The hundred-man formation led by Ximen Yu, Dongfang Yu, and Dongfang Yi was like a ball of fire when gathered and like stars when scattered.

They attacked when gathered and defended when scattered, and were very flexible.

The unicorn flame-breathing beast suffered heavy losses over there, but no one in the hundred-man formation here was injured.

Ximen Yu and others killed with great pleasure.

In the past, they were always bitten to death when fighting with monsters, and injuries were common and deaths were also occasional.

This time, all the previous hatreds and grudges were avenged and resolved!

How happy! How happy!

Monster Island.

The Monster King stood up and walked in front of the screen, almost sticking his head in.

"How could this happen? Why is this happening?"

"How could the human cultivators in Jiuzhou suddenly become so powerful?"

The Demon King was also full of surprise.

In the past, they sent some low-level demon beasts and magic beasts, which were enough to fight these top monks in Jiuzhou. This time, they have sent out mid-level demon beasts, but they were killed instantly?

It's incredible.

The Demon King suppressed his astonishment and comforted the Demon King.

"Don't worry, wait until the demon pigs catch that little idiot and then threaten those human monks. Don't you know that human monks pay the most attention to these false morals."

"Hundreds of years ago, didn't we use this method to catch some weak monks, lure powerful monks into traps, and catch them all in one fell swoop?"

The Demon King glanced at him.

"Have you forgotten that since the war hundreds of years ago, the Tianji Pavilion of Jiuzhou Continent has begun to deliberately train them to be cold-blooded and ruthless. When encountering such a situation, just give up and never rescue."

The Demon King remembered that it was indeed the case.

Last week, his people caught a human monk and used him as bait to lure other monks into a trap. As a result, his people twisted off the arms and legs of the bait one by one. The monk screamed and fainted and woke up in pain. In the end, his head was torn off, but he didn't trick any monks.

Tsk tsk, it seems that human monks nowadays are ruthless and ungrateful.

The hearts of the Demon King and the Demon King sank. Will the Ten Thousand Demons Valley lose the battle?

No, no, no, not necessarily.

It is said that the Tianji Pavilion values ​​a little human kid very much.

Jiuzhou has not had a God Emperor for hundreds of years.

The Tianji Pavilion values ​​this much, probably because this little kid is likely to be the new God Emperor?

If so, maybe the human monks will save this little kid at all costs.

The Demon King and the Demon King continued to watch.

The huge and clumsy demon pigs burrowed underground and came to the ground in front of Qing Jiujiu.

Just hearing a strange sound of "clang, gurgle!", hundreds of demon pigs with arrows stuck in their butts came out from the ground.

Qing Jiujiu paused in her melon seed cracking, spit out the melon seed shell with a "puff", clapped her hands, stood up, stretched her belly with her belly sticking out.

These stupid pigs are really stupid. They have been crawling for such a long time before they came to her. She was so thirsty from cracking melon seeds that she almost wanted to eat half a watermelon.

The demon pigs looked at her harmless and cute appearance.

She was not afraid of them! ?

She did not cry and call for her mother when she saw them?

The demon pigs immediately felt that their dignity was threatened!

It was really unreasonable. The monks of the hundred-man formation ignored them just now, but now even this little melon kid dared to ignore them. It was so arrogant!

"Little idiot, let me smash your head!"

The demon pig leader pulled out a pair of meteor hammers from his waist and smashed them at Qing Jiujiu's head.

Qing Jiujiu yawned lazily, took out a rattle from her arms, and the meteor hammer was about to fall. She jumped up and smashed it at the demon pig leader's head!


The demon pig leader felt his head buzzing.

The other demon pigs blinked, frightened and stunned, and had not reacted yet.

The demon pig leader covered his head, reacted, and suddenly became angry.

"Damn human idiot, you dare to hit me, I'll smash your head!"

"Oh? Really? I heard that pig brains are good."

Qing Jiujiu showed an evil smile on her face, raised the rattle high, and smashed them at their heads "bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom boom..."

As Qing Jiujiu's little figure flashed quickly.

Suddenly, the whole Wan Yao Valley was filled with beautiful drum sounds and screams.

Monster pigs: ! ! ?

Mom! It hurts! Woo woo woo... This human child is so scary! Mom!

Mom! Save me!


In a moment, the drum sounds and screams stopped, and the ground on the hillside of Wan Yao Valley was covered with clumps of fresh pig brains that looked white, tender and fragrant.

Qing Jiujiu put away the rattle, stretched, and bulged her belly.

"Oh! There is really no challenge at all.. "

"But it's really good for physical exercise."

On the other side.

The hundred-man formation killed all the one-horned flame-breathing beasts, and they didn't care about the things that exploded, and hurried to Qing Jiujiu.

As a result...

They saw this tragic scene.

Jin Jiemie and the others had obviously expected it, and they were not surprised, but they still felt it was a little brutal.

Ximen Yu, Dongfang Yu, Dongfang Yi and others were shocked and their shoulders were shaking like sieves.

They were afraid, and they were afraid again.

It turned out that Qing Jiujiu's rattle was so powerful.

It seems that when she dealt with them, she might not have used even half of her strength, otherwise they would be the ones with brains all over the ground now.

Qing Jiujiu looked at them coming.

She raised her chubby little face and smiled harmlessly.

"Wow, you are all here? It seems that the monsters over there have been solved by you, right? How is it? Is the formation useful? "

The sound of milk is so sweet.

For a moment, they really didn't know whether the pig brains all over the ground were knocked by the demon pigs themselves or knocked by Qing Jiujiu.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes.

They would have thought that the demon pigs were trying to scam.

This is simply a score on Liliyuan, one score after another.

Demon Island.

Demon King, Demon King:...

The two were stunned on the spot.

It's cracked, this should be the strength of a human kid?

They suddenly recalled Jiang Xie's words in their minds.

The current Jiuzhou Continent is no longer the Jiuzhou Continent of the past.

The current Jiuzhou Continent is full of Lianxu and Hedao.

Where does this start and end!?

This fucking little kid blew the heads of hundreds of divine demon pigs! Brutal! Absolutely brutal!

The two thought again and panicked, completely panicked!

"Jiuzhou is rising! "

"Jiuzhou must want to kill our demon clan and demon clan!"

"What should we do? What should we do?"

"Where is the clone you mentioned to catch the little fool?"

The Demon King twisted the Demon King's calf hard.

The Demon King gasped in pain.

"Wait a minute, wait until they relax their vigilance!"

The Demon King gritted his teeth and whispered.

The Demon King then let go of his hand. If this cunning guy dares not to go, I will bite him to death!

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