Zhou Xingxing's car is still in the school, so he has to take the same car with Su min to the hotel.

The hotel that Su min ordered is the most luxurious hotel in the whole city, and it is also the industry of Su family.

Usually, those rich second generation like to come to this place to spend.

Not only is the food service in this hotel the best, but also because the waiters here are all carefully selected beauties.

Even compared with those of the major colleges and universities, it is not lost.

Therefore, the rich second generation is not only here to seek food, but also to find beautiful women.

I'm used to those wild bees and butterflies in the school. Naturally, I want to taste Jasper.

Of course, because this is the industry of the Su family, those women are very familiar with the rich second generation who often go in and out of the hotel. Naturally, they know that none of them is a good person.

Therefore, many people come, but few succeed.

Of course, there is no way to stop the hearts of the rich second generation. On the contrary, it arouses their competitive heart and makes the hotel business once prosperous.

"Xiao Zhao, why do you want to invite some of our brothers here for dinner today? The consumption here is not low. "

In the hotel, four men sit together.

Sitting on the top, it is Zhao Guangyao who designed to force Zhou Xingxing into the middle and bottom of the alley.

All the three people sitting next to him were middle-aged men over 30 with ferocious faces.

"No, don't. If you call me that, you're really killing me. Some uncles, my nephew, I have something to do. I need help from my uncles. "

Zhao Guangyao did not raise his meaning in front of the three, but said with a smile.

"Oh? My nephew, if you can help me, just say it

The three middle-aged people seem to be very familiar with Zhao Guangyao and smile at him.

"Well, I need to borrow some people, because......

Zhao Guangyao said in a low voice, communicating with several big people.

"Isn't it just cleaning up people? This is our old line. Don't worry

Three people a listen, ha ha laugh, and then clap their chest, careless said.

"I'd like to thank some big guys here. I can rest assured that the reward will not be low this time. It's three million yuan. If you can beat the boy down, add another three million! "

Zhao Guangyao was also very happy and said with a smile.

This is a conspiracy against Zhou Xingxing.

At this time, the targeted Zhou Xingxing is still eating with Su min in the next room.

Of course, Su min is just a foil, the focus is Zhou Xingxing.

At this time, Su min is sitting next to Zhou Xingxing, looking at Zhou Xingxing with a bit of surprise.

Even the maid beside me was very surprised.

People who can eat in such hotels are either rich or expensive, but this young man is not the child of a rich family.

On the contrary, they are like beggars who have been starving for ten days in the street, and they are devouring food.

Many dishes worth thousands of Yuan arrived in front of his eyes, even less than ten seconds left.

"Slow down, you eat slowly, and no one will rob you."

Su min whispered to Zhou Xingxing.

However, Zhou Xingxing has been using special abilities for too long today, so the consumption is huge.

Now, even if you put a cow in front of Zhou Xingxing, I'm afraid Zhou Xingxing can eat it all.

"What else would you like to add, sir?"

The maid asked again, seeing that the table was clean.

"A cow! Well... Let's start with the first half. "

Zhou Xingxing raised his head which had been buried in the food, thought for a while and said.

"Well, good."

The maid saw Zhou Xingxing's eating style really felt bad, and then she left in a hurry.

Before long, half of the steaming roast beef was brought to the table of Zhou Xingxing and Su min.

Although Su min is hungry, she has already eaten a lot of food and is already full.

The reason for calling such a big cow is to take care of Zhou Xingxing's seemingly bottomless appetite.

"Good thing!"

Zhou Xingxing just spit out a word, it is to grab the beef to eat hard.

The cook who sent the food, originally saw only two people, but thought he had sent the wrong room.

As a result, seeing Zhou Xingxing swallowing like this, he was a little frightened and stood by and looked at in surprise.

In less than half an hour, Zhou Xingxing swept a cow clean.

"Well, comfortable."

Zhou Xingxing, who is full of wine and food, stroked his stomach and said contentedly.

Of course, if the food had been piled up, it would have been less than half a week.Ordinary people, if they eat so many things at one breath, I'm afraid they'll be dead. Zhou Xingxing benefits from the body's strengthened function, which not only eats more but also digests faster.

As soon as food enters the stomach, it is decomposed into nutrients by super strong acids.

"Let's go."

Su min saw that Zhou Xingxing had finished eating, so she went out with Zhou Xingxing. There is still a class in the afternoon.

"Don't worry! Little nephew, that boy certainly can't get rid of it

At this time, Zhou Xingxing Su min and Zhao Guangyao, who has just dealt with the dinner party, collided with each other.

"Oh! Long time no see, Zhou Xingxing. "

Zhao Guangyao saw some changes in Zhou Xingxing's face. Although he covered it up perfectly, he was still noticed by Zhou Xingxing.

"Yes! Yeah! Long time no see. What have you been up to lately

Zhou Xingxing said hello with a smile.

"Where and what? It's just wandering outside. Where are you? Recently, in the company, I have heard a lot of praise from the major shareholders! "

Zhao Guangyao laughed and said.

Although this sentence seems to be praising Zhou Xingxing.

In fact, it still reminds Zhou Xingxing that he is just a wage earner working in the gambling stone group, and there is a great gap between him and the rich.

"Yes, it is really good to work in the gambling stone, but the price outside is higher and higher, and I really don't know how to choose! What do you say, young master Zhao? "

Zhou Xingxing was also unwilling to be outdone. He not only hit Zhao Guangyao in the face, but also pointed out that it was the gambling stone group that asked him to cooperate.

Not to work, what's more, Zhao Guangyao is just a second young master who has no real power. He is not qualified to look down on Zhou Xingxing.

Zhao Guangyao's face suddenly changed, but now he's stiff. He just laughs and takes everything with him.

Soon, they were separated and left the hotel one after the other.

Of course, Zhou Xingxing's original sense of contentment was completely broken by the appearance of Zhao Guangyao.

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