The shaking became more and more intense.

So intense that the sword in the sea of ​​consciousness seemed to rush out of the body.

Suddenly, a picture flashed in Qing Jiujiu's mind.

The cylinder suddenly became smaller and turned into a fragment, flying onto the sword in the sea of ​​consciousness. The tip of the transparent sword became a solid entity.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly opened her eyes and understood.

"So that's what happened!"

She looked at the cylinder in front of her excitedly.

This is not the so-called immortal sword, but a piece of immortal sword fragment with immortal energy. It is very likely that it fell from the upper realm, and then Qu Qianzhou picked up three pieces, and then boasted that it was an immortal sword. This bluff made other states around begin to be wary.

Thinking of this, Qing Jiujiu snapped her fingers.


The guess was right. These three pieces of immortal sword fragments are part of the entity of the sword in her sea of ​​consciousness.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for finding a fragment of the ancient sword. A casting furnace is rewarded. ]

[In addition, congratulations to the host for starting the side quest: Collecting fragments of ancient artifacts. To be invincible, magic weapons are indispensable. Gather the fragments and throw them into the casting furnace to summon the magic sword. ]

[Please drip your blood on the fragments of the ancient magic sword to complete the recognition of the master. ]

A burst of system sounds flashed in Qing Jiujiu's mind.

As expected, she guessed it right, and her eyes were shining.

It seems that the rattle should be the initial weapon of the reward.

However, she has used it well.


Qing Jiujiu was so happy that she almost laughed with her hands on her hips.

[Please drip your blood on the fragments of the ancient magic sword to complete the recognition of the master. ]

The system prompted again.

"Okay! Okay! Okay! Got it, that's it."

Qing Jiujiu said, and then put her finger into her mouth, bit it gently with her little tiger teeth, and a drop of blood came out of her fingertip.

She pinched her fingertips and pressed the blood drop into the cylinder.

Suddenly, the red blood seeped in, then spread, and finally formed a blood net that penetrated every corner of the cylinder.

The cylinder flashed with golden light and shook.

Qing Jiujiu's lips curled, "It's done!"

She could already sense the existence of the cylinder. As long as she moved her mind, the cylinder would instantly fly into her sea of ​​consciousness and merge with the sword.

But it's not the right time yet.

Summoning the cylinder now will only cause the other two cities and the capital city in the middle to be in a state of panic. If you alert the snake, it will be difficult to deal with it.

Nan Guoche and the others standing on the top waited for a long time but didn't see Qing Jiujiu coming out, so they were a little anxious and almost couldn't wait to go down to find Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu came out, with two or three red feathers inserted between the two little tufts, matching her outfit, so cute.

The eyes of Nan Guoche and others suddenly sparkled.

Qing Jiujiu jumped out, and three feathers floated down with a little shake. One of them swept her nose, making her nose itchy. She rubbed her nose with a "Ah Qiu" sound.

The eyes of Nan Guoche and others suddenly became brighter.

Qing Jiujiu raised her head and looked at them: "It's been solved. Next... Bai Ruochu, I'll ask you to disguise Dongfang Yu as Buddy."

"Dongfang Yu, you have to stay here and pretend that Buddy is still alive, and then wait for my signal, and then we will bombard the capital together!"

Qing Jiujiu took out a storage ring from her arms.

This storage ring was the one that was previously "There are ten artillery shells and a thousand artillery shells in it. You take your previous third squad members and stay here."

Dongfang Yu took the storage ring.

"What is the signal?" Dongfang Yu asked.

Qing Jiujiu smiled and pointed to the ground, "The fragments of the fairy sword underground are rising into the sky, which is the signal."

"Fragments of the fairy sword? Isn't it a fairy sword?" Dongfang Yu exclaimed, and then he reacted, "Has it been Qu Qianzhou who has been bragging all along?"

"Not bad! A teachable boy!"

Qing Jiujiu gave Dongfang Yu a thumbs up.

Bai Ruochu used an enhanced version of the disguise charm on Nan Guoche and the others, and then...

Nan Guoche took out the fat cow, and about a hundred people sat on the ground. Nan Guoche used a knife to cut it into 102 pieces of the same size, and shared them for a delicious meal.

Then, they continued to set off.

While waiting for them to come out of the courtyard, the guards at the gate noticed that there were only ninety beauties left out of the original one hundred, so they thought that Buddy had taken ten of them, and their expressions suddenly became ambiguous.

Then they continued to look at the remaining ninety with a burning gaze.

"I have to say, the most beautiful one is the beauty holding the child."

"That's right! Tsk tsk, it's said that Kyushu is full of beauties. Now it seems true.That's right."

"Look at your drooling, you should restrain yourself, those are all Cruzdada's women, do you think you are General Buddy? You can get beauties just by looking at them?"

"Can you be more broad-minded! ? Can you think long-term? Isn't the Jiuzhou barrier going to be broken? When the time comes, we will follow General Buddy to attack Jiuzhou, and there will be no shortage of beauties, right? Don't we grab every one we see?"

"That's right! "

They immediately began to imagine the robbery thousands of years ago, which was so cool!

Nan Guoche almost went berserk after hearing these whispers, but he still restrained himself.

After all, if he took action now, he could only kill one or two.

A little impatience can ruin a big plan.

Qing Jiujiu rarely gets angry, but after hearing these words, she once again felt the urge to rip them apart.

She took a deep breath and suppressed her anger.

They continued to walk forward, perhaps because they saw that Bai Ruochu, who had disguised himself as Crusdada, was walking away, so they laughed even more arrogantly and obscenely.


Bai Ruochu turned around, his eyes red, and jumped up to the two guards who took the lead in speaking, and slapped them with two backhanded slaps.


"Shut your dog mouths! "

The guards were so frightened that their legs went limp and they knelt on the ground.

"Please spare us, sir! Please spare us, sir! We shouldn't have joked with your woman, we were wrong!"

Bai Ruochu looked at them begging for mercy, and the end of the massacre of women thousands of years ago that he had read in the history books in the palace before flashed through his mind. He immediately pulled out the sword from the waist of the guard beside him in anger.

"Swish! "With a sound, two heads rolled down.

Suddenly, Nan Guoche and others felt very comfortable!

Good kill!

Qing Jiujiu also raised his chin and looked at Bai Ruochu with appreciation.

A young man is teachable.

At this time, it is most appropriate for him to take action.

Bai Ruochu threw the sword to the ground with his backhand and turned away.

Nan Guoche and others continued to follow.

Bai Ruochu is a talisman master. As for why he is willing to study talismans but not swordsmanship, it is not because of his poor qualifications, but because he is soft-hearted.

When he was thrown into a mass grave, he would rather be injured than hurt others.

And talismans have strong defensive properties, and can also be used to save the souls of the dead when cleaning the battlefield, which is the most suitable for him.

It can be said that this time, Qu Qian and his entourage have changed him a lot and made him grow a lot.

Inside, you can be kind.

Outside, you must not be kind.

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