With the certification of the authoritative hospital, the reporter made the content of the film public and the statement of Wu's chamber of Commerce. The words beauty manufacturing company, Zhou Xingxing, Liu Xuan and slimming pills were completely inflamed.

For a week, the slimming pills launched by beauty manufacturing company have always been in a hot state. As soon as they were pushed out, they were snapped up. Moreover, after taking the pills by the first generation of people, there was no use for any side effects. These people helped to publicize the pills.

In this way, relying on word-of-mouth publicity, weight loss pills have become a hit, and the difficulties before the beauty manufacturing company have been solved.

At this time, Zhou Xingxing appeared in the Wu family. This time, all the people in the Wu family respect Zhou Xingxing very much. Even Wu Dong did not dare to behave excessively to Zhou Xing, or even to speak.

"Stars, now my father's health is much better, now he can walk down the ground, and his mental outlook is very good, I believe that with another interest, my father will really recover completely."

"This weight loss pill is really powerful, not only can lose weight, but also can fill the body. I have to say that the R & D personnel of your beauty manufacturing company are really amazing."

"If you need it, our Wu chamber of Commerce will help you to push the slimming pill to a higher level and let more people know its existence." Wu Zhi said with a smile.

"Ha ha, this weight loss pill is so popular now. Even if there is no Wu's chamber of Commerce, within a month, people in the whole country will know the existence of this thing."

"Star, forgive me for my disrespect to you. This glass of wine is my apology to you." Wu Jian finished his drink and laughed.

"I hope you don't mind my useless son. I've already warned him, so if he's disrespectful to you again, I'll teach him a lesson."

If Wu Dong hears this, it is estimated that he is also depressed. It is impossible to revenge Zhou Xingxing, otherwise he will be in real trouble.

"Well, I believe that. By the way, I also hope Wu Dong doesn't harass Wei Wei. After all, Wei Wei doesn't like Wu Dong, so it's not sweet to try to twist things." Zhou Xingxing reminds me.

"Don't worry about it. Miss Jiang's family is not so easy to bully, and I will warn Wu Dong. OK, let's drink."

After saying that, the three brothers clinked glasses with Zhou Xingxing, but in the beauty manufacturing company, they were already dizzy, and everyone was completely in a hurry.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu, this is our order for slimming pills. It's too much. I'm worried that I can't produce any more. Do you want to add production lines or let someone produce on behalf of others?" A staff member came in and said.

"No, the risk of OEM production is too big. It's a good thing to order more orders, but we can't get carried away because this is the most dangerous time, and the enemy is still watching."

Liu Xuan directly rejected the decision to find someone to do the production on behalf of others. After all, if you let someone do it, because the equipment is not in line or the production personnel are uneven, if something goes wrong, it will be very troublesome.

It's hard to make beauty manufacturing company turn over through Wu Lao's affair. If anything happens at this time, I'm sorry for Zhou Xingxing's efforts.

"Well, I think Mr. Liu is right. Although it's very important to make money, we can't let others do it for others. In a big deal, we can add more production lines. Before the new production line is put into use, we can produce as much as we can."

"We will deliver the goods according to the time of the order. In short, if we can afford to wait, we will deliver the goods. If we can't wait, we can get a refund." Mr. Li said.

"Well, I think it's a good way. It can not only make us less mistakes, but also digest it slowly, so we don't have to rush." Mr. Zhang also said.

"But Mr. Liu, you said that Dr. Zhou was so good, why didn't he go to the big hospital at first?"

"How can I know that? Don't you like him to come to us?" Liu Xuan joked.

"Ha ha, of course not. I also hope that Dr. Zhou can be here for a lifetime. In short, if Dr. Zhou is here, our company will definitely become more and more powerful."

All the people on the scene laughed. Zhou Xingxing was there. There would be no big problem. Now the employees of the company have completely forgotten Zhong Yuan.

At this time, Zhou Xingxing was full, and he said, "in the future, the beauty manufacturing company hopes that Wu's chamber of commerce can help some of them. Here, I would like to thank you first."

"Star, you are welcome to say that. Don't worry. If someone is unfavorable to the beauty manufacturing company, or if the beauty manufacturing company needs help, we will definitely help." Wu Zhi said with a smile that this is a promise and he will definitely keep his promise.

"Yes, my second brother is right. We Wu's chamber of Commerce attaches great importance to the promise. Since we have already guaranteed it, there will be no rejection. So you can rest assured. After all, we still have a lot of cooperation in the future." Wu Jian also said with a smile.

"Come on, bring it up." At Wu Jian's command, a servant brought up a box.Wu Jian will open the box, which is a good piece of jade, this is the Wu family side to Zhou Xingxing's thanks, "star, you take this thing, just a little heart."

Zhou Xingxing did not affectation, and directly took things down, and then left the Wu family. So far, the Wu family's affairs came to an end.

Now Zhou Xingxing has found a lot of tough backstage for beauty manufacturing company. Then it's up to Liu Xuan to make use of these resources.

Today, Zhou Xingxing doesn't want to go anywhere. He just wants to go home and have a good rest, watch TV and watch a video with Su mintong. This is enough.

However, when Zhou Xingxing returned to his residence, he found that there were several people waiting there. They also bought a lot of things.

"Star, you finally come back. Originally I wanted to call you, but they all said they wanted to give you a surprise. Otherwise, you would have seen me for a long time. Was it a surprise?" The fat man ran over immediately and said.

"Hey, hey, fat man, pay attention to the image." Zhou Xingxing despised a bit, then flashed to one side, "how did you come here?"

"Haven't you seen your great power during this period of time, saving old Wu who is going to die, and the weight loss pill is very popular, so we'll go and celebrate it. Don't you welcome it?" Jiang Weiwei is as proud as ever.

"That's welcome." Zhou Xingxing chuckles and opens the door.

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