"Indeed, I did not think it would be you. I thought it was the enemy. "

Zhou Xingxing relaxed a lot and said with a smile.

"What? I'm your enemy too! Can't you think of it? "

Lin Shan coldly looks at Zhou Xingxing with a smiley face and says that the hatred in his eyes is extremely obvious.

"I can't think of it. I can't imagine where I offended you."

Zhou Xingxing is very puzzled. If those rich second-generation Zhou Xingxing thinks that he has a bad relationship with them.

But Lin Shan has a low sense of being. I'm afraid Zhou Xingxing has said less than ten sentences since he was in the same class.

Such a person, Zhou Xingxing really can't understand where he provoked him.

"You are too close to Sumin! From today on, stay away from her. "

Lin Shan didn't talk much nonsense. He said it when he opened his mouth.

Zhou Xingxing suddenly realized that Lin Shan mistakenly thought that he and Su min were lovers.

Of course, there is no need for Zhou Xingxing to tell others what to do.

"No matter what our relationship is, it seems that it has nothing to do with you? What if I say no? "

Since, have misunderstood, Zhou Xingxing might as well let them misunderstand more.

"No? Today my brothers will let you know the price of no!"

The corner of Lin Shan's mouth cocked and said with a sneer.

From Lin Shan's face, Zhou Xingxing saw a touch of uneasiness. Obviously, he was not as calm as he showed himself.

I'm afraid it's his first time to employ a thug.

"But... Will su min like a man like you?"

Zhou Xingxing looked at Lin Shan and asked.

"Shut up! It's none of your business! All of you, give it to me! Fight to death

Lin Shan immediately started to fight, pointing to Zhou Xingxing and swearing, and then those gangsters swarmed on.

Zhou Xingxing's mouth is tilted, not afraid at all.

Seeing that a fist is already close to Zhou Xingxing's face, Zhou Xingxing holds his breath, and his fist speed is infinitely slowed down. Zhou Xingxing raises his leg and kicks him on the rushing Hun, and then the Hun is kicked three meters away by Zhou Xingxing's foot.

Those gangsters are unbelievable. They can't understand Zhou Xingxing's action!

Just a white shadow flash, Zhou Xingxing is already solved one person!

"You are too weak!"

Zhou Xingxing ridicules, those gangsters get angry at the moment, and can't help saying that they take the stick from their waist and smash it at the head of Zhou Xingxing.

If it really falls on Zhou Xingxing's head, I'm afraid Zhou Xingxing will be seriously injured if he doesn't die.

Zhou Xingxing, fearless, dodged and his baseball bat passed by.

Zhou Xingxing just raised his leg gently, and the extremely arrogant little gangster bumped into Zhou Xingxing's knee, full of broken teeth and a mouthful of blood.

"Who are you looking for? One or two people like to be beaten so much?"

Zhou Xingxing has leisure time to tease Lin Shan in his spare time.

"You, all of you! Who can beat him down? I'll give him 200000! "

Lin Shan cried out in anger.

The saying that there must be brave men under the heavy reward has always been reasonable, but in a short sentence, these gangsters' eyes are like green light, like wolves who haven't eaten meat for many years, staring at Zhou Xingxing covetously.

This time, these gangsters were extremely vicious, and several people rushed to kill Zhou Xingxing.

It's a pity that Zhou Xingxing, like those martial arts experts who have experienced many battles, evades the attacks of the gangsters one by one.

However, Zhou Xingxing is only a person after all. Although he has the artifact of stopping time, he can't stand the mob.

After playing for more than ten minutes, Zhou Xingxing is out of breath, and most of the gangsters have injuries on their faces.

But they did not see the slightest intention of retreat, still like the wolf like toward Zhou Xingxing.

Only because Lin Shan raised the reward to 500000.

Because of the 500000, these guys seem to be afraid of things, fall down again and again, and rush to Zhou Xingxing.

"Damn it! Are you really afraid of anything? "

Zhou Xingxing curses a word, the strength on the hand is also big many.

However, Zhou Xingxing has always been a killer. After all, it is still responsible to kill people. Instead of spending his money on these thugs, Zhou Xingxing is more willing to spend it on himself.

"Come on! Brothers! He's dying

Seeing that Zhou Xingxing has been sweating and his strength is getting smaller and smaller, the gangster is overjoyed, and then he doesn't know where the strength comes from.

"Damn it, I really think I can't deal with you?"

Zhou Xingxing's face changed, and then he took a baseball bat from a gangster and hit him.

The thug fell to the ground with his head in his arms and did not dare to stand up again.Although money is a good thing, but it also has to have a life. If Zhou Xingxing beat him unconscious, even if he took the 500000 yuan, it would not be enough for the medicine.

Those gangsters see Zhou Xingxing cruel, heart suddenly a little more fear, dare not blindly pile up people.

Although I dare not mix with the stars in the middle.

It's just that the atmosphere is still very tense.

"Come on! Why did you stop? Big deal, I'll give you a million! "

Seeing that these thugs stopped, Lin Shan immediately yelled and doubled his reward again.

Those gangsters are bitter in their hearts. Just now Zhou Xingxing had no weapons and didn't mean to kill people. Of course, they were not afraid.

However, today's Zhou Xingxing not only has weapons in his hands, but also has a vicious attack. Maybe he will fall down on the ground and won't get up again.

Who dares to go on? Although the gangsters are crazy, they also cherish their lives. Who is not meat long? Everyone is afraid of death, especially this kind of obscure death.

"Come on! You are on! Damn it

Lin Shan yelled and asked the gangsters to fight, but no one wanted to go.

"What? If you don't come, I'll go. "

Zhou Xingxing showed a funny smile and said to them.

Zhou Xingxing saw that those gangsters really didn't mean to come up, so they swaggered past them.

Seeing Zhou Xingxing coming back towards him, these thugs are very afraid, unconsciously is to get out of the way.

However, these gangsters are still reluctant to watch Zhou Xingxing, the one million worth of prey, go away from their eyes. Their hearts are like being gnawed by countless ants, itching and reluctant to give up.

After a while, Zhou Xingxing disappeared from their eyes.

And gangster watching Zhou Xingxing disappear, heart incomparable loss.

Lin Shan is more afraid, provoked such a vicious character, has not been able to give him color to see.

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