To be precise, if he hadn't been hit.

They would have died.

Qi Fanfan thought to himself: It seems that Jiujiu is a really good master. I can't be too picky with him in the future. I'll stop being sour and give him more.

Qing Jiujiu stared at the tree that fell on the ground.

The tree had obviously been cut off, but the place where it was cut off grew rapidly again.

The cut place took root and sprouted, grew thicker, and became bigger, twisting like a huge umbrella.

It was more vigorous than the previous tree, blocking the entrance to the customs.

"It actually recovered!?"

Qi Fanfan said in surprise.

Qing Jiujiu frowned, walked towards the wood spirit, raised his hand, pressed on the tree trunk, and his eyes turned.

[Wood spirit. ]

[Lonely ghosts, who have nowhere to live, will live on trees. Over time, they absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and cultivate into spirits. Continuing to cultivate can become immortals and gods. After becoming a god, he is immortal and indestructible, and getting hurt is a disaster.

"Getting hurt is a disaster?"

Qing Jiujiu retracted his hand, his eyes moved, and he suddenly understood something.

"Everyone be careful!"

As soon as the voice fell, the tree made a "rustling" sound and shook violently.

Leaves drifted from the tree.

Everyone was frozen in place for a moment, motionless.

In Qing Jiujiu's mind, everything in the past flashed quickly, playing like a cursory review.

The same was true for the others.

Standing still in place.

The four gods who were watching the battle, watching this scene, relaxed their originally tense hearts.

It seems that they really worried too much.

These people are just some ordinary immortals. Even if they had broken through to become gods before, their character was not enough. If they could not cut off the seven emotions and six desires, love, hatred, anger and ignorance, they would be trapped in the painful illusion created by the wood spirit and could not get out.

The more painful the past experience is, the harder it is to get out.

Eventually they will be trapped in the environment until their immortal lifespan runs out and they die.

The main god who guards the lamp muttered.

"Just now I boasted to the Lord God that these people were going to pass the level, and the Lord God scolded me. It seems that I really deserved to be scolded."

"If they continue like this, they probably won't even be able to pass the fifth level."

As soon as the voice fell.

Qing Jiujiu's eyes returned to normal, and she turned to look at the people behind her.

The main god who guards the lamp: ? ? ?

Then Qi Fanfan also regained consciousness and turned to look at Mo Ye.

The other three gods: ? ? ?

Mo Ye looked indifferent, as if he had never been confused by Mu Mei from the beginning.

The four gods: ! ! !

"How could this happen? Don't they have emotions?"

"No way, even gods can feel pain, right? As long as there is pain, they will inevitably be trapped in it and unable to get out!"

"What's wrong with this?"

Look at Xue Nu and Lan Ji again.

Only the two of them looked very painful, and Xue Nu even squatted down uncontrollably and made the action of digging wild vegetables.

Qing Jiujiu frowned and stared at Xue Nu and Lan Ji.

"This wood charmer has the special skill of bewitching people and will make people fall into pain."

Qi Fanfan spat.

"That's right, I knew something was wrong, I almost fell into pain and couldn't get out!"

Qing Jiujiu looked at him curiously.

"You are still in pain?"

It shouldn't be, he is even more heartless than her, how could he still fall into pain and be unable to extricate himself?

Qi Fanfan spat again and rubbed his shoulders.

"That's not right. In the illusion, you threw me 18 times in a row. Every time I thought it was over, you threw me again. How could I bear it? I remember that the most you threw me was only 8 times in a row. How could you throw me 18 times in a row? So it must be fake!"

Qi Fanfan couldn't help but feel sore all over when he thought about it.

Qing Jiujiu twitched her lips and turned to look at Mo Ye.

"What about Master?"

"I'm not in pain." Mo Ye's lips moved slightly.

Qing Jiujiu thought so too. Liuli's reincarnation was essentially cold-hearted. How could he feel pain?

"Xue Nu and Lan Ji are in pain. This tree can't be cut down. I'm afraid they can't pass this level."

Qi Fanfan muttered.

"That's not necessarily true."

Qing Jiujiu's lips curled and she walked in front of Mu Mei again.

Qi Fanfan looked at Qing Jiujiu's back curiously.

You can't cut it down or kill it. He wanted to see what his sister could do.

I saw...

Qing Jiujiu raised her arms and hugged the eighth of its circumference.

Qi Fanfan raised his eyebrows in surprise: Could it be that...Jiujiu...want to...

The four gods all poked their heads out and stared at Qing Jiujiu.

I thought she had some amazing tricks, but after seeing her actions, I couldn't help but laugh.

"This little golden fairy, could it be that he wants to give Mu Mei to me?"Pull it up?"

"Hahahaha... this is too much..."

"Hahahahahahahaha... that's right, you have to know that the wood of this wood spirit is not ordinary wood, it is..."

"Oh, shit, shit, shit, shit!"


Qing Jiujiu's breath sank into Dantian, and he pulled it hard.

Lin Daiyu pulled up a weeping willow before, and now Qing Jiujiu pulls up a big maple tree.

A whole big maple tree, with mud and pits, was pulled up directly from the ground, and the whole passage and even the four gods were shaken.

Then a parabola.


The whole wood spirit was thrown into the portable space by Qing Jiujiu.

Fang Haoyu, who was lying on the ground playing with mud out of boredom, suddenly felt something was wrong. When he turned around, he saw a huge tree smashing towards him.

"Oh, shit, shit, it's okay to collect animals every day, but now it even collects plants! "

Fang Haoyu rolled away from the scene at a speed of 180 meters per second.

The wood spirit fell heavily.

The ground shook and the mountain took root instantly.

"What the hell is that!"

Fang Haoyu patted the dirt off his body, and raised his foot to kick the trunk of the wood spirit in anger.

The voice of Qing Jiujiu floated in the sky.

"This tree is a wood spirit. If you cut it, hit it, or hurt it, you will be in trouble. You must be careful."

Fang Haoyu hurriedly braked, and then fell backwards heavily due to inertia.

"Bang! ", and the back of his head hit the ground.

Fang Haoyu: (ಥ﹏ಥ)

Outside the space, Qing Jiujiu clapped her hands lightly.

Four Gods: 0ДQ (The eyeball is gone, please help pick it up.)

Qi Fanfan: (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪) (Although I have been mentally prepared, I still didn't expect it...)

Mo Ye: Stay calm, it's a small scene.

Qing Jiujiu turned around and looked at them.

"It's okay, the fifth level is gone, let's continue. "

Well, it's gone, not passed.

Directly recruit.

Qing Jiujiu walked towards the sixth level.

The barrier of the sixth level has not been opened yet, because the fifth level was directly gone, and no one helped them to open the barrier.

The main reason is that the level of the fifth level is like a brainless Tai Sui, and there is no way to communicate at all.

It seems that this barrier can only be broken directly.

Qing Jiujiu silently drew out the Xuanhuang Sword.

"Well, Qi Fanfan, Master, Xue Nu, Lan Ji, you retreat, I think our speed is a bit slow now, I want to use a trick. "

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