Supreme soldier king

Chapter 36 Want to talk to someone

When Yang Hao slipped out of Qiu Yunzhen's office door, he heard the sound of something hitting the door and breaking apart. Ding Xiaofei who was next to him looked at Yang Hao as if he had seen a ghost, and Yang Hao turned around. Smiling at Ding Xiaofei, Ding Xiaofei leaned back almost instinctively, as if Yang Hao was a man-eating monster, and Yang Hao laughed secretly.

When Yang Hao returned to the office, it was not time for get off work. There were several other security guards in the office. Watching Yang Hao come in, all of them showed cautious expressions. Zhao Daniu greeted him and asked with concern: "Yang Hao Brother, what did the president say?"

Yang Hao smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm in self-defense, don't worry."

Zhao Daniu breathed a sigh of relief, and said angrily: "Captain Lu is too much, Brother Yang, even if you are a little lazy in the sales department, but you are neither late nor violated discipline in the security department, why should he treat you like this... ..."

Yang Hao smiled and didn't explain anything more to Zhao Daniu. He turned around and looked around, but he didn't see Zhang Peng, so he asked casually, "Where is Brother Zhang?"

"I was called to the minister..." Zhao Daniu replied, and then asked suspiciously: "Brother Yang, why did the president personally intervene in your matter? Shouldn't this matter be handled by Minister An? ?”

Yang Hao said casually with a smile: "Because the president has a big opinion on me and wants to deal with me personally..."

Naturally, everyone didn't believe what Yang Hao said. Most of these people were also smart people. Recalling that Yang Hao beat Li Hongwei but was only transferred to the Security Department, they all guessed that this Yang Hao was probably in the company. There is also a background, but it is not ordinary...

"Brother Yang really knows how to joke. It must be the president who thinks highly of you, so he personally asks about your affairs..." A security guard came over with a playful smile and added a sentence.

Yang Hao smiled: "I'm a security guard, what should the president value..."

"Anyway, that's because Brother Yang, you are different. Otherwise, if something happens to us, why don't we see the president to intervene, let alone the president, even Minister An may not intervene in person..."

Yang Hao broke Lu Hongming's legs easily, and was personally called by the president to the president's office to inquire about the matter. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong, and everyone naturally understands that Yang Hao is definitely not an ordinary person, and it is best to fight with him The relationship was good, and for a while everyone was chattering, their words revealed their admiration for Yang Hao, some said that Lu Hongming was too much, some said that Lu Hongming was too strict on weekdays...

Yang Hao dealt with the crowd with a smile, he could feel the change in the attitude of the crowd, but isn't this normal?

While everyone was talking, Zhang Peng walked in from the door, looked at Yang Hao who was surrounded by everyone, and was taken aback for a moment, then a smile appeared on his face: "Yang Hao, you're back already?"

Yang Haoen let out a sigh, and asked with a smile: "Minister An is looking for you, is there any trouble for you?"

"No, Minister An just asked what happened, and I have already reported the truth. Yang Hao, your behavior is purely a legitimate visit..." After Zhang Peng finished speaking, he paused again: "Minister An said this That's all for now, since Captain Lu is hospitalized and seriously injured, I'm afraid he won't be here for a while, Minister An asked me to act as the captain temporarily..."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised and envious. After Lu Hongming was discharged from the hospital, it would be very difficult for him to continue to serve as the captain of the second security team. At this time, Zhang Peng will be the acting captain. If so, I'm afraid it won't be long before the matter of Lu Hongming is dealt with, and the code word in front of Zhang Peng, the acting captain, will probably be revoked...

"Brother Zhang has been promoted, so I need to cover my brothers more from now on." Yang Hao looked at Zhang Peng with a smile, and joked casually. Although Zhang Peng is not as skilled as Lu Hongming, he is like a big brother in the hearts of many security guards. Compared with Lu Hongming, many security guards are actually more convinced by Zhang Peng. It is no wonder that Minister An asked Zhang Peng to lead the second security team.

Zhang Peng is obviously more sophisticated than the meticulous Lu Hongming. He patted Yang Hao's shoulder with a smile: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Brother Yang for this. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to sit in this position..."

When everyone heard what Zhang Peng said, they all immediately thought that it was really the case. If it wasn't for the conflict between Yang Hao and Lu Hongming that put Lu Hongming in the hospital, how could Zhang Peng be the acting captain?

The more intelligent security guards have already called out: "Today is Brother Yang's first day at the top of the Security Department, and Brother Zhang has been promoted to the captain. It can be regarded as a double blessing. Why don't we go out to celebrate tonight? It is also to celebrate Brother Zhang's promotion. I also welcome Brother Yang's arrival..."

This proposal immediately received unanimous applause from the other security guards. Zhang Peng looked at everyone's high spirits, and Yang Hao didn't object, and said with a smile: "Since everyone said so, let's go out for a few drinks today and get together. Deepen the relationship between each other, Yang Hao, are you okay tonight?"

Yang Hao had nothing to do after get off work anyway, not to mention he still had a good impression of Zhang Peng, so he said with a smile: "It's okay, to celebrate Brother Zhang's promotion, he must participate."

Seeing Yang Hao's smiling promise, Zhang Peng breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, he couldn't see through Yang Hao. Yang Hao's terrifying skills far exceeded his imagination. He didn't understand why such a powerful person He will be a security guard here, but fortunately, Yang Hao seems to be easy to get along with, without the slightest arrogance.

Zhang Peng was very grateful to Yang Hao in his heart. If it wasn't for him, how could he be the acting captain?

Zhang Peng looked at the clock on the wall. It was time to get off work soon. He said with a smile, "Okay, let's pack up and let's go together after get off work. There is a good hot pot nearby. I will invite everyone to drink tonight."

Except for some security guards who couldn't leave due to family problems and who were on night shift, a dozen or so security guards changed their clothes and went to the hot pot restaurant. Pulled a few security guards.

The hot pot restaurant set up two square tables, and ordered meat and vegetarian dishes, and then asked the boss to drag a few boxes of beer to the side, and the people at the table began to drink enthusiastically.

Among the people at the table, the oldest one is Zhang Peng, most of them are about 30 years old, they should be older than Yang Hao, but these people call Yang Hao Yang Ge in unison, Yang Hao said a few words modestly, So he went with them.

Spicy hot pot with cold beer is just one word, cool!

The beer was wiped out like water. When everyone drank about the same, the wine boxes next to them were stacked two high. Yang Hao made a rough count, and ten people actually drank a full eight pieces of beer, that is to say, the average Everyone drank about seven bottles.

The best place for men to connect with each other is the wine table. At the beginning, everyone was a bit scruples about Yang Hao, but after a drink, everyone called them brothers, and there was no restraint anymore.

Although Zhang Peng said that he wanted to treat guests, he still couldn't win over everyone in the end, and finally changed to the AA system.

After paying the bill, people rushed out of the hot pot restaurant. Seeing that the time was only nine o'clock, someone suggested that everyone continue to sing and ask for advice. Except for four people who said they wanted to go home, everyone else responded one after another. It seems that the hot pot restaurant is drinking Not HIGH enough.

Zhang Peng asked Yang Hao's opinion again. Yang Hao also slept alone when he went home, so naturally he had no objection. He usually drinks everywhere to pass the time. It is a good thing to have a place to kill time.

At that moment, the troops were divided into two groups, and the remaining six people took two cars and rushed to a bar not far away. After opening the room and ordering drinks, a security guard had already grabbed the microphone and started howling.

Yang Hao had just sat down and drank a glass of beer when his cell phone rang suddenly.

Yang Hao took out his mobile phone and saw that Zhou Manyuan's name appeared on the screen of the mobile phone. Yang Hao couldn't help being slightly surprised. After hesitating for a second, Yang Hao stood up, walked out of the private room, stood in the aisle, and connected the phone.

Zhou Manyuan's voice was somewhat hesitant: "Brother Yang, did calling you at this time bother you?"

Yang Hao smiled: "Why, I'm playing outside too."

Zhou Manyuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a little strange: "Where are you, why are you so noisy?"

"Didn't I transfer to the security department today? Several colleagues from the security department came out for a party. They just finished eating and are now singing. I was outside in the aisle. Of course there was a noise... What's the matter?"

Zhou Manyuan said in a low voice: "I'm bored at home by myself, I want to talk to someone..."

Yang Hao hesitated for a moment and said: "Bored? Then do you want to come and sing? We are at the Golden Ocean Bar, not far from your home..."

Zhou Manyuan's words suddenly revealed a bit of joy: "Is it really possible, will it disturb you, or is it inconvenient?"

Yang Hao heard what Zhou Manyuan wanted to say, and smiled casually: "Where is it? It's just me and the elders from the second security team. I don't know how happy everyone is to have a beautiful woman..."

Zhou Manyuan no longer hesitated: "Okay, then I'll go out right away."

Yang Hao told Zhou Manyuan the number of the private room, because he was afraid that Zhou Manyuan would call if he didn't hear it.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Hao went back to the private room and told Zhang Peng and others about Zhou Manyuan's coming, and everyone was envious immediately.

"Brother Yang, you are really amazing. You are so admired by the brothers for the beautiful women who come to your door at such a late hour."

Yang Hao slapped the talking security guard: "Don't talk nonsense, she is also from our company, she is my former colleague from the sales department..."

"A colleague from the sales department?"

The security guard reacted quickly, and opened his eyes wide: "Could it be that Zhou Manyuan who beat Li Hongwei violently for his confidante, Brother Yang?"

Yang Hao nodded with a smile, and shouted again when everyone was booing: "When someone else comes, don't make a fuss, don't scare them."

A group of security guards suddenly smiled incomparably lewdly: "Don't worry, we will definitely respect my sister-in-law very, very much, and we also hope that my sister-in-law will introduce us to some female friends in the future..."

sister in law?

Yang Hao looked at this group of guys helplessly, forget it, let them talk, anyway, it's just a joke among men.

After about twenty minutes, the door of the private room was suddenly pushed open, and Zhou Manyuan's graceful figure appeared at the door, and everyone's eyes were focused on Zhou Manyuan at the door.

I'm going on a long trip today, and I may be on the go for the next three or four days, so the update may be unstable, but I'll try to keep updating...sorry.

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