Chapter 11 - TEAM AGAINST ME!

"Take it, take it. I get it you did not have your breakfast. "

Vin spoke as he fired the bullets right inside the mouth of his intruder, whose mouth was hung open for a millisecond when Vin's bullet pierced in through his chest and so Vin took the opportunity to jam some bullets inside his mouth too.

"Ahhh. how can I forget you? I was on a call with my friends trying to figure out what crap exactly is this, you know?"

Vin frowned as he took a u-turn and aimed his M416 right on to the enemy, hiding under the short golden-colored bushes.

"Why not try doing that too? Let just wait for a while before we figure out how the hell we can just come out of our f.u.c.k.i.n.g monitor screen?"

Vin yelled as he killed the sixth of his enemy. He roamed around to see if anyone or anymore was there. 

"Man, my hands ache from killing all these alone." He sighed, stretching his arms.

"Congratulations, your kill had crossed half a century!"


There was a brief stillness, silence right after that.

Everyone heard what the voice declared. But none of them had the gut to break the silence as they all thought of what just happened.

Until Matty decided to kick out the ghast silence before it took over the throne.

Matty was always the chatty one and hated silence himself. He could not go one moment without talking and that was another one of the many reasons why the others liked to make fun of him.

Many a times, he thought of not talking at all but could he help and not open his young mouth because these grown ups never talked unless there was a change of plane or one of them had an idea.

Basically, silence bored him and he did not like it at all. So he was bound to open his mouth and talk regardless of the fact that all his friends desired to be the mute princes.

"Man, man. What was that?" Matty asked

"Yes, yes what was that?" Chris barged in.

"Half a century? You killed fifty already, Vin?" Matty polled.

They could not believe this because they were still very much busy trying to figure out when, why, how did they get inside this real-life, three-dimensional version of the game. 

So their heads were basically overloaded with how to figure this everything out. And although they did kill a few but they really did not think much about killing anyone besides those who posed as an immediate danger to them.

Normally, in the game, they too desired to kill as many as they could and have the highest number of kills but here right then in this unknown reality version of the game, things were different. 

In their mind all they could think, or were thinking of and planning was to how to figure things out and find a way out of here. Killing became a need for survival and not a necessity. 

They had no fondness of winning the game at that moment. Hell, winning was the impossible thing for them. They did not know shits about this version of the game. 

It was the same for Chris, Matty, and Cole. Matty did not even go to kill even a solid ten because he found this awesome broken apartment where he jumped in through the window after punching the glass of the window into a pieces and since then he had been hiding there. 

Chris did kill but not as much as Vin of course. And Cole killed a few only to protect himself. He had no craze of killing either. At that moment, all his mind could think of was how to figure things out in here and get the hell out of here. 

Well, Vin sort of resembled Viku, the unbeatable leader of the Salsiku team very closely. He always liked killing and so also enjoyed scoring the highest kill in the game everytime they played or be the best among his teammates if not all over the game.

"We had been here for more than three hours I guess and that is nothing guys. You all know it guys." Vin intruded.

Partly, it was true because Vin was always known for the fact that he killed even when it was unnecessary. He did not show one bit of mercy just like Viku and his firing skills were excellent, plus his style of shooting and talking was unique but mostly it annoyed his buddies having to listen to his bullshits while they were playing together in front of their personal computer with their headsets on.

"Got it. What was that voice again?" Matty asked

"The one with 'Congratulations, your kill had crossed half a century!'?" Vin tried to mimic the voice. 

"Yes yes. " Matty replied.

"That is the same voice that Welcomed us to here. 'Welcome to Pubg!'" Chris muttered.

"Guys..guys...we are missing out on what our leader had to say." Vinny let out.

One thing about him was he did not like it when he became the subject of discussion so he always tried to avoid it by bringing up anything to divert the mind of his friends. 

Cole sighed finally someone remembered. It was always like that. These guys would just forget the main task by talking useless stuff. 

"Yeah...but please reduce the talk when you are shooting Vinny. We had to listen to a lot of that already." Matty complained.

"Agreed to that." Chris butted in.

"Count me in too." Cole laughed.

The team enjoyed making fun of Vinny in moments like this for it was hardly any time they could make so. 

So whenever they got the chance, all of them would get in together and have a wonderful time mocking him.

Vin groaned in annoyance and mouthed, "I see. No, I cannot see but I can hear you guys forming a team against me" 

All he got in answer was a huge laughter.


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