"What's going on?"

Qing Jiujiu looked at the field clerk, confused.

The field clerk waved his hand to arrange for people to clear the field, while explaining to Qing Jiujiu.

"It's a melee, you hit me, I hit him, he hit him, he hit you again, and after a round, everyone is down. Okay, okay, go out and prepare for the second game."

"You won't be so lucky in the next round."

The field clerk shook his head and looked at Qing Jiujiu.

I don't know whose little baby is so young, but they are willing to send him to the Monster Competition.

The parents are really black conscience.

Qing Jiujiu was led to the rest area with a confused face.

Bai Qingyao glanced at her and snorted softly.

"In the next round, you should be more serious. I don't want you to be solved by others before I start. Do you hear me?"

Qing Jiujiu's big dark eyes narrowed slightly.

"Are you worried about me?"

Bai Qingyao was stunned, her cheeks flushed, and she was angry: "Who would worry about you, a little beggar! Don't be so self-indulgent!"

Qing Jiujiu rubbed the two small tufts on her head and muttered.

"Oh~ Then I will deliberately lose the next round. Anyway, there is a self-protection mechanism in the next round."

"You dare!" Bai Qingyao gritted her teeth.

Qing Jiujiu Crayon Shin-chan possessed her, "What am I afraid of."

At this moment, two figures stood in front of Qing Jiujiu and Bai Qingyao, one in front and one behind.

Bai Qingyao's face turned pale instantly, and she stood up in a flash.

"Father, father."

She took a step back and almost fell down.

She was so scared that she started to tremble.

The person Bai Qingyao feared most in her life was her father, the father who threw her into a mass grave when she was three years old...father.

The father who trained her and her brother like robots since childhood!

Qing Jiujiu narrowed her eyes.


Could it be Bai Qingyao's father, the Human Emperor of Jiuzhou?

Then why are you so scared?

Liu Lixian stood in front of Qing Jiujiu and nervously held Qing Jiujiu's hand.

"Jiujiu, are you okay?"

Qing Jiujiu shook her head, "I'm fine."

The Human Emperor glanced at Bai Qingyao, and then walked in front of Qing Jiujiu.

His serious expression instantly became amiable.

"Are you Qing Jiujiu? Hello, I'm the Human Emperor of Jiuzhou."

He extended his hand to Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu was stunned for a moment and didn't shake it.

Bai Qingyao, who was standing behind her, gritted her teeth.

Father was so gentle and polite to her? Why did Qing Jiujiu have the right to be so powerful, she wouldn't let Father be like this, right?

The Human Emperor withdrew his hand in disappointment.

Liu Lixian vigilantly protected Qing Jiujiu behind him.

The Human Emperor said embarrassedly.

"Don't be nervous."

"I just want to tell this little kid to remember to use the rescue mechanism and quit the game later, otherwise, the monsters in the third round are not something the little kid can deal with."

The Human Emperor looked at Qing Jiujiu with a gentle expression and smiled.

Liu Lixian also said, "Yes, Jiujiu, in order to save your life, you should quit the game when the second round starts."

"But, father..."

Bai Qingyao wanted to speak anxiously.

The Human Emperor glanced at Bai Qingyao.

The cold look was like a sharp blade shooting at Bai Qingyao.

Bai Qingyao's lips moved slightly, and she dared not say anything in an instant.

Qing Jiujiu frowned.

This Human Emperor, who has two faces in front of people and behind people, is so cruel to his daughter. He is a bad guy!

The Human Emperor continued to turn his head and coax Qing Jiujiu, "Is it okay?"

"No." Qing Jiujiu refused directly.


The Human Emperor and Liu Lixian asked in unison.

Qing Jiujiu jumped down from the chair.

"No reason, I appreciate your kindness, and I will judge the rest myself."


The Human Emperor wanted to chase.

Qing Jiujiu had already walked back to the competition venue.

Bai Qingyao glanced at the Human Emperor, and her lips moved slightly.

The Human Emperor sneered.

"No matter what method you use, you and Qing Jiujiu cannot die, do you hear me!"

"Your blood will flow on the battlefield in the future, not here!"

Bai Qingyao suddenly remembered what Qing Jiujiu had said to the mirror before.

"What are you doing? Do you hear me!" The Human Emperor sneered again.

Bai Qingyao raised her eyes to look at the Human Emperor: "Father, if Qing Jiujiu and I can't even survive the monster competition, why should we go to the battlefield?"

The Human Emperor was stunned.

Bai Qingyao chased after Qing Jiujiu's back.

"Arrogant! So arrogant!"

The Human Emperor shouted.

Bai Ruochu, who had been standing not far away, looked at Bai Qingyao.

Suddenly, I felt that my sister seemed to have changed a little.And this change seems to be influenced by Qing Jiujiu?

On the field.

The remaining monks in the iron cages of the competition gradually eliminated the others.

Forty monks stood out from the four hundred monks.

Because it was the preliminary round, although it looked tragic, after the cleanup, there were only sixty seriously injured, two hundred moderately injured, and one hundred slightly injured.

No one died.

It is not cruel at the moment.

The rules officer pressed the mechanism again, and the original forty cages were lowered.

Four huge cages were raised again.

Forty monks were divided into four groups and walked in.

The field attendant locked the large iron cage from the outside with a large copper lock.

This time, as soon as Qing Jiujiu entered, she consciously walked to a corner and took out a huge wine jar from her personal space.

With a "kuang" sound, she put it on the ground.

Liu Lixian and others in the audience twitched their mouths.

The little sister is really calm...

Does she really know that this is a competition?

Qing Jiujiu climbed up the wine jar with her little fleshy hands, but she couldn't climb up after kicking her short legs twice.

The audience burst into laughter.

"This little baby, did she sneak in?"

"Yes, she drinks when others fight, but the funny thing is that she can't even climb up this wine jar."


Qing Jiujiu was immediately annoyed, and she drew air from her dantian, moved it to her feet, and lightly stepped on the mouth of the jar.

Finally she got up.

When will her short arms and legs grow up?

It's too inconvenient!

Never mind, drink first.

Qing Jiujiu lay on the mouth of the wine jar, ready to drink.

Nine pairs of eyes swept towards Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu felt something was wrong, and tilted her head to look over.

Then she saw that nine monks were staring at Qing Jiujiu.

Their eyes were red and murderous.

One of them was eight feet five inches tall, with a purple mole on his forehead.

Qing Jiujiu inexplicably sensed a special aura from him.

Her eyes lit up.

A panel suddenly appeared in her mind.

[Mo Yazi, a cultivator who practices evil arts, is at the peak of the Nascent Soul stage, but because of his evil arts, his strength is twice as strong as that of ordinary cultivators of the same level! Special move: Panhun Magic Curse, once chanted, he can manipulate other cultivators for his own use]

The panel disappeared.

Qing Jiujiu reacted.

This is the ability of the Dark Wheel Eye!

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