Qi Fanfan let out a low cry, and then his emotions could not be controlled in an instant.

"Chen Ran, you are such a despicable villain!"

"Go ahead and curse me. Anyway, no matter how fiercely you curse, I won't lose a piece of meat. If you have the guts, come and hit me. If you dare to come, I will destroy Qi Fan's body immediately."

Chen Ran raised his head and laughed wildly.

Qi Fan: ? ? ?

What a coincidence, isn't it? I have never heard of such a request in my life.

Qi Fan's soul instantly followed the ears of his body and drilled into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The soul and the repaired body merged into one.

Qi Fan opened his eyes.

Chen Ran had not yet reacted.

Qi Fan opened his palm, and a sliding shovel appeared in his palm. He swung his hand back and hit the back of Chen Ran's head.


Chen Ran staggered forward and fell to the ground.

Qi Fan stepped on Chen Ran's back.

"You took advantage of my absence and coveted my wife, but you also bullied my daughter. Do you think I am nothing?"


Qi Fan raised his sliding tackle and aimed at the back of Chen Ran's head. "Bang", and then another one.

Chen Ran spurted out a mouthful of blood with a "puff".

Qing Jiujiu, Qi Fanfan: ...

Chen Ran moved his fingers.

What's going on?

Didn't Qi Fan lock his soul in his sea of ​​consciousness?

Why did he wake up suddenly?

Qi Fan was furious when he thought of what Chen Ran had done.

It's not that he didn't want to settle accounts with Chen Ran before.

He just wanted to figure out what was going on in this world, so he couldn't be distracted and focused on research.

Now everything is clear.

Damn it!

Kill Chen Ran!

Qi Fan slid towards Chen Ran with one sliding tackle after another.

Chen Ran was beaten so hard that he couldn't resist and gradually lost consciousness.

Qi Fanfan twitched his mouth and felt a chill on his back.

He originally thought that Jiujiu's temper was inherited from her mother, but now it seems... it seems that she inherited... hiss...

But after a while.

Chen Ran was furious and couldn't bear to look at him.

Qi Fan shook his wrist, moved his shoulders, and then made a gesture. With a backhand wave, he removed all the bloody smell from his body and flew in front of Qing Jiujiu.

He raised his hand and touched Qing Jiujiu's face.

"Daughter, do you miss your dad?"

Qi Fanfan's face was full of question marks.

So sons are not important? Until now, he hasn't even looked at me.

Forget it, now is not the time to worry about these things.

Jiujiu needs comfort now.

Qi Fanfan looked at Qing Jiujiu.

The demonic and devilish aura on Qing Jiujiu's body disappeared and turned into a clear and transparent fairy aura as Qi Fan called out softly.


Qing Jiujiu choked with sobs.

She was no longer strong and domineering.

She became a little girl who felt a little wronged.

"Oh, my dear, what happened? Tell Dad. Don't be afraid. Dad will give you whatever you want."

He had figured out the Creator's program.

Now, even if he followed the Creator's program one-to-one, it would be no problem to create another blue star.

A small scene.

Qing Jiujiu was speechless and didn't know how to explain, so she handed the small glass statue in her hand to Qi Fan.

Qi Fan frowned and took the small glass statue and rubbed it carefully.

"This is..."

"Master, it's Jiujiu's master, but he was created by Chen Ran and ambushed by Jiujiu. Then because he didn't listen to Chen Ran's orders, he directly..."

Qi Fanfan couldn't say anything more.

He respected Mo Ye as a man.

And he felt a little regretful that he was jealous of Mo Ye before.

Qi Fan looked at the small glass statue in his hand and brought it to his nose to sniff it.

"There is my breath and your mother's blood on it. I understand how Chen Ran created it."

Qing Jiujiu heard it and instantly ignited hope and nodded quickly.

"Yes, that's what Chen Ran said. He said that he had to use some kind of artifact to collect the soul of my master so that my master could be resurrected."

Qi Fan shook his head and said dotingly.

"Idiot, how can a glass have a soul? The so-called soul is just his memory."

Qing Jiujiu was stunned: "So?"

"So, if you copy the memory of your master and your brain, put it on this glass statue, and then make another one, you can 'resurrect'."

"Of course, if there is only you and him, then his memory is not very complete. You'd better find all the people he has contacted, and let me copy them. The more I find and the more I copy, the more like he will be after he is resurrected."

Qi Fan explained patiently.

Qing Jiujiu's eyes became brighter and brighter, and the hostility on her face became less and less.

"ThenHow to copy? When does it start? "

Qing Jiujiu asked excitedly.

"A computer is fine anytime, but Dad was dragged in by Chen Ran and didn't bring a computer with him."

Qi Fan frowned and apologized.

"This is easy, I have it in my space."

Qi Fan remembered, yes, the brat had hacked his computer directly before, and was able to contact him.

"Okay, then Dad will help you revive your master now, okay?"

Qi Fan gently touched Qing Jiujiu's head.

Qing Jiujiu nodded vigorously, threw herself into Qi Fan's arms, and hugged him tightly.

"Wow... Thank you, Dad."

"Silly child. "

Qi Fan was heartbroken when he saw Qing Jiujiu crying like this, then he angrily glared at Qi Fanfan and cursed at Qi Fanfan with lip language.

'Stinky boy, I asked you to take good care of your sister, how did you do it?'

Qi Fanfan shrugged and replied with lip language.

'Jiujiu is so strong, how can I take care of her? Should I take care of her with my life?'

He wanted to take care of her, but she didn't need him to take care of her at all.

He could cook, and he could cook for Jiujiu.

But Jiujiu only likes to drink, and he can't brew any high-quality products except making fat otaku happy water and wheat drinks. amount of wine.

Qi Fanfan said that he was really aggrieved.

Qi Fan, Qi Fanfan and Qing Jiujiu came to Fang Haoyu's office in Qing Jiujiu's space together.

Qi Fan sat in the sofa chair.

Wow, this chair is good, an e-sports chair. He always wanted to buy it before, but was rejected by Qing Jiu many times.

Wait a minute, the master who resurrected Jiujiu must ask Jiujiu for this chair.


Qi Fan carefully placed the small glass statue on the table.

Then he turned on the computer.

His fingers tapped on the keyboard.

"Jiujiu, sit next to me first."

Qi Fan said to Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu nodded, obediently took out a chair from the storage ring, and sat in front of Qi Fan.

Qi Fan raised his hand and hovered on Qing Jiujiu's forehead.

"Focus, think about the past between you and your master."

"Okay. "

Qing Jiujiu closed her eyes, and the bits and pieces of her past experiences with her master played in her mind like a fast-forwarded movie.

Qi Fan drew a wisp of divine energy and probed into Qing Jiujiu's sea of ​​consciousness, blocking all these memories, and then used the computer to convert them into code, CTRL+C and then CTRL+V.

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