Supreme Satyr

Chapter 714

Yunmenglong, who took the missile, took the time to visit his old friend in Las Vegas and revisited his hometown. He didn't appear as he was, because Ya didn't want to cause traffic jams and too much repercussions. In addition, he didn't know whether the name yunmenglong still had the power in Las Vegas ten years later.

In Las Vegas, yunmenglong has many old friends, but the most solid relationship with him is naturally Zhou Yihong, who became the God of gambling with him in those years, and a descendant of the Steven family. Now, he has become the patriarch of Stephen's family and stands out among several heirs. The reason for such achievements is entirely due to the help of Yun Menglong. Originally, he was not interested in family business, but after yunmenglong went to the fairyland, he began to feel depressed and resented the loss of a confidant. Many people suspect that he and yunmenglong have broken arms. But I dare not say it to offend him.

Zhou Yihong cultivates himself, marries a wife, has children and becomes a family leader. Now, the business of Steven's family is more prosperous and prosperous. In addition, he has two sons and a daughter.

Zhou Yihong was very happy to know that Yunmeng dragon was coming. He held Yunmeng dragon's shoulder in his arms. The tiger's eyes turned red, bit his lips and remained silent for a moment before he said, "you're finally back, brother. I thought you were dead."

Zhou Yihong today is no longer the handsome young man who was handsome in those days. Ten years have not left many traces of years on his face, but his whole temperament has calmed down a lot. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is still a little old. The reference here is the immortal goblin Yunmeng dragon.

Yunmenglong is also very excited. The brotherhood between the two is strong. It's huge porcelain. It's sour to see that Xiao Zhouzi's style is not as good as that of that year. He smiled: "I was going to die, but I didn't want you, so I came back."

"Smelly boy, what are you talking about? How do you maintain yourself? Why are you so young? Look at me, you are old." Zhou Yihong is also quite surprised at the appearance of Yunmeng dragon. It is not necessarily the same as ten years ago, but more detached.

Yunmenglong said with a smile, "if you want to have a good skin, use Dabao sooner or later." of course, this is bullshit. If Dabao had this effect, it would not be a $651 bottle, but 650000!

Bullshit drinking, time trance back to ten years ago, that arrogant laugh together, go to school together and pick up girls together.

Before leaving, yunmenglong asked Zhou Yihong, "do you want to change back to Zhou Yihong ten years ago, or do you want to be like this forever?"

These two multiple-choice questions are not difficult to choose, but some are incredible. Zhou Yihong knew that yunmenglong was not an ordinary person. He said such words. Although Zhou Yihong was very rational, he said: "forget it, immortality is a matter for you gods and men. I am an ordinary person and don't want to see my relatives die one by one, but I am always so young like an old goblin. It's not a blessing, but pain."

Yunmenglong felt the same way, patted Zhou Yihong on the shoulder, sighed and said, "Xiao Zhouzi, you are mature."



Back in Yunhai City, yunmenglong is delighted to find that Lin wanruo and Jin Bingying are back. The two men stood in front of yunmenglong and spoke thousands of words to each other. I don't know where to start. Lin wanruo, who has always been indifferent, has crystal clear liquid in her eyes, and Jin Bingying has not maintained her consistent image of a fairy.

Unlike Zhou Yihong, time has left no trace on their faces and bodies. They are as young and beautiful as ever, with outstanding temperament.

Among the many beauties, yunmenglong used to love the blind fairy who fought with him on the snow mountain. Now, yunmenglong can treat these beauties equally.

"Wan Ruo, where have you been these years?" cloud dream dragon asked Lin Wan Ruo.

"It doesn't matter where I went. The important thing is that from today on, I will stay with you and never leave." Lin Wan smiled faintly, the pear vortex appeared, but there was a touch of sadness in the bottom of his eyes.

"Do you calculate anything?" yunmenglong's eyes are sharp and can almost break through time and space, not to mention a woman's eyes.

Lin Wan lowered his eyes slightly, covered his inner emotions with long and thick eyelashes, and said calmly: "no, fate is in your own hands, and Menglong, you have become a Buddha and jump out of the five elements, which can not be controlled by fate at all."

Yunmeng dragon's body has Buddha nature. It has been edified by Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva Puxian Bodhisattva and Arhats. For him, life and death is nothing more than a reincarnation. The big deal is that he doesn't reincarnate like the Tibetan king Bodhisattva. So what?

Yunmenglong put his hands together and said, "what nun said is very true. I have been taught."

"Annoying." Lin Wan flew up into the red clouds with a pretty face and whispered.

Then, yunmenglong turned to the beautiful shadow that had always appeared, repeatedly appeared and kept appearing in the dream, the face that could not be forgotten in previous life and this life and was deeply concerned about.

"Yinger, you're back at last." yunmenglong took a deep breath, grabbed Jin Bingying's small white hand and said affectionately.

Jin Bingying blinked her beautiful eyes. Under the light wind and clouds, there was a rough and deep feeling. Ten years of Acacia, once gushed, its power can destroy mountains and mountains. But the fairy was reserved and not good at expression. Ren yunmenglong held her hand and her voice was very indifferent: "After ten years of wind and rain, I have traveled all over the mountains and all over the world. I want to understand that what Bing Ying really wants in her heart is not the realm of breaking the void, but a man's smile and hug. That man is you, Menglong. I come back to tell you that no matter what happens, I will be with you."

What kind of affection is hidden in such indifferent words? Who knows except Yunmeng dragon?

Yunmenglong didn't need to say much, either. He just hugged the fairy willing to break his wings and accompany him, and expressed his love and thoughts in body language.



Driving the evil robbers out of Yunhai city is a great achievement of longhumen. The citizens of Yunhai city praise longhumen. This is a gang that few people like and love to praise the underworld. The leader of this guild is no one else, but yunmenglong.

The next day, yunmenglong held a black dog banquet at longhumen to entertain all his brothers, friends and women. Of course, there were also celebrities, officials and mayor Tan Yaoxi of Yunhai City, father-in-law and good brother Dr. Dai Ming, and another father-in-law and father Ling aopeng.

Yunmenglong's skill in roasting big black dog is unparalleled in the world. Hua'er Wei Ya is ashamed of himself. Ya's attainments in roasting dog meat are really perfect and unparalleled. With this skill, Ya has solved the army, the underworld, the gods and the monsters. It has to be said that a large part of Ya's achievements today are due to the big black dog meat.

There are also two special guests who come to longhumen to eat the black dog banquet, one is the peerless beauty Yun Miaomiao, and the other is the handsome little guy who is messy but has clean and simple eyes.

When he saw yunmenglong, it was a heartfelt joy: "yunmenglong, you're not dead. I said you're not dead. My sister doesn't believe it. She's crying all the time. It's annoying me..."

"Wang Zi." the peerless beauty Yun Miaomiao behind him blushed repeatedly, glared at the handsome boy and stopped his nonsense.

It turned out that the handsome guy was Yun Wangwang. He closed his mouth reluctantly.

"Brother Menglong, don't listen to Wangwang's nonsense..." Yun Miaomiao explained to yunmenglong skillfully and shyly. Before she finished, yunmenglong blocked her mouth.

All the men looked silly. It was the wives of yunmenglong's first wife and second wife who were used to yunmenglong's romantic and unreasonable playing cards. Chang'e blinked her beautiful eyes and looked at the scene in surprise. It was really fun to see everything. The wonderful beauty of yunmenglong was beyond her expectation. She couldn't help but look at yunmenglong more with new eyes.

"I'm sorry, Miaomiao, it worries you." after a affectionate kiss, yunmenglong apologized to yunmiaomiao.

"It's ok... It doesn't matter." Yun Miaomiao was so tender and weak by this ecstatic kiss that she almost couldn't stand stably. Her eyes were like spring water and didn't dare to see the blue and pure eyes of Yunmeng dragon.

In fact, she didn't know what yunmenglong thought at this time. If she knew, she would be very sad.

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