
AI Chi Shi finally realized that he had been played by Zhou Xingxing, and became angry.

Zhou Xingxing is with a bad smile in his eyes. He blinks his eyes with a smile. People and animals on his face are harmless.

AI Chi Shi was so angry that she almost couldn't resist. She wanted to hit people. The stinky orangutan is really cheap. I mean your face is bloody!

However, his physical quality is no better than Zhou Xingxing, so he was angry for a long time and didn't dare to start at will.

However, when he saw the students around Zhou Xingxing, he suddenly had a plan.

AI Chi Shi's eyes turned and his anger disappeared. He was smiling at Zhou Xingxing.

"Zhou Xingxing, you have become a millionaire now. Have you ever thought about how to spend money?"

Seeing that AI Chi Shi didn't get angry, Zhou Xingxing was kind and kind-hearted, and showed a penetrating smile. He was immediately on guard. He suspected that the goods were not good intentions, and that they were hiding a knife in a smile.

Zhou Xingxing was careful, squinting, and did not speak.

But AI Chi Shi did not let him go, smiling way.

"You see, the students usually take care of you. Now that they have so much money, have you ever thought about inviting everyone to dinner?"


The eyes of the crowd suddenly brightened.

Especially before that heard Zhou Xingxing rich, changed a face of the boy, now is more agreeable nod.

AI Chi stone sees the people move, immediately in the heart is proud, take the opportunity to gossip.

"Yes, Mr. Zhou is so affectionate and righteous. He is generous and loves sharing. How can he not invite everyone to dinner?"

"Besides, Zhou likes to share happiness with others and is very willing to help others. If anyone is in short supply now, he may be able to support thousands of yuan."

"Classmate Zhou, do you think so?"

AI Chi stone shows the appearance of mischievous smile and says maliciously.

Zhou Xingxing was not good at that time. He kept scolding in his heart.

This NIMA's love of eating excrement is really too poisonous. Can this kind of small calculation also make it come out? What a sweet mouthed sword with a snake's heart!

Sure enough, after listening to AI Chi Shi's words, those students who were already unbalanced in their hearts and envied, envied and hated Zhou Xingxing suddenly felt ready to move.

"Yes, the boy took so much money in vain, but he didn't want to share it with you?"

"Yes, AI Chi Shi is right. If you have money, you have to help each other, but you can't forget the friendship of classmates."

"Haha, Zhou Xingxing is usually so dull. If I ask him to Cough, it should be OK to borrow a few thousand? "

A group of students who had a bad relationship with each other at the moment, their eyes were shining, as if they were a wolf who chose people to eat. They were greedy and flattering, staring at Zhou Xingxing all the time.

"Classmate Zhou, it happens that I have spent almost all my living expenses these days. Can you lend me Two thousand? "

Before that pretending to be intimate, the first boy couldn't help rubbing his hands, and his face was flattering and smiling.

"Yes, and me

"Dazhou, don't be stingy

A few students saw that someone was in the lead, and immediately it was like ants smelling sweetness. People gathered around them and began to talk.

AI Chi Shi is outside the crowd, can not help but show complacent and treacherous smile, looking at the miserable Zhou Xingxing, the heart is very happy.

He is very clear that the interests of the people, especially a person who is not as good as himself, suddenly gained huge wealth. Who doesn't want to go up and share a piece of cake?

This kind of thing is often seen on TV. For example, when someone wins millions, relatives and friends immediately come to borrow money. If they don't, these snobbish relatives will slander them secretly, saying that if they have money, they will forget their relatives.

But if you borrow one, you can't refuse the second one. In the end, if you don't have a few hundred dollars left, and these relatives don't have to return them.

If you come to the door to collect the debt, the relatives who borrowed the money will be arrogant and judge the person who is being borrowed. They say that they should not be open-minded about the money, recognize the money but not the people, delay the family relationship

Or a farmer who occasionally participated in singing programs and became a big star. As a result, he did not forget the root cause and built a bridge to pave the way for his hometown. The villagers who enjoyed the benefits not only didn't appreciate it, but also secretly scolded the boy for building too few roads and being too stingy!

So AI Chi Shi's strategy, although not difficult, is very vicious.

And Zhou Xingxing is really angry in his chest and looks ugly.

"Damn it, do you dare to beat me?"

Zhou Xingxing is angry and hateful. Seeing Aichi stone with a smirk on his face outside the crowd, he immediately gives birth to a plan.

"Well, students, listen to me. It's OK to borrow money, but there is one condition."

Zhou Xingxing stood up and said loudly.

All the students were originally chirping and clamorous. They were half serious and half busy. They didn't think Zhou Xingxing would really like to borrow money.

But at the moment a listen to Zhou Xingxing really have this meaning, immediately in the heart of a shock, quickly closed his mouth, bright eyes, the field suddenly quiet down."Although I have money, I haven't sold the stone, and I haven't got the money. Why don't we ask Mr. AI Chi Shi to pay for me first and then pay him back when I have money

These students don't care about paying in advance or not, who can give it, as long as they have money.

So the eyes of the people immediately brush a sound, gathered on AI Chi Shi.

AI Chi Shi suddenly smiles and points to himself.

"Me? What is it to do with me? "

It's Zhou Xingxing's turn to laugh.

"Ai, isn't your family rich? Since everyone is a classmate, how about the money for the treat? I'll pay you back then. "

Zhou Xingxing patted his chest and swore.

All the students immediately nodded, staring at Ai Chi Shi with burning eyes.

"I'm so sorry, I, I'm also in short supply now."

AI Chi Shi forced a smile and made a look of regret.

"Are you short of money? No way. Who doesn't know AI Shao is the second generation of rich people? Even if you don't have any money now, just go home and ask dad for it

Zhou Xingxing is a sneer, demagogue said.

"Yes, AI. Anyway, Zhou Xingxing said that he would return it to you. Otherwise, you should help cushion it first."

It was the boy who followed the trend before and put in a word.

Give me back?

He gave me a fart! If he would return it to me, the sun would rise in the West in the morning!

"Ai classmate, you make so many excuses, don't you want to pay? Everyone is a good classmate. You won't be so stingy, will you? "

Zhou Xingxing is cheap smile again and again, in one side instigate mending knife.

This group of money is open-minded, milk is the mother of the students, immediately eyes a MI, face is not good, a dangerous atmosphere diffuse.


AI Chi Shi looked at the focus has gathered on his body, immediately crying and laughing, eager to hit himself a slap.

This NIMA really lifted a stone and hit her feet!

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