Now half of the fragments of the Xuanhuang Sword have been found, and we just need to find the remaining half.

It doesn't sound that difficult.

It's just that it's a little difficult to do.

"Let me ask you, how many fairylands like yours are there in the entire fairyland?" Qing Jiujiu looked at Song Yuan.

Song Yuan said obediently: "No one has counted them, but there must be millions of them."

Qing Jiujiu: ...

According to my father's thinking of making games, the fairyland in the game is equivalent to the universe, and a fairyland is equivalent to a galaxy, so it is indeed...

If we look for it this way, we really don't know when we can find it.

Qing Jiujiu touched her chin.

Don't these people just want to go to the God Realm?

Since they have desires, why not just paint a pie according to their desires?

A cunning flashed in Qing Jiujiu's eyes.

Hehe, she is familiar with fooling people!

The people buried in the ground trembled at Qing Jiujiu's expression.

It's over, it's over.

With this expression, I'm afraid he's going to start thinking about how to kill them.

Through this incident, they understood a truth: Don't be too greedy. If you take too big a step, you'll easily get hurt.

"Come, let me ask you, who is Tiandao?"

Qing Jiujiu looked at the thirty people "planted" on the ground and asked.

The thirty people were at a loss.

Tiandao... isn't it Tiandao? Who else could it be?

Qing Jiujiu smiled: "It seems that you don't know who Tiandao is either."

The thirty people whispered in their hearts.

Nonsense, who knows who Tiandao is!

Qing Jiujiu continued: "Well, since you don't know who Tiandao is, you definitely don't know Tiandao, so have you ever received any benefits from Tiandao?"

The thirty people were at a loss again.

What does this twin demon star mean? Who dares to receive benefits from Tiandao? Isn't that tired of living?

Qing Jiujiu's eyes swept through the eyes of the thirty people one by one. The people trapped in the barrier were also very curious about what Qing Jiujiu wanted to say, and they all pricked up their ears to listen.

Qing Jiujiu said: "It seems that you have never received it? Then... are you cheap? You listen to the words of heaven so much?"

The thirty people and the people in the barrier were suddenly scolded, and their faces turned pale.

They thought Qing Jiujiu had something good to say, but it turned out that she was just scolding them.

Some of the brave ones said unhappily.

"He is the Way of Heaven. As practitioners, if we don't listen to the Way of Heaven, who should we listen to?"

"Tao follows nature. In fact, there is no Way of Heaven. The so-called Way of Heaven in your mouth is just a person with higher cultivation than you. The so-called Way of Heaven is actually the grass, trees and fairyland you see."

"And this Way of Heaven has divided you into different levels and various cultivation rules. It will strike you with lightning at any time. If you are not careful, you will die. As a result, you still obey him. Isn't that cheap!"

Qing Jiujiu spoke very quickly.

Everyone nodded instinctively when they heard it.

It makes sense!

It is really impossible to refute!

The people in the barrier lay on the barrier one after another, trying to grab the front row, just to hear Qing Jiujiu's words more clearly.

"So, why do you listen to someone who electrocutes you every day and wants to kill you at any time? Of course, if you are just cheap, just ignore what I said."

"I ask you, are you really cheap?"

Qing Jiujiu looked at them.

They shook their heads quickly.

"Of course not! We, we have all practiced hard to reach our current state, how could we be that kind of cheap villain?"

"That's right, we are not cheap!"

Qing Jiujiu nodded with satisfaction and praised them at the right time.

She waved her hand back, and the rattle was stuck in the ground, turning into a big whiteboard.

Then she took out a teaching stick from somewhere and knocked on the whiteboard.

"Not bad, not bad, it seems that your brain is not broken, and it has not been whipped into a slave mentality by the thunder and lightning of the Heavenly Dao."

"But the Heavenly Dao now wants to use thunder and lightning to whip you into a slave mentality, so what should you do?"

Thirty heads stuck in the ground thought for a while.

One person asked with a guilty conscience: "Resist?"

Qing Jiujiu pointed the teaching stick in his hand at him: "Hey! Yes! This classmate said it very well! Very well! If anyone wants to anger us, we must resist! If Buddha stands in our way, we will kill Buddha; if God stands in our way, we will kill God! If we hesitate for a moment, we will be unworthy of our status as immortal cultivators!"

"So we must..."

Qing Jiujiu slowly raised the teaching stick and asked them.



Qing Jiujiu's teaching stickThe stick fell, and then shouted.

"Yes! Resist! Where there is oppression, there is resistance! Where there is injustice, there is struggle!"

"We must resist! We must struggle! Resist to the end! Struggle to the end!"

After the voice fell, thirty people shouted.

"Resist to the end! Struggle to the end!"

"Resist to the end! Struggle to the end!"

The people who were locked in the barrier by Qing Jiujiu couldn't help but shout.

"Resist to the end! Struggle to the end!"

"Resist to the end! Struggle to the end!"

Qing Jiujiu's eyes flashed cunning.

Hehe, this is called - rebellion.


Qianyuan Fairyland.

Qi Fanfan walked around in the yard, feeling a little uneasy.

Looking back at the people of Chiyun Sect and Tianji Pavilion, they looked calm.

Qi Fanfan walked around, and the Tianji Pavilion Master, who was his shadow, also walked around behind him.

Because the Pavilion Master of Tianji was walking around, the various teams of Tianji Pavilion and the people of Jiuxiu sat cross-legged on the ground, and their heads swayed with them.


Qi Fanfan paused.

The Pavilion Master of Tianji hit the back of Qi Fanfan's head.

"Hiss! Ah!"

Qi Fanfan covered the back of his head and cried out.

"Hiss! Ah!"

The Pavilion Master of Tianji covered his dark forehead and cried out.

The two people's movements were in unison.

Qi Fanfan was annoyed and asked them strangely: "Aren't you worried about Jiujiu? Jiujiu is going to deal with so many people alone. Although those people's strength is not very good, they have a lot of people. What if they rush up to encircle Jiujiu?"

"Why are you so calm!"

The Pavilion Master of Tianji blinked his dark eyes and touched his forehead.

Everyone in the Tianji Pavilion was still calm.

Qi Fanfan was a little annoyed when he saw them like this.

The head of Tianji Pavilion said slowly: "Master, you may have forgotten Jiujiu's attributes. There seems to be no one who can make her suffer. Not to mention that she is so strong now, even if she is not strong enough, she will not let herself suffer."

Qi Fanfan touched his chin: "That's right, after all, she is my sister."

The brother is so excellent.

How can the sister be bad.

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