Chapter 38 - I CANNOT SEE...

Once the monitor lit up, he typed in his password and waited for the screen to take him to his homepage. 


Cole you there? Dude? 


He probably waiting for his desktop to open ????


I told you I have a guy who could land you a new 15 series of gaming PC. 


He said he does not wants it Chris. So stop mentioning it again and again????


He is just trying to help here! 

Cole rolled his eyes looking at the text messages. Thankfully, the computer opened and he shortly started to get in with the game. 



That got Cole's attention. Damn! The Salsiku...they were the best squad who even got the chance to represent Miami in esports. 

Cole could literally see that their chance of winning the match now had reduced to thirteen percent. There was no way he and his teammates could take over Viku, the head of the Salsiku team.

Viku was a shrewd and cunning player. He did not show one bit of mercy and was a very good shooter. His bullet never missed to pierced in through the head of his opposition team members.


Cole cursed. This was his golden chance to change things a bit but now a new obstacle had knocked at his door.






Cole you there? 


We go by our initial plan. We kill Viku in the end.

The game started and Cole named Crypto, his playing name, Vin as Vinyl, Chris as Commander, and Matty as Martagalus. 

They waited in the loby. Their match would happen on the Erangle map. Their virtual characters inside the computer looked at each other. 

A few seconds more before they would broad the plane and be dropped on the battlefield. 

Cole totally forgot about the casserole he set inside the oven to hit up. The fifteen minutes were to be over soon. 

They got inside the plane. Cole closed his eyes imagining their victory in his mind.


Let's do it, guys! 


We are ready. 


May the best team wins! 

The beep-beep sound of the oven went unheard by Cole because of the headphones attached to his ears. 



And a big blast took place, blackening the view, time went static and a ping sound was heard in the background.


Cole remembered the day as if he was seeing a live slide show of it in front of his eyes. 

Talking about the eyes, his vision was still giving him a problem in having a clear view of the background before him. He rubbed his eyes again. 

The monitor screen lit up, Cole sat straight to type in his password and then wait for another minute before he would finally get inside but then some weird kind of smell started to evolve from there.

He sat up abruptly looking out. It smelt as if something was burning. He looked around trying to check if it was a case of the short circuit but then a thumping sound erupted, he turned back to see smoke coming out from the back of his monitor.

"Goddmanit!" He cursed.

His personal computer was dead for good now. And there was no way he could contact his buddies now right away. He punched the table and pulled out the plugs off from the electric circuit.

"What happened, Cole?" 

His mother rushed inside his room to check-in. She heard the small commotion from downstairs and all so him cursing. He turned to face her.

"Dud...did your computer just burn out?" Ivory asked, confused looking at the black smoke coming out.

" is dead for good now." Cole shrugged, unhappy about it.

Ivory pulled Cole back from standing so close to the desktop. She was afraid something horrible might happen. They just returned from the hospital. 

"Stay away from there. Did you pull the plugs off?" She questioned.

"Yes yes...I did." Cold nodded his head.

"Now go downstairs. I will call Mr.Evans to take this thing away from here before it causes more ruckus." 

"You do not have to call him. " Cole spoke in right away.

He could get rid of his computer by himself. He did not need the help of that perverted man. But his mother being mother, extremely cautious of his safety, denied it and went to call Mr.Evans without giving a second thought.

"No..young man. You go downstairs and sit there. I will get Mr. Evans. I do not want my house to catch fire for the second time in a row. " 

Ivory sassed and held the door open indicating Cole to step down and oblige by her. He had no option other than to follow her commands so he grunted in annoyance and descended the stairs in a grumpy mood.

His mother followed right after and headed out to get Mr.Evans in. Cole could not stop her even for a moment. He did not want to see the face of the man again. So he picked up the coat hung on the hanger and wore it heading out too, to Vin's house.

He needed his answers and he could not stop himself until he knew that every one of his friends was alright. If nothing would have happened to Vin, he surely would come and visit Cole hearing the news that he was in the hospital.

Something probably had happened and this had to be the sign that means this entire thing that he faced in that gaming world could probably not be just a mere dream and could be something else entirely.

He started walking as he saw his mother and Mr.Evans heading out from his house, he bent his head down and sped off from there so that they would not notice him. 

His mother surely would not allow him to go out right after he got discharged from the hospital. But he was curious and he needed answers too.

The pitter-patter rain fell upon him. The fresh chill wind hitting his face made him reminder the time when he was pushed down from the plane. He closed his eyes for a brief second trying to recall the moment.

It felt the same. The way the rainy wind was hitting on his face, it was the same there too. It was just so hard to draw a distinction between this world that he had known for his whole life than the one he had known only for a few hours.

Plus he recalled how he felt like they were trapped in there forever but then they found out that time was exceptionally slow in there. Where were they? Near the event horizon of the black hole? 

Talking about a black hole, he recalled the wormhole...not sure if it was exactly a wormhole but it appeared so. It had all the characteristics of a wormhole.

Cole took the u-turn. He walked looking down, his eyes fixed on the ground that was now wet with the light shower, the smell of mucky essence evoked out. 

The land there also felt so real. The golden, yellowish grasses spurting out of the ground felt like the time was a summer one there. It represented the same as the map of the game they played on their computers but it was all real.

"Watch out man!" 

Cole glared at the man who shouted at him for he unknowingly crashed onto him as his gaze was hitched on the ground. 

"You watch out!" Cole mouthed and continued walking.

He was just a few blocks away from Vin's house now. He just prayed that his mother and father were out because they did not like Cole having over in their house and that was why Vin and he mostly hung around in his house. 

His mother did not mind Vin being there and she was always out for work so it was ideal for them to be themselves and do whatever they liked.

As he resumed his journey to Vin's house, Cole felt like for one moment he could not see anything at all. His view became black and white and then back to black before turning frozen white.

He stopped in his tracks afraid. Damn! What was happening? He thought as he rubbed his eyes multiple times to generate a clear view but it was not working. He tried again and only on the nth time, his vision was somewhat back to normal but still it was not clear.

This made him concerned about his eyes. There was nothing wrong with his vision. Then what happened now? 

A slight...little discomfort would have been fine considering many people lose the power of their eye sight with age but with him things were worse. 

The moment before it felt like he was blind and could not see a thing. Everything turned black and white and frozen. He wanted to run back home and call the doctor for a quick eye check up. 

It was needed...his eyes needed immediate attention. Prolonging it would only cause more problems and curing it might become difficult later. 

Maybe early diagnosis could save his eye sight and also time and money? 


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