Qing Jiujiu left ten artillery batteries and a thousand shells for Nan Guoche, and then led the team to continue to the last city.

After leaving the city, they arrived at a deserted place.

Bai Ruochu asked Qing Jiujiu: "God Emperor, do you think this last city is still the same as the previous two, inviting people to dinner and drinks?"

Qing Jiujiu touched his chin, thought for a while, and then whispered: "Let's see what happens when the time comes. After all, plans cannot keep up with changes. Who knows what the situation is in this last city?"

"That's right."

Bai Ruochu nodded.

He just got a rough idea of ​​what happened. Who knew that Xindi was actually an old acquaintance of Qingyao's mother.

But it's not surprising.

Qingyao's mother was once one of the best female warriors in Jiuzhou.

Capturing monks from other states who entered the barrier everywhere, this Xindi should be just one of them.

After being whipped and thrown into the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, Xindi woke up faintly.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw all kinds of strange monsters in front of him.

There were pigs, cows, horses, and a werewolf.

Jiang Xie looked at Xindi in front of him with his head hunched. His fair skin was covered with whip marks, and there was a faint smell of human blood. It was really fragrant.

And his race, white skin and blue eyes, tasted better than the yellow skin and black eyes of Jiuzhou. There was an indescribable taste. He hadn't eaten it for a long time.

Jiang Xie licked his lips.

But a voice that penetrated deep into his bones and soul sounded in his mind.

"You can only eat low-intelligence animals and grass, otherwise you will be killed without mercy."

Jiang Xie shuddered.

Xindi was confused by the scene in front of him and was scared.

Oh my god, who can tell me what's going on? !

Am I not playing games with my beauty? Why did I run to the demon tribe!

And why are these demon tribes a little strange? Why don't they take action, but just watch me?

No matter what, the first to strike is the strongest, and the last to strike will suffer.

Xindi supported himself on the ground with his palm, secretly condensing his spiritual energy, but suddenly... "Puff" he spat out a mouthful of blood! Fuck, I played too much just now, I was injured internally, and I couldn't condense my spiritual energy.

Mmm... I won't die here, right?

Just when Xindi was thinking about it.

Jiang Xie suddenly stuffed a hoe into his palm.

"People who come here can only do one thing, that is, mining!"

There are still hundreds of billions of spiritual stone mines under the Wan Yao Valley that have not been dug out!

Xindi looked at the hoe in his palm and was stunned, but for some reason, the moment he received the hoe, he actually wanted to mine uncontrollably.

He did it right away, he jumped up, found a mining area, swung the hoe down, and then he was like a madman, digging more and more happily, and couldn't stop at all.

"Ah! I love mining! Mining makes me happy!"

As long as it is a place that Qing Jiujiu has conquered, and Qing Jiujiu's flag has been planted.

The people in that area will be used by Qing Jiujiu and cannot resist!

So, at this time, Xindi can only be driven by instinct and keep mining.


Kakar Castle.

The man in black armor is big and strong. If he is fatter, he will look like Crusdada.

He stood on the city wall and looked into the distance.

The spies he planted in the two cities reported that Crusdada took more than a hundred beauties to the two cities, leaving ten beauties in each city before leaving.

He crossed his arms and locked onto the distance.

If the guess is right, he will come to Kakar Castle next!

But why did he come to Kakar Castle at the end? Could it be that...he is not worthy?

It's really absurd!

"Report! Lord Crusell! Here they come! They come!"

"Finally they come!"

Crusell's eyes lit up, and he waved away the person who came to report, and walked out of the city gate in two steps.

As expected, he saw a pair of people coming from a distance.

Bai Ruochu disguised himself as Crusell and walked in front, followed by Dongfang Yi holding Qing Jiujiu, and then the other people in the Secret Pavilion.

Bai Ruochu also saw Crusell.

He felt a little nervous, and asked Qing Jiujiu in a low voice.

"Lord God Emperor, there are people in front. It seems that their cultivation is higher than ours, and they look like the lord of this last city. Could they be here to ambush us?"

Qing Jiujiu narrowed her eyes slightly, and replied in a low voice: "Everyone be on guard. When you get in front, listen to my instructions. If something goes wrong, disperse immediately. Five people in a team, use the Earth Demon Thunder Formation to attack."


Getting closer and closer.

Krusel's eyes became more and more gloomy, and he stared at Krusdada angrily, wishing to tear him to pieces.

Bai Ruochu became more cautious under this look.

The twoThe distance between the two people was only about twenty steps away.

Krusier, who had been standing still, raised his foot, and Bai Ruochu put his hand on the talisman on his waist, ready to fight at any time.

Krusier shouted.


Bai Ruochu:?

Qing Jiujiu:? ?

Everyone in the Secret Pavilion:? ? ?

Brother? Is this person Krusdada's younger brother?

Qing Jiujiu shrugged.

See, I knew I didn't need to plan ahead, because plans really can't keep up with changes.

Krusier ran to Bai Ruochu, looked at the beauties behind him, and breathed heavily with excitement, and drool was about to flow down the corners of his mouth, but he became even more angry when he turned around.

He snorted heavily, and a breath of air came out of his nostrils, "Brother! What's wrong with you! You came back to the main city of Quqianzhou and didn't come to me first, but ran to their place!? It's okay to run over, but you also left ten beauties for each of them, this is too much!"

Bai Ruochu:...

He twitched his mouth, and roughly understood why the man in front of him looked at him with a cannibalistic look just now.

As a prince, he naturally has the ability to respond on the spot.

Bai Ruochu laughed, then stretched out his hand and hammered his shoulder, "Oh! Isn't it because I want to leave the best for you? I only gave them ten, and the remaining eighty, we each have half, hahaha..."

Krusierer frowned, still looking angry, and whispered.


Bai Ruochu's smile froze, and he took a breath lightly "hiss!"

"I want fifty, you are my brother, you have to let me!" Krusierer said

"Hahaha... OK, of course, fifty is fifty, you are my brother?" Bai Ruochu's face was frozen with laughter, and he cursed in his heart.

Fuck, our Jiuzhou women become like "things" when they come to you, what a shame!

Bai Ruochu never swears, but seeing the evil maggots of this Qu Qianzhou man, he just wants to swear!

"Let's go! Let's go to my city lord's house and talk slowly!"

Krusier hooked his arm and pinched Bai Ruochu's shoulder. He froze and frowned.

What's going on? Although his brother's figure is the same as before, his muscles are like cotton, not hard at all?

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