Finally, Zhou Xingxing still left. Even if he killed these people, it was useless. He was just a small soldier. He was extremely bored. Zhou Xingxing directly chose to gamble with stones. As soon as he picked up the stone, he was laughed at.

"You don't look like a rich man in your clothes. You should come here with a rich night. I advise you to save your money so that you won't lose your pants later." A little old man nearby said with a smile.

"That is to say, you don't look like a professional. You don't want to have a try. I advise you to leave here as soon as possible. The dream is beautiful, but the reality is cruel."

"Well, do you dare to gamble with me? Maybe you will be the next millionaire." Bald boss is not worried, but calmly looking at Zhou Xingxing, "life is a gamble, win, you can be very chic, otherwise it will be painful."

"Well, I'll bet that I don't have to choose the first-class stones. I'll choose between the medium and the low-grade stones." Zhou Xingxing said with a smile, and then went to the corresponding area to see the stone.

A few minutes later, Zhou Xingxing picked out three inferior stones and a medium stone, and then paid 5000 yuan. However, the people on the scene were not very optimistic, because Zhou Xingxing selected some new materials, and the surface was very smooth. It seemed that they were useless.

"Little brother, do you think the gambling stone is big? To tell you the truth, a big stone doesn't necessarily have jade. I think you have enough stones to hang on. The 5000 yuan will be used as tuition fee." Said the little old man, smoking.

"It seems that you are really a novice. It's fantastic to pick those big and smooth stones." Another person is also not optimistic about Zhou Xingxing's stone.

"Ha ha, he'll regret it later. It's only 5000 yuan. It's not much." All the people present shook their heads and laughed. Of course, they all came to see the excitement.

"Little brother, do you want to cut these stones on site?" Bareheaded boss chuckles, he has been in this business for many years, so naturally he knows what stone has a great chance to produce jade.

However, these stones in Zhou Xingxing's hands are very large, with smooth surface and cracks. This shows that they are not good stones. Experts will never choose this kind of stone.

Zhou Xingxing nodded and said, "of course, I have to cut it on site. Maybe I can get a good jade."

"Ha ha..." all the people at the scene laughed, especially those insiders, and when they heard it, they showed disdain. "Little brother, it's not me that I hit you. You will never have jade in these stones, otherwise I will roll out."

"I think you'd better not cut it, but hold it home and leave an idea, so that you won't be so sad, just like the one just now."

"I usually choose things by feeling. I think there will be jade in my stone, and it's still expensive. Don't be shocked by that."

"Cut, I've been here for several years. What kind of stone and what kind of jade have not been seen before? If these stones in your hand can have jade, I'll call you granddad three times." A man with a mustache made a disdainful voice.

"Well, then you have to open your eyes and have a good look. Although you are a little older, it's good to have a cheap grandson." Zhou Xingxing said with a smile, and other people present also laughed.

"Hum." The mustache man snorted coldly, but he wanted to see how this man who didn't know how to cut jade in front of him.

"OK, I have time today. I'll cut it for you myself." Bareheaded boss is very straightforward to say, and then will Zhou Xingxing's stone blocks over.

The first one is a medium stone. The skinhead boss' skill is pretty good. He cut it all of a sudden. As expected, there is no jade in this stone.

"Ha ha, I said, I said, how can this kind of large and cracked stone have jade? You are still too young, have time to learn more." The mustache man suddenly got up.

Other people at the scene also laughed, because they didn't like Zhou Xingxing's jade, so this situation is very normal.

"Gambling stone is a matter of luck. If you don't have it, maybe you will have it next time. You still have three stones, which should be there." The bald boss said with a smile that he still understood the world.

Then the second stone was cut out, but there was no jade. The mustache man was even more proud. He had several years of experience in gambling stones. Naturally, he could see the quality of the stones.

"Ha ha, little brother, I told you that there will be no jade in your stone. There is no medium stone. If you want to have jade with inferior stone, the probability is lower than to win the lottery."

"Fortunately, brother, it's five thousand dollars. Otherwise, it's a small fee for you to pay." Said the little old man leisurely.

Soon another stone was cut, but there was still no jade. This was the third stone. Only the best stone was left. If there was no jade, the gambling stone would be over."Hum, even if I gamble for so many years, I don't dare to say that I can choose stones with jade. This man is too much of an outsider, and he also chooses that kind of inferior stone. This is not what a fool is..."

there are more and more jeering voices on the scene, and some people's words are very hard to hear. However, Zhou Xingxing is too lazy to pay attention to these things. What is his identity These punks have a common sense.

"Little brother, this is the only stone left. Do you want to continue?" The bald boss took a sip of tea, then walked up and said.

"Naturally, I have to cut it. Otherwise, what can I do to buy stones and hide them as souvenirs?" Zhou Xingxing said with a smile, "I have a premonition that there will definitely be jade in this stone. At that time, people at the scene will be shocked."

"Hehe, I hope it's the same as my little brother said." The bald boss said with a smile.

"It's really shameless. It also surprised us. I think it's to make us laugh." The mustache man gave a cold smile, and his eyes were extremely disdainful.

"Just now you said that as long as you cut out the jade, you would roll out, right? And you wanted to call me grandfather three times, right?" Zhou Xingxing turns to look at the two men.

"Of course, what I said counts." The mustache man said with a trace of arrogance.

"I'm the same. It's up to me." Said another man.

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