Chapter 9 - HIDING IN THERE...

He fell flat on the ground, covering his head with both of his hands afraid that the sky would crush him down. He closed his eyes tight, his heart thumping fastest, rapidly against his fragile chest.

The moment felt so intense as he closed his eyes, waiting for his immediate death anytime now. He never in his life that this how he was going to die. Not even in his wildest dreams. 

The wind blew in the fastest speed as he could hear the 'grrrrrrrrr' sound of the enormous sky falling down onto the ground and at the same time, he could feel his death coming closer and closer.

And when after a few seconds, he felt nothing falling over him, when he did not feel something very large, infinitely heavier stuff not crushing over him, he very slowly looked up, removing the hands from his face, opening his eyes, his mouth fell open looking at what his eyes were seeing.


"So guys as I was telling, I had figured out a way to locate ourselves. " Cole let out. 

He was way excited to tell his friends the news of how he found out how to see the map and also look at it with a zoom view. He knew that they would be thrilled to hear the news. Finally they could figure where they were in the map and get back together, the way they belonged.

Much to his surprise when he thought that his friends would cheer him up or salute him for figuring it out before them, all he heard was the groans of annoyance and grunting of irritation. 

"We know it is through the map. " Matty said.

"Yes. But we do not know how to get an enlarged view of it. " Chris added.

Cole smiled at that and he said, "I exactly figured out how to do that. " 

But before he could stand and explain them of how to get a zoom version of the map, he looked out for any hiding spot, a tree perhaps where he could climb up for the time being and speak to them without the fear of getting shot.

And when he saw a big mahagony tree in a nearby distant and so he looked around to see where his enemies were at. They were about a few more steps away so he ran towards the big tree as fast as he could, killing a few that aimed their gun towards him.

"Wait up a little, guys. Let me find a safe place from where I can communicate without any danger." 

Cole said and continued running as fast as he could and climbed up on the tree without giving a second thought. It took him sometime to get at the top of the tree. It was a little bit difficult at first because it had been a while since he climbed a tree. He stopped only when he was five feet up from the ground and hid behind a big bush of the tree.

"So where were we guys?" He asked once he was settled and made sure nobody would see him through it.

"Well, you said you figured out how to have a zoomed view of the map," Matty said, tired of waiting for him to speak up.

"Yes. Do not act like a drama king and just tell us already. " Vin snorted.

Cole could not help but wonder if all these three of them had already figured out how to see the map then why did not they have not to realize by now that everything you wanted to do, you just had to think inside your head, and it got executed the same way you thought of inside your head.

Why the hell could not figure this simple thing when they already knew where to look at the map? Cole thought.

"If you guys already figured out where to find and see the map then how could you all not know how to have a zoomed version of the map?" Cole questioned.

"We just did not ok. We are not that intelligent as you Cole. If that was what you wanted to hear then you got it, dude. Now tell us already how you got the zoomed view of the map. " Vin replied.

Laughter from Matty and Chris were heard in the background along with Vin's remarkable mocking answer to Cole's question. Cole just rolled his eyes.

"You just had to think of having a zoomed version of the map in your mind. It is that simple. I mean how could you all not know that. It was that simple. " Cole uttered.

There was a silence for a while and Cole wondered what was wrong again. Why the hell were they not answering? He could not help but think. 

"Are you guys putting it to use already?" He questioned. 

He thought they all must have tried to put it into use because they had stopped speaking to him and went into silent mode. 

"How did you do it?" Vin yelled.

"Yes, man I cannot figure this shit out. How the hell you did it?" Chris groaned, annoyed.

"How the f.u.c.k M I to do this? I m not being able to figure it out either. " Matty cursed.

Cole was fired with all the cursings, annoyance, grunts of irritation from his friends while he kept sitting on the bark of the big managing tree hiding his face with the big leaves of the tree. 

All at that time, he could only wonder why and how the hell was these boys not being able to do such a simple task like that when they already had figured out the way to see the map even before he did it.

"Would you answer buddy?" Chris questioned.

"Yes, man I m on standby waiting for you to say something amid all these guys unsure when they shower their bullets onto me?" Vin snorted.

"I had been hiding here for more than five hours now boy!" Matty whispered, yelled.


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