"Oh, here it comes."

Bai Ruochu took out another talisman and silently chanted the spell.

But... after racking his brains for a long time, he couldn't think of any beauty.

There was no way. There were a hundred beauties, and none of them were the same. If he didn't have more palace maids in his royal family, he really couldn't think of it.

After chanting the spell for a long time, he was finally helpless. He only thought of Bai Qingyao's mother in his mind, so he continued to make seals and waved the talisman.

Nan Guoche turned into Bai Qingyao's mother.

Everyone was stunned.

Even Qing Jiujiu was stunned.

Although the beauties disguised by others were beautiful enough, they were not as graceful as the beauty disguised by Nan Guoche, who was like a lotus in the clear water without being coquettish, and like a peony in full of fragrance.

Nan Guoche was a little embarrassed by their eyes, and reached out to touch his face, snorting in his heart.

Is it so exaggerated?

Nan Guoche continued, "Then, who will disguise themselves as Crusdada?"

"Bai Ruochu, you should be the one to disguise yourself, because everyone in Qu Qianzhou has seen Crusdada, so you need to disguise yourself in the most similar way. This disguise technique is originally used by you, so it is safest for you to pretend to be Crusdada." Qing Jiujiu looked at Bai Ruochu.

Bai Ruochu nodded obediently, "Okay."

He took out the talisman, silently chanted the spell, and then waved his hand back.

He changed from a thin and upright gentle and noble prince to Crusdada with a fat belly and a greasy face.

Seeing Nan Guoche and the others, their fists hardened, and they almost rushed up to beat Bai Ruochu again.

Bai Ruochu adhered to the principle that he should not lose his composure as a royal prince, and forced himself to resist the urge to turn pale.

Qing Jiujiu touched his chin, looked left and right, and felt that something was wrong with Bai Ruochu.

Then he suddenly understood and snapped his fingers.

"Bai Ruochu, your eyes are not lewd enough, you need to be more lewd."


Bai Ruochu frowned in embarrassment.

This was really difficult for him. According to the royal etiquette, if he showed a lewd look, he would probably have his legs broken.

"But I can't do it." Bai Ruochu said.

"You can't do it?"

Qing Jiujiu shook her head. It seemed that Jiuzhou was indeed a country of etiquette and music, with strict etiquette.

"Come, I'll teach you."

Qing Jiujiu looked at Nan Guoche, her little mouth tilted, she licked her lips with her tongue, her eyes were straight, and then she jumped up and outlined Nan Guoche's chin with her fingers.


Nan Guoche:  ̄— ̄||

It really looks like it.

Bai Ruochu was even more embarrassed for a while...

He couldn't even stick out his tongue.

"Have you learned it?" Qing Jiujiu turned around and looked at Bai Ruochu.

Bai Ruochu shook his head like a rattle.

Qing Jiujiu rolled her eyes, her face full of disgust. She had learned such a difficult profession as a talisman master, but she couldn't learn 'color'. Really...

"Then don't learn anything else. Just that look. Just learn that straight look. What do you want most? Just imagine their faces as that. That's it. It's that simple. Do you understand?"

Qing Jiujiu taught patiently.

Bai Ruochu thought about it. The best cinnabar for drawing talismans is Bailu Town cinnabar. Using that kind of cinnabar to draw talismans can increase the success rate. However, only 2 liang can be shoveled a year, which is very rare.

Bai Ruochu secretly made a decision and set a trick for himself. When he saw their faces, it was as if they had applied a mask made of Bailu Town cinnabar. His eyes were immediately hooked.

He was just about to get started.

Nan Guoche and the others were so scared that they quickly dispersed and shouted.

"Bai Ruochu! What are you doing!"

Bai Ruochu finally came to his senses, "Sorry, sorry, I forgot, I forgot."

Qing Jiujiu looked at Bai Ruochu and nodded with satisfaction.

The boy is teachable, and now he finally resembles him.

"Okay, let me teach you one last thing."

Qing Jiujiu snapped her fingers.

A turret appeared out of thin air in the yard, and a large cannonball was placed on one side of the turret.

Jinzi and two other monkeys were standing next to the turret.

"Master." Jinzi shouted to Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu glanced at the turret and the cannonball, and felt that the structure was different from before.

Jinzi explained: "We have modified the turrets and shells. The power of a shell before was equivalent to the fatal blow of a peak Hedao monk, and the power of the shell now is equivalent to the fatal blow of a peak Mahayana monk."

"Wow! Awesome! Not only can we make the same one, but we can also modify it."

Qing Jiujiu couldn't help but give Jinzi a thumbs up.

He is worthy of being a divine monkey in the lower world.

"Then Jinzi, show them how to operate this and teach them." Qing Jiujiu said."Okay."

Jin Zi waved his hand, and the two little monkeys carried the shells and loaded them neatly into the barrel. Then the two monkeys adjusted the angle of the barrel, tilted it at a 75° angle towards the sky, and raised the torch to light the fuse.

"Zi~ Bang! Boom!"

The shells rushed out and suddenly exploded in the sky.

For a moment, the place where they were standing was shaking.

Nan Guoche and others looked at this scene in surprise. If this was fired at them, they would definitely die!

"That's it. The operation is very simple. Load the shells, adjust the direction of the barrel, and then light the fuse. Do you understand?"

Jin Zi explained to them seriously.

Nan Guoche and the other 100 people nodded in unison, and then raised their thumbs in unison.


Qing Jiujiu clapped his hands.

"Okay! Then you all know how to do it. When we get to Qu Qianzhou, after I break their formation, you will be responsible for operating a turret each. You must not make any mistakes. Do you understand?"

"Understood! Master Feisheng!" All the people in the Secret Pavilion responded.

"Okay! Perfect! Then according to the convention, you should go to the cafeteria to eat first. It will take an hour. After eating, gather together and then set off!"


All the people in the Secret Pavilion responded again.

After responding... they realized that, wait, they have all turned into women now. If they go to the cafeteria and are recognized... wouldn't they be... embarrassed!

Nan Guoche looked at Qing Jiujiu with tears in his eyes.

Can we not go?

It seems that it is not possible. After all, eating before going out is a habit of the Tianji Pavilion for thousands of years.

They looked at each other, and then walked towards the cafeteria with iron-clad steps.

Along the way, the members of the inner cabinet, the middle cabinet and the outer cabinet who passed by were all staring with their eyes wide open.


When did the secret cabinet have so many beauties!

They are all so beautiful!

Nan Guoche bared his teeth at them in anger, and his cultivation at the peak of the Hedao burst out at once.

The members of the inner cabinet, the middle cabinet and the outer cabinet were so scared that they quickly scattered.

But there was a goose yellow figure that stood in front of him and did not leave for a long time. After looking again and again, he finally couldn't help but rushed towards Nan Guoche and hugged his waist.

"Mother! Is it really you! Mother!"

"Wuwuwu... Although I have never seen you, I have seen your portrait, I recognize you, I know you are my mother... Wuwuwu..."

(End of the fourth update)

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