Hua Xizi and Ye Youqing frowned.

Eh~ When did Jiujiu learn these vulgar tricks to tease girls?

Never mind, taking a bath is important now.

Hua Xizi grabbed Ye Youqing and Qi Fanfan's arms.

"Jiujiu, you came just in time, let's go take a bath together. I remember how happy we were when we were in Tianji Pavilion and took a bath together in the spiritual energy pool."

Qi Fanfan: Hmm?

Take a bath?

Qi Fanfan was stunned when he was dragged to the bath by Hua Xizi and Ye Youqing.

Hua Xizi was still enthusiastic and began to help Qi Fanfan untie his belt.

Qi Fanfan was so scared that he jumped two steps forward and crossed his hands.

"That! I'm not Qing Jiujiu!"

Hua Xizi was stunned, stared at the person in front of her, and then smiled dumbly.

"If you are not Jiujiu, then who is Jiujiu? Stop teasing me. I can recognize you even if you turn into ashes. You are Jiujiu."

Hua Xizi stepped forward again and grabbed Qi Fanfan's arm, pulling him forward.

Qi Fanfan raised his hand, and the golden sleeves fell down.

He realized then - wow, women's clothing!

When he got to the pool, Qi Fanfan looked into the pool again and took a closer look.

Wow! This rouge and lipstick, women's makeup!

"Hurry up, bathing is the most comfortable, don't be shy, I have seen you when you were a child."

Hua Xizi continued to help Qi Fanfan take off his clothes.

Qi Fanfan turned around and quickly refused, but stepped on the hem of her skirt and fell straight into the pool.


He drank a mouthful of pool water.

Qi Fanfan slid his hands twice. The long sleeves were dragging and dragging, which was very inconvenient. Qi Fanfan had to work hard and pulled the sleeves open with a sound of "ripping" and floated to the surface.

Broad shoulders, narrow waist, thin and strong upper body with clear muscles, naked.

Hua Xizi and Ye Youqing both opened their mouths slightly in surprise and took a breath.

How could a good little girl become a man after ascending to the upper realm! ?

Ye Youqing reacted in an instant, narrowed her eyes, and kicked Qi Fanfan.


"Pretending to be Jiujiu!"

Qi Fanfan had just recovered from his shock when he was hit in the chest and fell straight backwards, almost vomiting the food he had just eaten.

"Ah Pu——"


The water splashed three feet high.

Qi Fanfan lay in the water, motionless.

‘I was wrong. I shouldn’t have pretended to be 799 from the beginning. If I hadn’t pretended to be 799, I wouldn’t be in such a miserable situation now.’

Hua Xizi bit her lip and looked at Ye Youqing.

“Ah, this… is it too heavy? Will he be okay?”

“His cultivation is much higher than ours. How could he be kicked to death by me? Stay calm.”

Ye Youqing put one hand on his waist and held the sword in one hand, protecting Hua Xizi behind him, and snorted at Qi Fanfan who was lying in the water.

“Who is this! You pretended to be Jiujiu and acted like a hooligan! Don’t you know that Jiujiu is Lord Xuanhuang? You are really looking for death!”

Qi Fanfan spit out a mouthful of water with no hope of life, and slowly stood up from the pool. The water submerged the part below his triangle.

The part above the triangle was exposed.

Hua Xizi and Ye Youqing were annoyed and turned sideways together.

"Still acting like a hooligan!" Ye Youqing snorted, "And you dare to act like a hooligan in front of Jiujiu!"

Qi Fanfan spat out another mouthful of water, with the words "big enemy" written all over his face.

"That is to say, is there a possibility that Jiujiu and I look exactly the same?"

Ye Youqing thought about it for a while, and suddenly remembered that Jiujiu did have a twin brother.

She raised her eyebrows and asked hesitantly, "Are you... Jiujiu's brother?"

Qi Fanfan asked back with despair, "What else?"

Ye Youqing felt a little guilty, "Even if you are Jiujiu's brother, you can't act like a hooligan!"

Hua Xizi nodded, "That's right, that's right."

Qi Fanfan continued to say with despair, "That is to say, is there a possibility that you dragged me here, or you wanted to take off my clothes."

Ye Youqing and Hua Xizi were stunned, and both of them pursed their lips with guilt.

"Ahem, then... who told you, a man, to wear women's clothes and flirt with us on purpose? That's why we recognized the wrong person."

Ye Youqing forced herself to come up with a reason, and Hua Xizi wanted to give Ye Youqing a thumbs up.

"That's right, that's right!"

Qi Fanfan: ~~~T-T~~~I don't feel like loving you anymore, don't want to talk~~~T-T~~~

It's really too much!

Ye Youqing and Hua Xizi looked at each other and coughed twice.

"Well, what? We were wrong today. We have something else to do. Let's go first."

Ye Youqing pulled Hua Xizi away in a second.

Hua XiziWhile running out, he bowed to Qi Fanfan.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

The two of them stood outside the bath together, and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Fanfan doubted his life for a while, sighed, and slowly swam to the shore, clasping his hands and resting them on the back of his head.

"Since you're here, let's take a bath."

Otherwise, it's a pity.

The warm spring water wrapped Qi Fanfan's whole body.

Qi Fanfan scooped up a handful of water and splashed it on himself.

"It's so comfortable. I have to say that Jiujiu's Wanxuan Sect is quite good."

Qi Fanfan closed his eyes and took a nap.

In his mind, he recalled the delicious food he had eaten at Jiujiu's senior brothers' place before, but it was a pity that they were all ordinary products. If they were immortal products, they would be of great help to his cultivation.

Qing Jiujiu rested for a while, came out of the room, touched his stomach, and felt a little hungry.

"Well, I have to ask Qi Fanfan to make something delicious."

Qing Jiujiu strolled around Wanxuan Gate, but did not see Qi Fanfan.

Qing Jiujiu rubbed her chin, thinking.

"Where did this guy go again?"

Just at this time, Liu Lixian and others also came out of the room to rest and strolled, and saw Qing Jiujiu, and then they were slightly startled.

What happened?

Just now they spent so much effort to help Jiujiu dress up so beautifully, how come she changed back after just sleeping?

Liulixian frowned slightly, walked forward, and called Qing Jiujiu.


Qing Jiujiu turned around and looked at Liu Lixian, and there was a trace of unhappiness on Liu Lixian's face.

"What's wrong? Senior Brother?" Qing Jiujiu asked.

Liulixian said a little aggrievedly: "Is it because the senior brothers dressed you up that you don't like it?"

"Hmm?" A big question mark appeared on Qing Jiujiu's little head.

"Brothers, you dressed me up? When?"

Liulixian and the others looked at each other, also full of confusion.

"Just now, an hour ago, we brought you so many delicious food from the lower world, and helped you comb your hair again."

Liulixian poked her finger.

Second Brother Wei Yunfei nodded: "Yes, you changed back to your original outfit so quickly, don't you like Second Brother combing your hair?"

Could it be that after Jiujiu ascended, there was someone else to comb her hair? So she didn't want the brothers anymore?

Third Brother and the others nodded.

Qing Jiujiu understood and twitched her mouth.

Qi Fanfan, this guy, just to eat delicious food, he didn't hesitate to let the brothers dress him up in women's clothes!


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