgeous and several times more beautiful than brother Bai in the lotus hegemony, lined up and looked at yunmenglong with a national and city-wide smile.

Yun Menglong smiled: "I'm not dead. How can I die if I don't kill you? Besides, I've been blacklisted by the old boy of the king of hell in the hell, and he didn't dare to accept me." he looked up and down. LAN hengyuhuan finally stopped at his chest. He couldn't see any inflation. He smiled maliciously: "I said, sister LAN Hengda, you haven't done your surgery well. Why is there no movement where you should drum? Isn't it clean? No, you're becoming more and more feminine now. Really, brother, I'm a little excited when I see it."

LAN hengyuhuan's achievements over the past ten years are not just a hidden dragon college and a magic robbery gang. Many mysterious organizations and forces have been controlled by him, such as Yamaguchi group and sea cat society in Japan. They are cruel characters who eat people and don't spit bones. In addition, his own cultivation has also increased to an unimaginable level. The magic emperor has a crush on his ruthlessness and forbearance and what most people like about magic robbery The wisdom he didn't have has branded him with the mark of magic robbery. He not only developed all his potential, but also lost one ten thousandth of his strength to him.

One ten thousandth of the power of the magic emperor is enough to resist the four evil spirits! This shows how terrible the magic emperor is. Although he sees that Yunmeng dragon is not the dissolute hooligan in the past, he is not afraid at all. He is a little depressed in his heart. He thought that seeing him again could give him a big surprise and return all the dark losses he ate in the past to Yunmeng dragon. Now look, it's estimated that there are A little mysterious.

"Oh, long Shao, look at what you said. I'm really happy. Otherwise, I'll marry you. If our magic robbery gang fights with your dragon and tiger gate, it's very difficult to clean up. If you accidentally destroy your dragon and tiger gate, you'll be very sad. If you're sad, I'll be sad. Do you know that I've been praying for you for the past ten years, and many people say you Dead, but I just don't believe it. I always believe you won't die so easily. Now it seems that it is. Thank the magic emperor. "Finally, the guy closed his eyes and bent down very piously, with his hands drawing complex symbols on his chest.

"Forget it, brother. I've got a lot of wives and concubines. I'm really lack of interest in your half human demon who hasn't done a thorough operation. Well, I haven't fought for many years, and my bones are rusty. Come on, Lanheng girl, practice with my brother to ensure that you die without a burial place." Ling Tianfei stretched his body and twisted it like a yoga master in the western regions.

"Long Shao should be merciful. If the slave family is only one person on the huangquan Road, I will be very afraid. I will take long Shao to huangquan together, which makes us feel deep." Lan hengyuhuan looked like a frown, a mouth like Zhang Feizhang, and a sad little daughter-in-law.

Yunmenglong laughed twice and said, "shallow feeling, playful, deep feeling, boring fist!" after saying that, his body turned into a residual shadow, and his right fist flew like a Scud missile into LAN hengyuhuan's face. The speed has reached the point of terror.

The "Chi Chi" sound of tearing the air makes people tremble, and the blue light of rubbing the air makes people stunned.

This punch was rude and without warning. It was a simple straight hook, but it was too fast for people to blink.

Yunmenglong didn't do his best in this punch. He only used five points of strength and speed. He was afraid that he would beat LAN hengyuhuan to death face to face. It wouldn't be fun. The purpose of this punch was just to test. It would be better if he could accidentally get some other gains, such as leaving a deep punch mark on this beautiful and jealous little white face.

Yunmenglong's speed has exceeded the reaction speed of human beings. Those who refuse to accept yunmenglong and think it's just people's exaggeration have no time to respond to what's going on. Yunmenglong's fist was issued without warning. No one can see his intention to make this fist, because he was still bickering. The pause of bickering was a little abrupt, but this fist didn't There is a slight abrupt feeling.

It doesn't mean that LAN hengyuhuan can't react. Of course, he was shocked by yunmenglong's strength.

LAN hengyuhuan retreated and moved to the side. He was already tens of meters away. His body method was also strange to the extreme, just like the erratic wind. The wind had no chance to stay still, because yunmenglong's fist was like a Scud missile and followed closely.

LAN hengyuhuan didn't just dodge. He just gave himself a buffer period. It didn't take too long, just one second. But yunmenglong was very stingy and didn't give him this second at all. His fist was stubborn and fast, and LAN hengyuhuan, who was powerful, didn't dare to take it hard.

It's only a moment for a master to win or lose. Yunmenglong took the lead and began to ignore people.

LAN hengyuhuan has no breathing space and can only retreat again. After retreating several times, it is clear that the body method is so wonderful that everyone is shocked. Even the old immortal Wei Ya is overwhelmed. Yunmenglong can approach without stagnation and give a blow without hesitation. It can be seen that the level of yunmenglong has far exceeded Wei Ya.

While Wei Ya was happy, he also had some old horse's feelings. The apprentice finally made progress. He grew up and is now strong enough to support the world, the world and even the universe

The gratitude and resentment of a thousand years ago have become insignificant in the circulation of this thousand years. Now Wei Ya just hopes to stop him before the magic robbery destroys the universe.

Now, the strength of Yunmeng dragon has added some weight to Wei Ya's heart. The apprentice is optimistic, extremely smart, and has a rainbow all the way. If he is lucky, he will explode. I hope he can be the man against the sky.

Yunmenglong beat LAN hengyuhuan without fighting back. He just kept running away. This phenomenon can only be said to be a phenomenon. The result is unknown, so it is not easy to draw a conclusion. However, at present, the morale of the brothers of the dragon and tiger clan has greatly increased. On the other hand, there are some shadows in the hearts of the people of the magic robbery gang. The legend came back again. His strength was beyond their imagination. Even if they practiced for another 10000 years, they could not have one tenth of him. This cognition made them frustrated.

With each passing day, the balance of the battle began to tilt, no longer in the initial glued state. Those who are not afraid of death are not without weaknesses. As long as they wear their temples, they will never rise again.

The wind, thunder and tiger elixir fields are abundant, and roared: "brothers, the boss is back. Kill all these turtles and grandchildren and report the accumulated hatred in the past ten years. Now it's time to test your cultivation achievements in the past ten years. Grind a sword in the past ten years and let your sword fly. Scratch it on the heads of the demons of the magic robbery gang and let your blood burn!"

"Kill!" the crowd was excited, and their fighting spirit climbed to a new high.

While chasing LAN hengyuhuan, Yun Menglong secretly appreciated the tiger's words: "shit, the tiger didn't mix with me in vain. The speech was so provocative. I'm almost boiling with animal blood. Bah, it should be boiling with divine blood. I'm a God now. Roar, ha ha."

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