Lei Biao's expression was calm, and he even had a slight smile on his face.

Before he acted, he did a detailed understanding, not only about the relationship between Yang Hao and Zhou Manyuan, but also about Yang Hao's character.

The character shown on the surface of each person is often not necessarily the same as the character in the essence. People who are usually eager for justice may be selfish at critical moments, and people who seem timid on weekdays may Great courage may erupt at critical moments...

Human nature is very elusive.

Lei Biao likes to understand human nature, because the direction of his efforts is to study human nature.

Lei Bao told him that as long as he has a complete grasp of human nature one day, he will achieve great success. Lei Bao has always been doing this. He likes to play with people's hearts, because playing with people's hearts is more advanced than playing with people. There are too many, and playing to control people's hearts is much more powerful than simply controlling people.

Although he thinks that he is still not good enough to understand everyone's human nature, but analyzing all the materials of Yang Hao, he took care of Zhou Manyuan very meticulously, just from what he said just now and how worried he was about Zhou Manyuan's safety all the way. Judging from the behavior of rushing over, Zhou Manyuan definitely held a considerable weight in his heart, so Lei Biao believed that as long as he controlled Zhou Manyuan, he could completely suppress Yang Hao.

He has a gun in his hand and has hostages. He is not afraid that Yang Hao will not give in. From all the analysis, under his own threat, Yang Hao has no other way but to be arrested and repaired arbitrarily by himself. Besides, he has arranged enough here. Manpower, even if Yang Hao doesn't care about Zhou Manyuan's private work, it doesn't matter, he is still sure to clean up Yang Hao, Yang Hao is only one person, and has no weapons, no matter how strong he is, how many people can he beat? There are too many ants He even killed an elephant, what's more, his people are not ants, but wolves that eat people.

"Kneel down!"

Lei Biao reiterated his words confidently, and looked at Yang Hao with a smile: "Don't you want to see Zhou Manyuan in front of you, with her head exploding..."

Yang Hao did not kneel down, but looked at Lei Biao with a very indifferent look: "Do you think I will be desperate for her? Or maybe I will be like a lover, for her safety, Would I give up everything, even my own life?"

Looking at Yang Hao's calm eyes, Lei Biao suddenly felt that things were not as simple as he thought. Human nature is indeed very complicated. It's not what you think, other people will do...

Lei Biao's heart beat faster: "Oh, you mean you don't care about her anymore, that's fine, let's give it a try, or I'll blow off one of her fingers first? Then a hand, and then ,Ha ha……"

Yang Hao watched Lei Biao's pistol move down from Zhou Manyuan's head and moved towards Zhou Manyuan's fingers. Zhou Manyuan's mouth was tied with a cloth, but she knew everything that happened around her. When she heard Lei Biao wanted to When dealing with her like this, he suddenly cried out.

Hearing Zhou Manyuan's cry, Lei Biao stopped his pistol suddenly, and smiled at Yang Hao: "Guess what she wants to say now, is she begging me to spare her, or let you save her, but unfortunately you can't do anything now ah……"

Yang Hao shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "Why don't you listen to it?"

Lei Biao looked at Yang Hao with a calm expression, narrowed his eyes slightly, and untied the cloth strip that strangled Zhou Manyuan's mouth with one hand, and said with a sneer, "As you wish, I also want to hear what she wants to say." ?”

As soon as Zhou Manyuan's mouth regained its freedom, she gasped and shouted: "Brother Yang, leave me alone, if they want to kill me, then kill them to avenge me."

Yang Hao grinned and stared at Lei Biao: "Lei Biao, did you hear that, it seems that you didn't even guess right?"

Zhou Manyuan is not stupid. She heard everything Lei Biao said just now. Today Lei Biao and others made it clear that they caught themselves as bait to lure Yang Hao to come here, in order to kill Yang Hao. Because of what they did, they couldn't let Yang Hao go in the end.

She would rather die by herself than bring any trouble to Yang Hao.

Lei Biao was taken aback when he heard Zhou Manyuan's words, but he regained his composure immediately, turned his head to Yang Hao and said, "My confidante, under such circumstances, you only think about the other party, but you don't think about it at all." In my own situation, even if I lose my life because of it, I will not hesitate, even I am moved by such a thing, Yang Hao, what do you think of this matter?"

Yang Hao smiled lightly, and replied: "If you don't die, you won't die."

Lei Biao was a little puzzled when he heard Yang Hao's endless words, but his pistol was still pointed steadily at Zhou Manyuan's arm, staring at Yang Hao fiercely and said: "It seems that you don't see Huang He's heart is not dead, I Abolish one of her fingers now..."

Just when Lei Biao was holding Zhou Manyuan's arm and was about to blow off Zhou Manyuan's right index finger with a pistol, Yang Hao suddenly moved.

Yang Hao's hand suddenly moved towards his back, and then he waved it forward cleanly.

A blazing light appeared in the air, dragging a halo like a silk thread, and instantly hit Lei Biao's wrist holding the gun.


A tragic cry suddenly pierced the tranquility of the night.

Lei Biao's wrist has been inserted by a piece of discarded steel. This piece of steel is full of rust and looks like it has a long history. This piece of steel is only the size of a palm, but it is now embedded in the flesh of Lei Biao's wrist. , but as if a sharp steel knife directly cut in, Lei Biao's wrist was cut off at least one-third by this steel piece!

Lei Biao only felt that his wrist was cold, and there was a huge impact. His wrist was raised high. After that, a severe pain spread to his mind. When he saw the deep spot on his right wrist, When the discarded steel piece was embedded, Lei Biao's heart was about to burst, and he shouted loudly: "Kill him!"

He calculated many possible situations, but he miscalculated one situation, which was Yang Hao's real strength.

In Lei Biao's eyes, his people are already vicious wolves who can eat people without spitting out their bones. They can fight and be cruel, and they have guns. They need to be afraid of Yang Hao alone, but he has no idea that Yang Hao Hao is a fierce dragon crossing the river. His thugs are very fierce in front of ordinary people. In Yang Hao's eyes, although they hold knives and guns, they are not much different from children who have just learned to walk.

Just after Lei Biao yelled these words, Yang Hao suddenly felt a cold murderous intent enveloped his predecessor, and a feeling of being watched from afar rose in Yang Hao's heart, accompanied by a A strong throbbing that was almost creepy.

Someone is going to kill himself!

The moment Yang Hao felt this strong throbbing, his body had already jumped forward suddenly. This is the unique sense of crisis formed by wandering on the edge of life and death for countless times. When life is under great threat, this feeling will be especially special. It was so strong, and this feeling has saved Yang Hao's life countless times.


There was a faint sound of breaking wind, and a bullet appeared behind Yang Hao like a ghost, but at this moment, Yang Hao had already rushed forward, before the bullet hit Yang Hao Parked rear position.

Yang Hao didn't even look at where the bullet that was going to pierce his heart landed, but rolled forward. Yang Hao quickly approached Lei Biao.

Lei Biao's wrist was still dripping with blood, and the pistol flew to nowhere. Seeing Yang Hao leaning towards him, he couldn't help feeling a little flustered, and turned his head and ran to the rear.

Yang Hao didn't chase Lei Biao. In this room, there was at least one sniper ambushing and killing him, maybe there were more than one. If he chased Lei Biao rashly, no one knew whether the person in the dark would shoot him or not. Hit...

Yang Hao rolled over in a short body, grabbed the pistol that Lei Biao dropped on the ground in his hand, didn't even look at it, and shot with his backhand.


Following Yang Hao's crisp gunshots, in an inconspicuous corner of the warehouse, a man screamed and fell to the ground. The sniper rifle he was holding in his hand fell down and hit the ground with a loud sound. Crisp sound.

After Yang Hao got rid of the hidden sniper, he pointed the pistol at Lei Biao who was holding his wrist again.

"If you don't die, you won't die. I said it just now, but it's a pity that you didn't listen. Since you want to give it a try, I can't let you down. Are you right?"

Facing Lei Biao who was lying on the ground, Yang Hao shook the pistol he had snatched from Lei Biao, and said in a flat tone: "If you want to survive, you should be obedient and don't resist, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Lei Biao was caught by Yang Hao's pistol, and suddenly panicked. Liu Ming and Wang Di lost, and now he is also scrapped. Not only was his right hand severely injured, but he also didn't know what this terrifying guy wanted to do?

"What do you want to do? My father is Leibao. If you dare to deal with me, he will definitely let your housework rest in peace, and you will not leave chickens or dogs behind!"

Yang Hao stared coldly at Lei Biao, who was speaking wildly, and said with a sneer: "The Black Panther Society, hmph, don't worry, within ten days, I will completely make the Black Panther Society disappear from Zhonghai!"

Lin Hui and the others watched Yang Hao defeat Liu Ming and Wang Di, and they already felt that their legs could not hold on anymore. Now that they heard Yang Hao's words, they felt even more terrifying. Their faces were all pale, and he suddenly felt extremely regretful. Why did she come to see Yang Hao's unlucky appearance? If she didn't come, she wouldn't be in such a mess now...

Yang Hao ignored these ordinary thugs including Lin Hui, walked to the side and made a phone call slowly: "Hey, are you interested?

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