Tianji Pavilion, Mission Building.

The outer disciples stationed in Baiyun Town passed the news back to the Mission Building.

The high priest saw that it was a Mahayana cultivator, so he ran to Jiuxiu without saying a word.

Qing Jiujiu had a light sleep, yawned and got up. I don’t know what happened, but I just couldn’t sleep well, so I just didn’t sleep.

Let’s go to the Pavilion Master’s Zhaixing Building to check the strength list first.

Qing Jiujiu jumped off the bed with bare feet and just opened the door.

The high priest shouted in a hurry.

"Oh no! Hua Xizi met a Mahayana cultivator from Qu Qianzhou in Baiyun Town. Now she is in danger. You guys use the transmission gate to go to Baiyun Town to save her!"

Jin Jiemie, Ye Qing, Zhu Xiulian, and Nan Guoche shouted at the same time: "What!?"

Qing Jiujiu standing at the door frowned slightly and flashed.

Jin Jiemie and the other four turned around and found that Qing Jiujiu had disappeared.

The high priest blinked in astonishment.

This happened in an instant?

The magic of the former God Emperor? Qing Jiujiu actually knows it too? She is worthy of being the new God Emperor.

The spiritual energy in Hua Xizi's hand has reached its peak.

The monks of Qu Qianzhou who were locked in were full of despair.

Hua Xizi spread her hands and suddenly released the spiritual ball. With a "bang!", a mushroom cloud suddenly appeared in the air above Baiyun Town.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly appeared in the sky above Baiyun Town and saw this scene.

"Sister Hua Xizi!"

She shouted, and her figure flashed again and came to the center of the mushroom cloud.

Hua Xizi was surrounded by a red halo. It was formed by her at the moment of the explosion, so that she would not be blown into powder. However, because the spiritual energy was extinguished after death, the red halo also dissipated, leaving only her body. She slowly floated down from the air, and her body was as light as a rose petal.

Qing Jiujiu jumped up, opened her arms, and with her short little hands, she caught Hua Xizi in her arms and gently dropped her down.

"Sister Hua Xizi!"

Hua Xizi didn't move at all, her face was as pale as snow, and her red clothes were covered with blood, as if she had just been soaked in a river of blood.

Qing Jiujiu gritted her teeth, buried her face in Hua Xizi's arms, her face gloomy and expressionless.

The smoke on the ground after the explosion dissipated, making two "clicks".

Qing Jiujiu looked in that direction with a stiff neck, and saw a round head popping out.

Cruz struggled to climb up from the ground, patting the dirt off his body and saying, "Fuck! It's so unlucky, this Jiuzhou is so unlucky! It explodes all the time, I'm careless! Fortunately, I have the skill of escaping from the shell, otherwise I really have to die here today!"

The four Jin Jimie also came here using the transmission gate, but at a slower speed.

At a glance, they saw the person in Qing Jiujiu's arms and Qing Jiujiu's face, and their hearts were immediately pulled into a line.

They were a step late, and Hua Xizi was in trouble.

For a moment, the four people didn't know what to say.

Instinctively followed Qing Jiujiu's gaze and looked out.

I saw Cruz crawling out from the ground. He stood on the ground, felt the cold eyes, turned his head and looked over.

At once, he met five pairs of eyes and took a breath.

These five people... Aren't they the ones they are going to deal with this time?

Damn! He has lost half of his skills now.

Crusdada took two steps back and tried to escape.

Qing Jiujiu put Hua Xizi down, then spread her palms, and a handful of pills appeared in her hands, which she stuffed into Jin Jiemie.

"Ninth-grade soul-restoring pills, give them to Sister Hua Xizi. If one pill is not enough, take ten pills. If ten pills are not enough, take a hundred pills. If a hundred pills are not enough, take a thousand pills."

Jin Jiemie nodded silently and groaned, "Hmm."

Qing Jiujiu walked towards Crusdada barefoot and with a gloomy face.

Jin Jiemie and the other four couldn't help but have red eyes.

Crusdada took the opportunity to run towards the tearing void, and his whole head went into it, and he was about to escape.

Qing Jiujiu flashed, grabbed his ankle, pulled it hard, and smashed it to the ground.

Crusdada's head buzzed and he almost fainted.

He opened his eyes and saw that it was the little baby in the Refining Void Stage! ?

How could he be so strong!

But there was nothing to be afraid of. As long as those guys didn't make a move, he could still deal with a little baby.

Thinking of this, Crusdada wanted to pull out the double hammers from the storage ring.

But Qing Jiujiu raised her little hand and smashed it down on his face.

"Bang!" With a sound, it was directly smashed into a dent.


Crusdada screamed.

He was in so much pain that tears came out. How could this child be so strong? He kicked Qing Jiujiu hard in pain.Jiujiu turned around and tried to crawl back.

Qing Jiujiu jumped and stepped on his back, then her knee hit his cervical vertebrae directly. With a "crack", Cruz's neck was dislocated. This time, he was in so much pain that he didn't even say "ah", but just opened his mouth.

This was far from enough.

Qing Jiujiu grabbed his hair and slammed his forehead against the stone brick floor scattered with gravel.

Once! Twice! Hit again and again.


Cruz screamed in pain, but he had no power to fight back.

He wanted to raise his hand, but Qing Jiujiu stepped on his wrist with her foot, and his wrist was directly cracked.

He wanted to raise his foot, but Qing Jiujiu stepped on his ankle with her foot, and his ankle was directly broken.



Cruz burst into tears in pain.

Isn't it Lianxu? How can it be so powerful! He was beaten with bare hands and had no power to fight back.

"I was wrong! Little girl, spare my life, I have old people and children to take care of, please spare me!"

Krusedada saw that he couldn't win, so he just lay on the ground, crying and begging for mercy from Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu didn't even say a word to him, grabbed his hair in front of his forehead, and punched him again.

"Ugh, ah!"

Krusedada's words of begging for mercy stopped abruptly, and all his teeth fell out.

Qing Jiujiu looked at his big mouth like a fat intestine, narrowed her eyes, and continued to punch him in the mouth.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"


The screams of pain gradually weakened.

First, blood flew, then bones and flesh flew, and finally brains flew...

Qing Jiujiu pounded his head into the ground again and again, and finally closed her eyes slightly, condensed a sword in her right hand, pointed it at his abdomen, and gently slashed it, ripping his intestines open.

She slowly stood up.

In the distance, Jin Jiemie fed all the pills to Hua Xizi.

Hua Xizi finally woke up, and Jiuxiu and the other five looked at Qing Jiujiu.

As a result, they saw something they had never seen before.

Violent Jiujiu, like a demon.

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