"Yeah, that's too much. Humph, actually when I was a kid, I didn't like Uncle Chen Ran, and you followed him around every day."

Qing Jiujiu glanced at Qi Fanfan with disdain.

Qi Fanfan was furious: "When did I follow him around like that?"

"Yes, yes." Qing Jiujiu pinched her throat and imitated Qi Fanfan's childhood tone, "Uncle Chen Ran, I want to ride on your shoulders. Uncle Chen Ran, I want to play marbles. Uncle Chen Ran, I want to eat ice cream."


Qing Jiujiu stuck out her tongue.

Qi Fanfan's face flushed, and he clenched his fists: "That's because he was really good to us at that time. Dad and Mom were working and had no time to take care of us. Isn't it because Uncle Chen Ran took care of us so much?"

"Humph, can't you see that the way he looks at Mom is different?"

Qing Jiujiu snorted.

Qi Fanfan was stunned, he really didn't see it.

Although my mother is a little bit prettier, but after all, she is married, and Uncle Chen Ran is not bad looking either, so there is no need, right?

"Forget it, I am too lazy to argue with you about this. Let's go back first. They will be anxious again when they see that I am not in the room later."

Qing Jiujiu waved her hand back.

Qi Fanfan was still a little unhappy looking at Qing Jiujiu's expression. She mentioned the childhood for no reason, as if she didn't call Uncle Chen Ran. Humph.

"Let's go, let's go back!"

Fight to the death! (I can only say BIBI in my heart)

Qing Jiujiu looked at him who was very unhappy but could only endure it, and she was immediately happy again.

"Put the things here in my space. If you need to use the computer, you can use it directly." Qing Jiujiu suggested.

Qi Fanfan nodded: "Okay."

The two did not waste any more time.

Qing Jiujiu's lips moved slightly.

The whole house rose directly from the void, and with a "Duang" sound, it fell into Qing Jiujiu's space, stable and not tilted at all.

Fang Haoyu, who was lying on the tree eating a banana, was attracted by the movement and looked sideways.


Isn't this my office! ?

It was also pulled in?

He continued to take a bite of the banana and chewed it slowly, calmly like a dog.

The days in the space were so wonderful that he had forgotten everything.

Eating and drinking every day, basking in the sun, playing with the fairy pets when he had nothing to do, no pressure at all.

Outside the space.

Qing Jiujiu grabbed Qi Fanfan's arm, moved his body, and returned to Wanxuanmen.

Sure enough, it was just as Qing Jiujiu expected.

Hua Xizi and the others came back and didn't find Qing Jiujiu. They looked disappointed. They were sitting in the room holding all kinds of delicacies prepared for Qing Jiujiu. When they were in a state of loss, Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan appeared.

Qi Fanfan's eyes were sparkling, and his eyeballs almost popped out.

What did he see?

Purple Flame Demon Fruit Stewed with Taiyi Ginseng!

Guiyuan Demon Dew Boiled Purple Yang Ming Flower!

Cold Mingzhi!


At a glance, they were all top-quality natural treasures.

Qi Fanfan stretched out his hand in astonishment and pointed at the plates in their hands.

"This, this..."

Hua Xizi and the others saw Qing Jiujiu coming back, and stood up happily with smiles on their faces.

"Jiujiu, you are finally back. The breakfast prepared for you is almost cold! These are the tributes given to you by the masters of various fairylands. They have been in the warehouse for a long time."

Qi Fanfan's eyes widened and he was stunned.


Such a good thing, is it offered as a tribute for breakfast?

Qing Jiujiu took a look. Although the name sounds good, it looks like a black mess and a gray bowl. It is not as appetizing as fried chicken burgers with cola.

She glanced at Qi Fanfan from the corner of her eye.

By the way, this guy is a dry rice system.

These foods should be good for him.

Her lips moved slightly, and she was about to speak.

Qi Fanfan poked his finger and came in front of Hua Xizi and the others.

"Well, count it, I am one of the twin demon stars, and I am also half a god emperor, so I should have a share of the food here, right?"

He looked at the food in their hands eagerly.

Hua Xizi looked disgusted.

She had heard Jiujiu's 108th senior brother complain before that Qi Fanfan pretended to be Jiujiu and took all the food that Jiujiu's senior brothers gave to Jiujiu.

This guy is really a foodie.

He even wants his sister's things.

But there's nothing you can do about him, because he's Jiujiu's brother.

"Hey, there's another one over there, it's for you, this one is for Jiujiu."

Hua Xizi pointed over there.

Qi Fanfan looked in the direction of her finger, and it was reallyYes.

He walked over quickly, sat at the table, picked up a pot of black stuff, and put it to his mouth, which made Qing Jiujiu feel sick.

"Jiujiu, you should eat it quickly, it's good for your health."

Hua Xizi urged kindly.

Qing Jiujiu smiled stiffly.

This thing really makes me lose my appetite.

However, after all, it was a kind gesture from Hua Xizi and her sisters, so I couldn't refuse it too obviously.

Qing Jiujiu curved her eyebrows and smiled, "Thank you sisters, but I still have something to say to my brother, so can I..."

Hua Xizi and her friends are smart people.

They immediately understood what Qing Jiujiu meant.

She smiled and replied, "I understand, then you guys chat first, we'll go out first, remember to eat it while it's hot."

Hua Xizi waved at Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu nodded vigorously.

Hua Xizi and her friends turned around and went out, closing the door with their backhands.

Qing Jiujiu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Qi Fanfan, who had finished all the food on the table like a whirlwind, and seemed to be a little reluctant to finish it, staring at the food on Qing Jiujiu's side.

Qing Jiujiu twitched her lips.

"You eat."

"Wow! I knew you were the best."

Qi Fanfan's eyes lit up, and he picked up the food in front of Qing Jiujiu and swept it all away.

Qing Jiujiu looked at him and exclaimed, "What a guy."

She drank, but he didn't eat as much as he did.

After eating.

Qi Fanfan held his stomach, lay on the armchair, and burped with satisfaction.


"It's been a long time since I've eaten so comfortably."

"The last time I ate so comfortably was when your senior brothers gave me food."

"You still have the nerve to say that."

Qing Jiujiu rolled her eyes.

She looked at Qi Fanfan for a long time, but didn't find any fairy spirit flowing from him.

Logically, Qi Fanfan has a dry food system in his body. After eating so many natural treasures, even if he doesn't break through directly, he should have a lot of immortal energy.

Why is there no reaction at all?

"Why is your dry food system silent?" Qing Jiujiu asked directly.

"Isn't it shut down and upgrading? It has not been turned on. In addition, I was dismembered and my cultivation has not recovered yet. Maybe it has something to do with it."

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