Gong Foxiao's tone was very bad.

He looked Qing Jiujiu up and down.

He was sure that Qing Jiujiu was just a little golden immortal. A little golden immortal could pass all the levels. It must not be by his real ability. He must have taken some unorthodox methods.

Qing Jiujiu could see that his tone was bad.

However, it was understandable.

After all, no one would be too happy if someone came uninvited.

Qing Jiujiu didn't care too much.

Thinking about the etiquette he learned in Jiuzhou, he nodded slightly.

"Yes, I am the one who passed the level. I am new to the God Realm, please give me more advice. I didn't prepare any gifts, just a little God Stone as a gift, please accept it."

Gong Foxiao heard that this little golden immortal actually wanted to bribe him with God Stone. It was really abominable. Did he look like the kind of God who would be blinded by money for a little God Stone?

"Don't think of using the divine stones to collect..."

Qing Jiujiu waved her hand, and a small mountain of divine stones piled up beside Gong Foxiao.

Gong Foxiao's words were stuck in his throat, and his eyes seemed to be flashing with $.

Xue Nu and Lan Ji were also surprised.

I didn't expect Jiujiu to be so rich. With a casual wave of the divine stones, it was 100 million.

Qing Jiujiu looked at Gong Foxiao and asked softly: "By the way, what did you want to say just now? What do you want to collect?"

"No, nothing, I mean, I accept your kindness. Have you eaten? Have you had tea? Do you have a place to stay? You are not used to coming to the God Realm, right? If you don't mind, stay in my humble abode for a while. Come, I will lead the way."

Gong Foxiao said politely, and waved his hand back, silently collecting 100 million divine stones.

Qing Jiujiu thought about it, okay.

When there is a place to rest, ask if there is a way to return to the fairyland.

In addition, let Qi Fanfan go to Fang Haoyu's office in the space to contact his father and tell him that they have come to the God Realm.

Finally, ask the demon gods and devils whether they are them.

"That will be troublesome." Qing Jiujiu nodded to Gong Foxiao.

"No trouble, not at all."

Gong Foxiao smiled like a flower and led the way in front.

Xue Nu and Lan Ji looked at each other. You know, the God of the Gate of Gods has always had a strange temper. Unless the big boss comes, he will always have a bad face.

I didn't expect that the God of the Gate of Gods has such a face.

Sure enough, it's easier to get things done with money.

Are you kidding, is this money?

This is one hundred million!

As a gatekeeper, his annual salary is only 100,000. After deducting daily expenses, the money for buying god clothes, god tea, and god cosmetics, it would be good to have 10,000 left.

How many years will it take him to save up 100 million?

What's wrong with being rich and being polite?

They didn't walk for long.

They arrived at the bedroom of the God of Shenmen.

The place was not big.

It looked like a small temple in Huangxing's time.

The furnishings were still shabby.

It didn't look like a place where a god lived at all.

However, fortunately, there were many rooms.

Gong Foxiao led them to the room and said embarrassedly: "My fellow immortals, if you feel that there is anything that is not thoughtful, just let me know. I will prepare it here. Don't be polite."

"That's not the case. You go and get busy first."

Qing Jiujiu waved her hand.

Gong Foxiao gently closed the door and turned to leave.

He breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and abdomen gently, then quickened his pace, turned and walked towards his room, locked the door, and took out 100 million divine stones from the storage ring.

He rushed towards the divine stone.

Regardless of whether he was hurt or not, he rolled on the divine stone.

"I'm rich, I'm rich, hahaha, I'm rich!"

"I'm rich, I'm rich! I never thought that one day I would get a windfall!"

"I'm rich, I'm rich, I'm going to renovate the mansion first, and then buy a few divine horses! And recruit a few divine servants, hahaha..."

Gong Foxiao felt happy just thinking about it.

At this moment, a black figure suddenly flashed in front of Gong Foxiao.

"What are you happy about! Do you know that you have recruited the biggest demon star! She is a demon and a monster, but she practices immortal magic. Once she enters the devil, the whole world of gods will fall into catastrophe!"

The solemn voice, like a whip, whipped Gong Foxiao.

Gong Foxiao was so scared that he quickly rolled down from the divine stone.

He looked up at the person who came, and his lips moved slightly.

"God, God?"

It was indeed God, with a golden sun mark on his forehead.

Although his face could not be seen clearly, the aura emanating from his body was undoubtedly that of the God.

The God was in charge of the sixty-three states of the God Realm and was the co-lord of the God Realm.

Gong Foxiao quickly admitted his mistake: "God, I know I was wrong. I didn't know that the little golden immortal actually had such an identity.Ah, God, please forgive me. "

God put one hand behind his back and glanced at him.

"It's not your fault. She passed the level with one sword. You can't stop her strength. "

"Then, what should we do? She has come up. God said that she has a demon body, but I see that she is just an ordinary fairy body and fairy bones. How can she have a demon body?"

Gong Foxiao was a little bit unconvinced that the little fairy who gave him 100 million as a gift could be a bad person.

"It is said that she is cultivating immortality. Now there is fairy energy in her body. Her demon body has been tempered by the fairy energy. From the naked eye, it has become a fairy body and fairy bones. Naturally, you can't see it. "

God said coldly.

Gong Foxiao thought, that's not right.

She has already cultivated into an immortal body and bones, so what if she has the same body as a demon?

That means she has already cultivated away all the greed, anger, ignorance, and resentment of demons, and there is no difference between her and ordinary immortals, and her mind is even more stable and pure, so what is there to resist?

But Gong Foxiao didn't dare to speak directly.

He only asked tentatively in a low voice: "Then she has an immortal body and bones, just like ordinary immortals, there should be no danger, right?"

God shot a knife at him.

"What are you talking about! ?"

"Demons are demons. Even if they cultivate into immortals, they will definitely become demons under the right opportunity. At the same time, she understands the immortal and divine nature very well. How can she be so easy to deal with?"

Gong Foxiao quickly crawled on the ground: "God is right, then... what should I do?"

"Let them eat this. "

The God handed Gong Foxiao a bottle.

Gong Foxiao took it and found three small pills in it, about the size of rat droppings.

"But there are five of them!" Gong Foxiao whispered.

(Is there a possibility that they appear to be only five people, but in fact there may be five thousand?)

"They are five people, but only three of them are the most powerful. Just give them to those three people." The God said coldly.

"Yes, I understand."

Gong Foxiao bowed.

The God waved his hand and disappeared on the spot.

Gong Foxiao looked at the room full of divine stones and suddenly felt that they were not so fragrant.

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