Athena's eyes showed a hint of ruthlessness.

Although she had not fought with the Eastern Demon God that year, she believed that her strength should be comparable to that of the Eastern Demon God.

As for this brother and sister who share the same body of a demon, how much more powerful can they be than the Demon God of that year?


The co-lord of the sixty-three states was just exaggerating.

Or, he came here to disrupt her army's morale, not for cooperation.

Yes, it was to disrupt the army's morale!

Athena grasped the handle of the battle axe.

"Come here! Tell the gods to go to the border of the Western God Realm and guard the Western God Realm!"


The two-winged angel guarding outside bent down and responded, and flew out.

But they were confused in their hearts.

What's going on? Didn't they say that the Eastern gods have been vulnerable to fighting since the disappearance of the demon gods and the devil gods? Why do they feel dangerous now?

For a moment...

The gods of the West, including the gods of wind, rain, thunder, lightning, sun, and war, all gathered at the western border with their armies.

Athena came slowly.

She took off her golden dress, put on golden armor, rode a unicorn, and appeared in front of the gods with a battle axe in hand.

"Goddess Athena! What happened? You suddenly summoned us here. Is there any unusual movement in the Eastern God Realm?" asked Ares, the god of war.

Athena nodded, looking solemn.

"Well, Medusa lied to us. The head she brought back was fake!"

"The Eastern gods are not as weak as we thought. The god of the sea, the goddess of fire, and ten thousand four-winged angels have been defeated. They are ready to come and capture our Western God Realm."

The faces of the Western gods changed suddenly.

"What? The Sea God, the Goddess of Fire, and 10,000 four-winged angels were all defeated?"

"No way! But it's not surprising. After all, no matter how strong the Sea God, the Goddess of Fire, and 10,000 four-winged angels are, they can't be stronger than the entire Eastern God Realm. The Eastern God Realm must have suffered heavy losses, right?"

"That's right? The Eastern God Realm, which only produced a demon god and a devil tens of millions of years ago, dares to challenge our Western God Realm?"

"Goddess Athena, are you making a fuss? Just tell me, how many of our people died when they went there? "

"We were completely wiped out, and the other side must have died at least 40,000 people."

The Western gods talked back and forth, full of arrogance and prejudice, and subconsciously thought that the Eastern God Realm was a backward and barren land with no grass.

Athena's face looked a little ugly, and her words were stuck in her throat.

After all, if she said directly that no god in the Eastern God Realm died, they would definitely think she was lying.

"Hurry up and tell me! Why don't you tell me?"

The God of War urged impatiently.

Athena replied vaguely: "That's about it. Let's not talk about this for now. You should prepare well, lest the Eastern gods suddenly arrive and catch us off guard!"

"How is that possible! If they dare to come, we will make them go without return!"

"That's right! Go without return!"

"It just saves us from going to the Eastern God Realm. If they come, we will annihilate them all."


It seemed that the Western gods had already figured out how to divide the Eastern Sixty-Three States God Realm.

At this moment.

Three figures were seen from a distance, flashing in front of them.

"Here they come!"

Athena looked closely and found that there were only three people, but based on the scene she saw in Chen Ran's bronze mirror before, she did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

Athena snorted.

"Hurry up and be alert! The three of them must be here to investigate the military situation first, and the follow-up troops will arrive soon! We in the Western God Realm must not lose momentum!"

The Western gods quickly took alert and formed a formation.

Ten thousand six-winged angels were in front, and tens of thousands of four-winged angels were in the middle, and the gods guarded each side.

After they hurriedly arranged the formation, they looked again and found that there were only three people.

Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan, both of them, turned sideways, crossed their chests, and frowned at them.

One of them was wearing a purple sleeve-bound waist skirt, and the other was wearing a dark green sleeve-bound waist robe. One was beautiful and cold and domineering, and the other was handsome and unrestrained.

Mo Ye was hanging behind, wearing a white long robe with wide sleeves, with a jade-like face, cold and indifferent.

The Western gods were stunned for a moment.

I didn't expect that there were people who looked so good in the East.

Look at them frowning again:? ? ? Just this? Just three people? Three people want to wipe out their Western God Realm?

The Western gods looked at Athena with an expression of "Are you okay?"

Athena didn't expect that this brother and sister only brought one person with them.

On the other side, Qing Jiujiu and Qi Fanfan frowned slightly.brows.

"Such a big show? It seems that someone leaked the news of our coming in advance."

"But... just in time, they are all here, so we can wipe them all out."

Qing Jiujiu's red lips were drawn, revealing a small tiger tooth, and she spoke arrogantly.

Qi Fanfan raised his hand and wiped his nose: "It would be boring to wipe them all out with one sword? Why not play them one round at a time?"

Qing Jiujiu thought about it, that's right, I'm free anyway, let's play first.


Mo Ye behind him immediately looked at the Western gods with sympathy.

The Western gods were so angry that their faces turned red.


Too arrogant!

Only three people came over, and they dared to say such arrogant words in front of them!

Thor, the god of thunder, flew out of the formation directly with a chariot and a big hammer in his hand.

"Still want to fight for fun? I'll beat you up and make you go home and call for your mother!"

Thor stepped on his foot, raised his hammer and swung it at Qi Fanfan.

In his eyes, Qing Jiujiu, a woman, was not worthy of his attack.

Lightning as thick as a bucket quickly shot towards Qi Fanfan.

Qing Jiujiu flashed and blocked Qi Fanfan behind her. The blue shield blocked in front of her. The lightning struck on it and was gently deflected and flew towards the six-winged angel.

"Boom, crackle!"

After a loud noise, dozens of six-winged angels were instantly roasted into charcoal-grilled chicken wings, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Thor was stunned.

? ? ?

What's going on?

What is that blue thing?

It can actually deflect my lightning?

Qing Jiujiu crossed her arms across her chest and looked at Thor proudly without moving.

"Is this your Western etiquette? You don't even know the rules of introducing yourself before fighting?"

Don't you say who you are?

They just start fighting, and it's hard to decide who will hit, and they don't know how to judge the severity. What if he sneezes and dies? How can we play?

Qing Jiujiu blew a breath, and the hair on his forehead fluttered.

Qi Fanfan on the side raised his eyebrows. Wow, he imitated it quite well.

He also blew a breath, and the hair on his forehead fluttered.

Thor's face turned red with anger.

Arrogant! Too arrogant!

These two little brats from the East are so arrogant!

"I'm afraid you will be scared to death if I tell you!"

"I am, Thor!"

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