Qi Fanfan nodded and groaned, "Yeah."

That's right.

Although my mother is decisive and decisive, she is definitely not a dictatorial person.

And my mother is the one who brought them to this world.

How could she take their lives?

"What should we do now?" Qi Fanfan asked Qing Jiujiu.

"According to the original plan, keep your troops in place, and wait for the rabbit."

Qing Jiujiu's lips curled up, and a sly smile appeared in her dark Ruifeng eyes.


As long as Song Qiyuan doesn't die.

This idiot will definitely deliver himself to the door.


In a void.

Fang Haoyu stared at the monitor for a long time, and saw Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan sitting cross-legged on the ground motionless, his face full of confusion.

What's going on?

The system recognized that the two people met, so he deliberately opened the Sky Eye system to check the movements of the two people.

In the end, the two people were just meditating?

Did they make an appointment to meditate together?

No! They must have something else going on.

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qing Jiujiu looked up and smiled contemptuously.

"If the two of us are really in the game world now, I guess there must be someone watching us through the terminal sky eye system of the game program. Why don't we tease him?"

"How to play?"

Qi Fanfan instantly looked forward to it.

When she was in school, Qing Jiujiu was a good student in the eyes of the teacher, and Qi Fanfan was a school bully who often caused trouble.

Many opponents set their sights on Qing Jiujiu, but every time before the opponent could make a move, Jiujiu would kill him directly with a harmless face.


When Jiujiu smiles, the opponent will definitely lose his life.

Qing Jiujiu touched his chin, thought for a second, and snapped his fingers.

"Watch me perform, go! Get out!"

In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Qing Jiujiu opened his eyes.

A wisp of smoke appeared above his head, as if he had absorbed a lot of immortal energy.

Qi Fanfan opened his eyes.

In the void, Fang Haoyu instantly became alert.

He focused on monitoring Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly said to Qi Fanfan.

"Brother, do you know? Actually, if we want to get out, we just need to destroy the program of this game."

Qi Fanfan was surprised. If he hadn't colluded with Jiujiu in the sea of ​​consciousness, his son would have been really scared by Jiujiu.

"Destroy the program? How to destroy it?" Qi Fanfan asked Qing Jiujiu in a very exaggerated manner.

"In fact, I know that Dad hid the key code of this game program in a map of this game. We go directly to that map and destroy the program code. The whole game world will collapse directly, and we can return to the real world!"

Qing Jiujiu was talking nonsense seriously.

Qi Fanfan listened even more seriously.

"Really? Where is it?"

"It's right at the place where 'the edge of the sky, the corner of the sea, the mountains have no edges, and the sky and the earth merge'."

Qi Fanfan: ...

~. ~

What a lie.

"What is that place! It sounds so awesome!"

Qi Fanfan exclaimed exaggeratedly.

Qing Jiujiu shook her head helplessly: "I don't know either. If I knew, I would definitely destroy it directly!"

"It doesn't matter. We still have a lot of time anyway. Just look for it slowly."

"Yes, you're right. Just look for it slowly!"

Qing Jiujiu smiled lightly.

Qi Fanfan's eyes were shining, as if he had found hope.

In the void.

Fang Haoyu's expression was as if he had eaten shit.

His lips trembled, and he said weakly: "I didn't expect that the boss's guess was true... It turned out that Qi Fan and Qing Jiu were really going to destroy the entire game in order to save their two children!"

"No, I have to tell the boss immediately!"

Fang Haoyu quickly took out a mobile phone from his arms, "beep beep..." After a burst of random pressing, the other party showed a busy tone.

Unable to connect!

What should I do! What should I do! It turned out that it couldn't be connected!

Fang Haoyu's heart was trembling. You know, it doesn't matter if the game is destroyed.

The most important thing is that he was forced to come in. If the game is destroyed, he will be destroyed with the game! At that time, no matter how high his salary is, what's the use?

Thinking of this, Fang Haoyu picked up the phone again and pressed it.


"What's wrong?"

A cold voice sounded.

Fang Haoyu seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and shouted inside.

"Boss! You finally answered the phone! Something terrible has happened! Something terrible has happened!"

"Speak properly." The voice on the other end of the phone became even colder.

Fang Haoyu's heart was chilled.After a shudder, he quickly stopped his noisy voice and regained his composure.

"Yes, yes, I heard the conversation between Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan, and it was really the same as you guessed. Qi Fan and Qing Jiu wanted to directly destroy the game program code and rescue their children."

"What? Are you sure?"

The man raised his eyebrows, his voice was no longer cold, but still restrained.

"It's true. They also said that the most critical code of the game was written in a map called 'The End of the Sky, the Corner of the Sea, the Mountain Without Edges, the Heaven and Earth Unite' in the game."

Fang Haoyu looked like he was about to cry.

The man's voice was gloomy, "Then what are you waiting for? Go find it at all costs!"


Fang Haoyu responded.

"Beep beep..."

The phone was hung up directly.

Fang Haoyu looked at the phone and was stunned for a few seconds.

No, what is he "being"? He should ask his boss for help, ask his boss to spend more money to find a good programmer, and directly use the computer to find this map in the outside world.

Isn't this faster than looking for a needle in a haystack in the game?

Fang Haoyu picked up his phone and tremblingly called his boss again.

"Sorry, your phone is overdue, please renew your phone bill."

Fang Haoyu: ...


He is in the game world, there is no way to recharge his phone bill!

Fang Haoyu's whole body was torn apart.

He turned off the Sky Eye system in annoyance.

In the room.

Qing Jiujiu estimated that the people who were monitoring them should have gone to find the place she made up.

It should be a long time, and they don't have the energy to monitor them anymore, so cool.

Qi Fanfan looked at the fox-like smile in Qing Jiujiu's eyes, and suddenly seemed to be possessed, and said to Qing Jiujiu.

"Jiujiu, have you ever thought that maybe the things you made up are true?"

Qing Jiujiu was stunned, and her heart suddenly gasped.

This seems to be in line with Dad's style of doing things.

Maybe... it's really possible.

Dad once said that there is no perfect system, only a system that can run perfectly. Every system has bugs. A great programmer can make a system with countless bugs still run normally.

So, Dad may really hide the most important things in a system with a lot of bugs.

You know, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Dad and Mom's opponents will never think of this!

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