Chapter 104 - SCAN THEM ALL!

'What do you think?? They will come to know about me??"

Cole questioned the robot in his head as he calmly sat on his bed inside he room pondering over the same question again and again.

'It really matters on the depth of the investigation and I have no idea of in which level they are. Many believe that it is a human being sent up by the NASA and that it made this mistake intentionally of calculating the dimensions and trajectory of the asteroid.'

"But why would they like to believe that NASA did such a grave hige mistake intentionally??"

Cole asked as he kept hitting a rubber ball on the wall in front of him and the ball kept getting bounced back to him.

He had been doing that ever since he decided to trap himself inside the confinement of his room because everywhere else all he could see and hear was people talking about him or praising

that alien man.

'They believe NASA did because NASA made you who would come up to save the humanity, thus launching NASA's latest inventions.'

The robot explained. Cole sighed. He could never believe in such piece of shit if he were not one of them.

From the down, he was called to have dinner. He did not even notice when it was time for dinner.

"Cole....Cole?? Come down for dinner..."

His morher's voice again bloomed back in when he did not bother to answer back in the first time.

"Coming mom. Just give me a second."

Cole shouted and dropped the ball on it's place and then took a deep breathe in before opening the door of his room and heading down.

Soon his ears could listen to the sound of the breaking live news where the reporter was mouthing out the same ridiculous thing the robot just explained to him in his room.

Mr. Evans nodded his head at Cole's direction as an acknowledgement of his present and reverted his eyes back to the television.

The man now practically started living in their house. His mother would leave by the midnight and so would he to drop her in the diner.

"You have been up all day. What were you doing up inside, Cole??"

Ivory asked her boy, patting his head and then serving the food in the living room.

They had been eating in the living room these days put of their curiosity in the news.

"I..I was just completing school works."

Cole lied as he looked away from his mother's eyes. He could not lie and look straight into her eyes.

Ivory nodded in spite of the fact that she did not buy his answer at all but she did not want to pressure him either.

She had no idea what was going inside his head. He was good before but now after the asteroid incident, he had changed so much. She did not know what was the cause behind it, maybe looking at that dreadful object up in the sky caused a big trauma in his mind.Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #!_51949806557387065 for visiting.

"Mom... I would like to dine in the dinner table. You all can have it here."

Cole said as he stood up and carried his full dinner plate away with him in to the dining hall.

He could not sit and eat with the tv on narrating news about him and what were the possibilities of catching him by the statemen.

Ivory wanted to ask why but Mr. Evans stopped her letting him go. He too knew something was up with the boy but they did not want to pressures him into telling it out to them about what was actually wrong with him.

Cole on getting no denial from the elders went out of the living room in quick slow steps.


Selena Dion was sleeping on her bed when the knocking sound and commotion on the down floor woke her up.

She soon got up and headed downstairs. The news on the television was about the mysterious boy was still on.

Her sources were still trying to identify if that being in the sky was a human and if he was the one with the possession of the vision system. Who knew??

It was then she asked all her private resources to get to work and find out more about this case.

It was an unusual thing and everyone was questioning about it. The general public had gone crazy thinking and questioning what was that.

Situations were going out of control. The question and possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life were being asked over and over again.

Many leaders from different countries all over the world were not forcing and pressurizing her to address the general public all over the world about the discovery of alien life and not just that but the fact that they have had visited the earth, our planet, some of them even claimed to acquire them but was stopped by the space association.

It was becoming impossible now to deny the fact that sooner or later she would have to let it out. So she knew It by hard that she would have to do it anytime from now.

"What news you have??"

Selena Dion asked as she descended down the staircase. Her long rob sweeping the floor. She had no time to rest at all.

Work calls would come knocking at any time to her. She could not even think of spending one night in peace without being called up in the middle.

But that would be a dream. Being the UN General, her job was very responsible and the most important one in the entire world. Her shoulders had to carry the weight of the entire planet for she was the representative of the blue sphere in the international Space Agency.

"We have found out."

The main said.

"What did you find out?? Speak clearly."

Selena Dion demanded.

"The being in the video is a human and could be the one carrying the vision system..."

"What??? Are you sure about this??"

Selena Dion interrupted the person in search of delivering her messages. She could not stop herself from breaking. She could not even believe whatever she just heard was true either.

"Yes, madam General. It is confirmed that the guy in the video is indeed a human being. It is confirmed."

The guy said. Selena Dion did not stop any moment anymore. She dashed inside her room once again and returned back dressed as if she was dressed off to work.

"Call the driver and tell him to get the car ready. I will meet all the leaders of the countries in the UN Council Halls. Send the message as fast she you can. We need to meet and discuss this immediate situation."

Selena Dion ordered and went out. The guy bowed his head down. She knew the person and in fact, believed that that...that it could be the one who had the vision system.

So it was really needed to hold a meeting and now start looking for the guy. She called her secret agents as soon as she could and let them know of the fact that she wanted the name, location, age and the biography of the person in the video right away.

She could not give more than five days or a week more time to know about the guy. Once she would get her hands on the guy, she would herself notch his eyes out for daring to steal the most prized possession of the living beings on earth and trying to get away with it.

Even though a little more than required members were of the view that the guy could actually be a good one host for the vision system.

He did do the job of protecting the earthlings from the asteroid very well. It could have swept off a little more than parts of America, Africa, and Europe.

So they thought maybe they indeed got the perfect host for the system who after giving a real good training could really work for the sake, safety, protection, and defend the planet from extraterrestrial invasion.

But another half could not let go of the fact that this guy had stolen the most important creation of the people of earth and they could not let go of it just like that.

They demanded a proper investigation of the matter. How did he steal it?? Was there another person involved too?? Was there anyone related from inside the lab of the vision system itself?

So a proper investigation was very necessary. So they could not let go of that guy just giving it in for doing one good work out of stopping the system which itself was the gravest crime of the entire human world.

A long debate went on in the midnight. Several were of the view that the group work could make them find the guy anytime or running a scan in people's eyes.

It would only take a month time to scan them all.


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