
If Lord Xuan Huang does this.

The thunderbolt will surely fall on the ground of Jianghe Fairyland, and they will all be affected!

For a moment, they were all terrified.

"What should we do? Should we go to Lord Xuan Huang to ask for mercy?"

"What mercy? I am willing to die for Lord Xuan Huang. It is our honor to be able to bear the heavenly tribulation for Lord Xuan Huang together!"

"That's right! I am willing to sacrifice for Lord Xuan Huang!"

"But I can't. I have old people and children to take care of. I still have family. I don't want to die yet."

"Me too, me too. Why don't we go to the Fairyland Lord to ask Lord Xuan Huang for mercy."

"Let's go, let's go."

A group of people really didn't want to die, so they flew quickly towards Bo Ding's mansion.

As a result...

Just when they got outside the door, they saw drunk guards.

When they got inside the door, the ground was also full of drunk guards and fairies.

It was just because the smell of alcohol had dissipated, but they had not woken up yet, and they were sleeping very deeply, their breathing seemed very light, and it looked like...

They took a breath.

Bad thoughts came to their minds.

Could it be that they were already dead? Could it be that something happened in the mansion of the fairyland master?

Did the demons invade and were slaughtered?

This thunder tribulation was not caused by someone having to go through it, but a punishment from heaven because of the wrath of heaven and people?

They walked in lightly, fearing that their big movements would alarm some demons inside.

As a result, they heard...


This sound was like a landslide, like a crack in the ground, like the roar of the ocean, like thunder, and they almost knelt down after hearing it.

"Oh my god! What is this! Is it a demon beast?"

"No, is it the devil?"

"But, haven't the demons been expelled from the entire Supreme Immortal System in the fairy world? There are no demons and demons in the 100,000 fairylands around, so how could there be one here?"

"Don't worry, there is no demon energy around here, let's not scare ourselves first, and then go in and take a look."

Everyone continued to walk inside.

As a result, just after entering the inner courtyard, they saw a huge black jar blocking the door of the house.

I don't know what it is used for.

And the deafening sound came from the jar.


Another sound.

Everyone was scared and fled, running to tell.

"Not good! A demon has appeared in the mansion of the fairyland master!"

"Run away!"

"Run away! We can't stay in Jianghe fairyland anymore!"


Soon the news spread throughout Jianghe fairyland.

All those who could evacuate in Jianghe fairyland evacuated to the surrounding small fairyland, and brought the news to the small fairyland.

The small fairyland spread to the surrounding large fairyland.

In this way, in just half an hour, the news spread to all the fairylands, big and small, including Qianyuan fairyland.


Mo Ye opened his eyes slightly.

The sleeping blood moon wheel on the side trembled, and instantly rotated, lingering around, and suspended in front of his eyes.


His lips moved slightly, and he stepped on his toes. A white light flew directly out of Qianyuan fairyland.

The movement in the sky above Jianghe fairyland became louder and louder.

Qi Fanfan, who was resting in the void of the universe, suddenly heard a "ding ding ding" sound.

Qi Fanfan thought it was Chen Ran's video and jumped up.

On the computer screen, he saw the location of Jianghe Fairyland flashing red dots.

Qi Fanfan was puzzled for a moment, standing in front of the computer, tapping on the keyboard with his fingers, the red dot enlarged, and the map gradually became clear.

He saw the sky above Jianghe Fairyland was covered with dark clouds, thunder rolling, and lightning like golden dragons wandering in the dark clouds.

Qi Fanfan narrowed his eyes slightly.

The exaggeration of this thunder tribulation.

This is...

Jiujiu! ?

Jiujiu is going through the thunder tribulation? But why can't I see Jiujiu?

Qi Fanfan kept tapping on the keyboard with both hands, and the map shrank again, directly locking on the yard. There was a huge wine jar in the yard. Qi Fanfan understood it instantly, and he locked the map on the wine jar.

As expected, in the wine jar, Qing Jiujiu was sleeping with a cute face, smacking her lips from time to time, and snoring loudly.

Qi Fanfan twitched his mouth.

As expected, only wine can make Jiujiu unreliable.

Such a big commotion will be discovered by Chen Ran's programmer.


Qi Fanfan suddenly had an idea in his mind.

Dad said that this world is a cross between the game world and the real world, so it is real.

AndChen Ran's game world can also manipulate this world and change the data of this world, but it cannot be too obvious, otherwise it will easily cause the system to crash.

Tiandao said before.

Chen Ran's order is to kill them before he and his sister ascend to the fairyland.

Why before ascending to the fairyland?

Could it be that because the divine world and the game world have not intersected, his hands cannot reach that far?

Got it!

Qi Fanfan's eyes were full of excitement.

Wait, now is not the time to be happy.

Jiujiu made such a big noise, it must be covered up and not be discovered.

Qi Fanfan's hands were typing quickly on the keyboard.

Jianghe Fairyland was temporarily erased from the game world map, so that it would not be discovered that something was wrong.

But, Jiujiu fell asleep, and the thunder tribulation came, wouldn't he be able to withstand it?

What to do, he can't leave now.

At this moment, a white shadow appeared in front of the wine jar.

Qi Fanfan's eyes lit up. This is... Jiujiu's master? That Mo Ye!

Yes, that's right.

It's him.

Qi Fanfan was relieved instantly.

With him, Jiujiu should have no problem in overcoming the tribulation.

Mo Ye floated in front of the wine jar, raised his hand, and gently pointed. The blood moon wheel circled the wine jar. With a flash of light, the wine jar instantly turned into powder.

Qing Jiujiu's back lost support instantly and fell backwards.

Mo Ye moved his body, held her back with both hands, and held her in his arms.


Mo Ye whispered.

Feeling being held in his arms, Qing Jiujiu adjusted her posture and huddled in Mo Ye's arms.

Her nose moved slightly.

This smell is so fragrant.

Like the smell of master, and like the smell of father.

Mo Ye shook his head helplessly and whispered.

"Jiujiu, you are going to pass the tribulation."

"Although the thunder tribulation comes, Master can block it for you, but you still have to pass it yourself."

He raised his hand and gently patted Qing Jiujiu's back.

Qing Jiujiu opened her eyes slightly and met this cold face at first glance.

"Master? Why are you here?"

"The thunder tribulation is coming." Mo Ye said again with a slight movement of his lips.

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