Chapter 4 - IT'S A F.U.C.K.I.N.G DREAM!

Right then he was sitting on the plane again for the sixth time now, his eyes trying to scan at least one known person from the real-life world. And then he saw him...he saw Chris...


He saw Chris dressed in the disguise of Victor. He knew it was Chris because of the name imprinted on his suite with the name of their team.

Commander * Intrepid

He was so elated to see someone so familiar after six times of getting shot and boarding the plane again and again and again that he tried to stand up and move towards where Chris was sitting to the furthest corner, left but he was held back by the seat belt, tightly clasped on his wast. 

He tried to undo it but it just did not oblige him. The lock of the belt was pretty different than the normal seat belt. He pressed on to the middle of the rectangle from the sides of where the straps came out. But nope, no reaction. The belt needed a secret code or something to detach it. He had no idea of it.

But when it was time to fly out of the plane, it opened automatically without a hint of struggle. But right then Cole wanted to get out of it and confront Chris and ask him what the hell was going on.

He decided to call out for him instead since the seat belt was being a bitch to him, restricting him from connecting with his buddy. He voiced out, but nothing came out. No sound or the words he spoke out, nothing came out.

It was strange. He did hear the noises as soon as landed on the ground but right after the voices got muted too. He did not know who did it but most probably the game worked in that way.

"Chris...Chris, can you hear me?"

"Look over here, Chris." 

He screamed out although nothing came out, he raised both hands in the air shaking it to and fro to gain Chris's attention but he ended up getting weird glares from the fellow passengers sitting beside him or to the front.

"Can...can you guys hear me? Hey...hey help me out." 

Chris voiced out looking to his side fellow passenger, sitting beside him. All Cole got was the weird glare, frowning and a look that certainly was questioning him if he was alright? It did not have to be voiced out.

Chris ignored it all and resumed screaming again. He was going to try...try and try until his throat ached and he could not shout any more.

"Hey, you...mortal..can you call Commander*Intrepid for me. He is sitting right beside you. Please call him...ask him to look over here. Can you? Will you?" 

He wanted to bang his head on the steel wall of the plane. For his loud screams and shouts were being ignored by these fellow players or they did not hear a thing from him which was so so f.u.c.k.i.n.g strange.

Many things were different from the game they played on the mobile or personal computer. Like the name were not imprinted on the suite in the virtual game. The voices...they could speak in through their microphone in the virtual game and stay connected. 

There had to ways..ways to connect with his teammates. He just had to figure it out. Now that he had seen Chris...he felt more confident than ever. If Chris was here then Vin and Matty were there too somewhere. He just had to find them out.

He tried to entangle his seat belt again at the same time trying to call put for Chris. It was getting late, one by one all were flying off the plane. And only a few of them were left. He was afraid what if Chris jumped out too without noticing him. Finding him on the battlefield would become equally very much impossible then.

As everyone from the left corner almost jumped out, Chris stood up too. It was then Cole decided he would jump off too and automatically the seat belt opened up.

So he just had to think of jumping off and the seat belt would have had opened? Why the hell did not think that way before? Cole thought. 

The line was long to the exit and Chris was like ten to twenty people away from Cole. Cole cursed under his breath as he impatiently stood in the line waiting for his turn. 

At least not like all the last five times when he was pushed out of the plane because he was the last one to remain in the plane when everyone else had jumped off before, he was doing it himself this time.

He closed his eyes, feeling remorse when Chris jumped off and yet there were ten-twenty people in front of him who had to jump off before him. 

After waiting for a brief while, it was finally his turn and without think twice like all the other times, he jumped off from the plane right away. 

In his mind, he wanted to relocate Chris again. He had to land and start walking in any direction in search of Chris or Matty or Vin.

The moment his shoes touched the ground, he held his M416 tight, aiming it at whoever might shot him from the back and front since it was a battleground, he had to be alert.

He had wasted a lot of time contemplating if this shit was real or not real and now that he knew it was, he needed to find a way out of it. 

An intruder came in his front, he quickly shot him off, firing bullets right inside the middle of his forehead. Cole was taken aback by how quick the M416 fired even when his forefinger just touched the trigger. 

"This is awesome!" 

He said to himself amazed. 

"Nope! This is not awesome."

"Are you crazy? This is a dream!"

"Yes, it's a f.u.c.k.i.n.g dream!"


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