If there is a creator in the real world, is there a possibility for them? Is the blue planet where they exist actually just a program written by the creator's fingertips? It's terrifying to think about it! If the real world is fake, what is real? Is it possible that the entire universe is just a small game program of a highly civilized civilization? What will this person do to Jiujiu? What will he do to this virtual world? It seems that everything is reasonable. For example, the final result of a game that starts to be unprofitable is to shut down the server. Qi Fanfan's heart twitched. Qi Fan was excited, as if he had finally found an opponent to play against. He was already a person standing at the top in his own world, and he was always lonely. If he casually proposed a concept, there were very few people who could understand it. "It's okay, I'll log off first, you continue to study, and study quickly!" Qi Fanfan replied. "Okay!" Qi Fan hung up excitedly without giving Qi Fanfan a chance to breathe. Qi Fanfan twitched his lips.


Don't you know how to say some comforting words, telling the child not to be afraid, and that dad will always support you...

Forget it.

While there is nothing to do now, try to hack into Chen Ran's computer system.

See if this guy wants to do anything weird.

Qi Fanfan's fingertips jumped on the keyboard again.


Qing Jiujiu returned to the room, feeling a little tired for no reason.

She spread her hands and lay back.


Sleeping is still the most comfortable.

Qing Jiujiu turned over and rolled up, hugging the quilt in her arms.

There was the aroma prepared by Han Ying on it, which was like the smell of gardenia after rain, especially fresh.

Suddenly, Qing Jiujiu felt uncomfortable in her abdomen.

She sat cross-legged and immersed her consciousness in her dantian.

She suddenly discovered.

The demonic energy that she had absorbed into her body before was very restless.

It was like a little dragon, colliding everywhere, colliding with her original immortal energy.

Qing Jiujiu frowned.

It felt like a ball of fire burning in her body, making her irritable.

Qing Jiujiu slowly urged the immortal energy to entangle the little demonic dragon, trying to suppress it.

The little demonic dragon seemed to open its mouth wide in an instant, biting at the immortal energy in Qing Jiujiu's body, and the immortal energy was instantly dyed black.

Qing Jiujiu suddenly opened her eyes, and her eyes turned red.

The white hair was also instantly dyed, turning into azure blue, and a pair of black crystal horns emerged from her forehead.

Qing Jiujiu's eyes were blank.

The demonic energy quickly dyed all the immortal energy, completely turning into demonic energy and merging together.

The originally pure and transparent immortal body elixir turned black.

The pure and transparent immortal bone also turned into crystal clear black.

Then, in another instant, it returned to white, and there was nothing.

Qing Jiujiu's eyes regained their color.

She looked at her hands in confusion, and her mind was blank for a moment.

What seemed to have happened just now?

Why do I feel like I can't remember anything?

That's right, it was the demonic energy in my body that was a little restless, and then I began to suppress it with fairy energy, but the fairy energy was actually swallowed by the demonic energy.

Qing Jiujiu vaguely remembered it, and immersed her consciousness in the Dantian Qi Sea again.

It turned out that there was no demonic energy?

Her Dantian was clean, with only fairy energy.

Qing Jiujiu was a little confused.

A look of confusion that had never appeared before appeared on her little face.

Something was wrong.

There was something wrong with this matter.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't think of what was wrong.


If we don't figure it out, there will definitely be hidden dangers.

Qing Jiujiu turned around and got off the bed directly, then moved her body, disappeared from the room, and came to the Demon Fairy Sea.

The demonic energy in the body last time was the demonic energy absorbed from the Demon Fairy Sea.

As the saying goes, the person who tied the bell must be the one who untied it. The demonic energy came from here, so it must be solved from here.

Qing Jiujiu was suspended above the Demon Fairy Sea.

When she came last time, she found that the demonic energy in the Demon Fairy Sea was too abundant.

It was so dense that the gas turned into liquid, thus forming a sea.

This is a bit unscientific.

After all, the Demon Fairy Sea was expelled to the edge of the universe, where even the air is very thin, where did so much demonic energy come from?

Qing Jiujiu frowned slightly.

Because the Demon Fairy Emperor has recognized Qing Jiujiu as his master.

So when Qing Jiujiu set foot here, the Demon Fairy Emperor immediately felt it. He jumped and hovered above the Demon Fairy Sea, flew in front of Qing Jiujiu, and turned into a human form and knelt on one knee on the ground.


"Well, let me ask you a question, why is the demonic energy in your Demon Fairy Sea so abundant?Yu?" Qing Jiujiu lowered her eyes and asked the Demon Immortal Emperor who was kneeling on the ground.

The Demon Immortal Emperor did not ask any more questions and replied: "All the demonic energy in our Demon Immortal Sea comes from the Wujing Abyss in the deepest part of the Demon Sea."

"Can I go and see it?" Qing Jiujiu asked again.

The Demon Immortal Emperor hurriedly bowed: "You are our master now, of course, I will take you there now."

"Okay. "

Qing Jiujiu nodded.

The Demon Fairy Emperor made a sign of "please" and led the way.

Qing Jiujiu followed behind.

Following a narrow path, he flew all the way to the center of the Demon Fairy Sea.

Floating in the air.

You can see that in the middle of such a large sea area, a deep sea appeared.

It is round like a huge well. The surrounding sea water is slightly lighter in color, and the water in the well is very dark.

It can be seen that a lot of demon fairy energy is pouring out of the 'well mouth' and dissipating around.

The darker the color, the thicker the demon energy, and the lighter the color, the lighter the demon energy.

"I want to go in and take a look."

Qing Jiujiu flew quickly.

The Demon Fairy Emperor moved and quickly blocked Qing Jiujiu in front of him.

"Master, think twice. The demon energy inside is too strong. As the Demon Fairy Emperor, I dare not approach. You yourself are not practicing demon energy, so it is better to be careful. "It's okay, I can be there in an instant. If anything happens, I will come out immediately." Qing Jiujiu's expression was unquestionable. Seeing this, the Demon Fairy Emperor naturally couldn't say anything more, and could only stand aside and guard silently. Qing Jiujiu approached the "wellhead" tentatively for several instants. She didn't continue to approach until she confirmed that the gushing magic energy did not make her body feel any discomfort. Finally, she arrived at the end of the wellhead. These magic energies were gently sprayed on Qing Jiujiu's body, and the moment they came into contact, they immediately penetrated into her body through her pores. .

The Demon Immortal Emperor's eyes widened in astonishment.

This is...

This, this, can absorb demonic energy?

Isn't the master a human cultivator? Why can he absorb demonic energy?

Could it be that he has gone astray?

Demonic energy contains extremely powerful resentment and evil thoughts. As a demon who cultivates demonic energy, it is easy to be infected by the resentment and evil thoughts in it and suffer emotional breakdown, meridians going backwards, and hurting the inside.

Not to mention the human race.

If the human race cultivates demonic energy, at the very least, the meridians will be damaged, and at the worst, they will become zombies controlled by demonic energy.

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