"I'll come in person!"

Mi Mantian shouted loudly, and a strong air burst out from his chest, pressing towards the 107 brothers.

This is the pressure from the peak of the Nascent Soul stage.

Except for the senior brother Liu Lixian who was in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul and could barely bear it, the knees of the other brothers had already begun to bend slowly and were about to kneel down.

Another spiritual energy floated down, supported under their knees, and propped them up.

This is the power of the Transformation Realm!

Mo Ye was suspended in the air, and the rain naturally avoided him.

He put one hand behind his back and said condescendingly, "Brother, when did you start to care about my Lingyun Peak's affairs?"

Everyone was slightly stunned.

This voice, this is...

Everyone raised their heads and looked up in the air.

It's really the Sect Master!

Everyone knows that the Sect Master lives in seclusion and rarely leaves Sanqing Pavilion for ten years, but today he came out for this little waste who has no cultivation.


Did this little waste just climb into bed successfully?

Impossible, how can this little body crawl when it looks like it's only five years old?

But some people who are crazy and can't think independently will not consider these things.

For example, Ye Youqing's silver teeth were almost broken in anger.

But in this scene, she had no right to speak, so she could only stand far away.

Mimantian raised his eyes and replied lightly.

"Lingyun Peak is also part of the Chiyun Sect. As an elder of law enforcement, how can I not take care of this disciple who violates the system? Or is it that the head brother insists on protecting this kid today?"

He had respect on his face, but his tone was asking questions.

The disciples of the seventy peaks were very excited.

The sect master and the elder were arguing! Such a scene is rare in a hundred years.

"Then I wonder what crime my little disciple has committed?" Mo Ye raised his eyebrows.

"She climbed your bed!" Mimantian laughed.

Mo Ye raised his eyebrows again, "When did she climb into my bed? How come I didn't know?"

Mimantian was stunned, his eyes narrowed, and he stared at Ye Youqing.

Ye Youqing's heart stagnated, "I, I clearly saw her Qing Jiujiu enter Sanqing Pavilion, and their disciples just said it themselves."

Ye Youqing pointed at Liu Lixian and others.

Mo Ye glanced at them slowly, "They are used to joking, and they are used to playing with each other. Jiujiu entered Sanqing Pavilion just to pay me respects."

"You spread the news randomly, and you will be punished later."


Liulixian clasped her fists, and she was so moved that she wanted to cry.

Although the master is usually not seen, he really protects his children when he needs to.

Mo Ye glanced at the people behind Mimantian again, "Senior brother, remember to restrain your disciples."

Mimantian choked, took a deep breath, and said again.

"Leaving this matter aside, Qing Jiujiu also drank wine."


Mo Ye raised his eyebrows: "Do we still have wine in Chiyun Sect?"

This sentence carried endless pressure, his face was dark, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Mimantian questioningly.

Mimantian's heart "slammed".


As a law enforcement elder, he allowed wine to appear in the sect, which means that he usually does not enforce the law strictly.

Qing Jiujiu is guilty.

As a law enforcement elder, his crime is not small.

Everyone looked at Mimantian.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Mimantian was sweating in his heart, his charcoal-like face remained calm, and he quickly thought of countermeasures in his mind.

Mo Ye said slowly again: "Jiujiu is still young, and he is usually a little sleepy. Did you see it wrongly and think he drank?"

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Liulixian again.

As soon as the words fell, Mimantian was as if pardoned, and pointed at Liulixian: "Yes, did you see it wrong? How could a little brat like Qing Jiujiu drink alcohol?"

Liulixian also hurriedly bowed, "Disciple will go and take another look."

He turned around and walked towards the quilt.

He pretended to pull it, and the smell of alcohol came to his face, and everyone standing close could smell it.

Liulixian was calm and closed the quilt, lying without blushing or beating his heart.

"Replying to Master, Great Elder, it is true that all of us saw it wrong. The little sister was just sleeping soundly."


Mo Ye snorted.

Mimantian breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was unhappy, he was finally fine.

"Okay, since it's just a farce, let's go."

"But, Master,"

"But what but, there is no but."

Ye Youqing was about to speak when she was interrupted by Mimantian's anger.

Ye Youqing's eyes turned red, and she was angry.

What happened? Could it be that the master was bewitched by this little idiot?

Ye Youqing's IQ was really not enough to think too much about the deeper level of things. Under the pressure of Mimantian, she did not dare to speak.

Mo Ye and Mimantian also took off into the air and prepared to leave.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was over,The love is over, and we are ready to go.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly crawled out of the bed.

"Ah! Wine!"

"Good wine, good wine, hehe~ give me another pool!"

She turned over, smacked her lips, and muttered.

She lay on the ground with her four legs up, scratching her round belly.

This... It's obvious that she drank!

Mo Ye and Mi Mantian were petrified on the spot.

One hundred and eight brothers almost cried.

Woo woo woo...

Little sister, why don't you go crazy when you're drunk at any other time?

The other seventy peak disciples stopped again, showing expressions of watching a good show.

Exciting, exciting!

It's confirmed that the little sister of Lingyun Peak is drunk!

Now let's see how the sect master and the law enforcement elders can fool around?

Mo Ye, worried.

Mi Mantian is even more worried!

I almost cried with worry!

Damn it, Chiyun Sect has changed two law enforcement elders for thousands of years, and there has never been a vicious incident of drunken disciples.

Now it has come to him, but this kind of thing has happened, it is simply a great shame!

Mistake, mistake, why didn't he think of this when he came just now!

Mimantian glared at Ye Youqing fiercely.

Ye Youqing looked innocent and wanted to cry.

Mimantian looked at Mo Ye again as if admitting defeat and asking for help.

Mo Ye remained silent.

Wait, let me think about how to explain to Jiujiu (quibbling).

Qing Jiujiu's chest was full of alcohol at this time.

The sword hanging in the sea of ​​consciousness appeared again.

It was shining, as if it was going to cut through the sky, it was very beautiful.

[Host, please move your mind and try to break the mountains and rivers with a sword! ]

It's just a dream anyway, isn't it just breaking the mountains and rivers with a sword?

After practicing for so long, she still hadn't tried this kind of refreshing feeling, so she tried it in her dream.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qing Jiujiu supported her chubby little hands and her short legs that were almost as long as her hands, and stood up shakily.

In reality, she stood up with her head down.

Everyone looked at her in unison.

Mo Ye twitched his mouth.

It seemed that there was no way to quibble.

Qing Jiujiu took two steps forward, then raised her hand and shouted loudly.


The tone was fierce and full of momentum.

The onlookers laughed.

It was obvious that he was drunk. He returned the sword. A person who hadn't even broken through as a warrior, returned the sword, what the hell?

Everyone was so uncomfortable holding back their laughter.

Mo Ye sighed barely audibly.

There was no way to make up for it. It seemed that he could only be punished.

After all, in the Chiyun Sect, drinking in private is a big deal.

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