The gatekeeper walked to the door and shouted inside.

"Jade Purity God Emperor, there is a man outside who calls himself Changle God Emperor and wants to see you."

"Well, OK, I know, I'll be there right away."

The Jade Purity God Emperor snorted, opened the door, and walked out of the hall.

Qing Jiujiu was a little bored standing there, so she walked around the door casually. There was a ginkgo tree outside the door. There were no four seasons in the Supreme God Realm, but this ginkgo tree should have been transformed into autumn. At this time, the tree was full of golden color and looked very beautiful.

Qing Jiujiu put one hand on her back, and leaves fell one by one. She raised one hand and caught one.

The Jade Purity God Emperor just walked out and saw this picturesque scene.

He looked Qing Jiujiu up and down.

With a face like a crown of jade, a slender figure, and elegant manners, would such a person be the kind of aggressive person? Is there any misunderstanding here?

He stroked his gray beard.

Qing Jiujiu heard the noise, turned around, smiled lightly, put his hands behind his back, walked towards the Jade Purity God Emperor, bowed slightly, and said politely.

"You must be the Jade Purity God Emperor, right? I am the new God Emperor of Changle Divine Realm, please give me more advice."

Jade Purity God Emperor listened to her gentle tone and became more confused. Is there really a misunderstanding?

No, no, no.

How could Wuwang God Emperor wrongly accuse someone for no reason? Don't be fooled by his appearance.

He straightened his chest and abdomen and said to Qing Jiujiu with a serious face.

"Well, that's right. I wonder what you are doing in my Jade Purity Divine Realm?"

Qing Jiujiu frowned slightly.

Jade Purity God Emperor's voice was obviously unhappy.

What's going on? This is the first time she has met Jade Purity God Emperor. Is there anything she has done to offend him?

Could it be...

What nonsense did Wuwang Divine Emperor say when he ran to Yuqing Divine Emperor?

Qing Jiujiu collected her thoughts and smiled lightly.

"Oh, it's like this. I heard that Yuqing Divine Realm has the fruit of life-saving. I urgently need one. I wonder if you can give me one. I will definitely give you a large sum of money as a reward."

To be honest, Qing Jiujiu herself felt that her etiquette was flawless.

She swore that she had never been so polite in her life.

When Yuqing Divine Emperor heard the three words "fruit of life-saving", his face suddenly changed!

He shook his sleeves vigorously, snorted coldly, and then waved his hands.

"No, no, go away, there is nothing you want here, go away, go away!"

The guy swung his sleeves like an electric fan, almost hitting Qing Jiujiu's face.

Qing Jiujiu took a step back and frowned slightly.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't you understand what I'm saying? No, I just don't have any!"

Yuqing Divine Emperor glared at Qing Jiujiu, then slammed the door shut with his backhand. Qing Jiujiu followed him and was caught off guard and almost got her head stuck by the door.

Qing Jiujiu narrowed her eyes.

She was sure that it was definitely Wuwang Divine Emperor that had come to Yuqing Divine Emperor and said something to him, which was why Yuqing Divine Emperor reacted so strongly.

And this fruit of life-saving doesn't seem to be an ordinary thing.

She touched her chin.


Yuqing Divine Emperor glared at Qing Jiujiu through the door.

Sure enough, what Wuwang Divine Emperor said was right. This new emperor of Changle looked young, but he was quite arrogant. He didn't ask for a gift when they first met, but asked for the fruit of life-saving first.

Too much bullying!

Yuqing Divine Emperor shook his sleeves vigorously, snorted coldly, and walked into the house.

Outside the door.

Qing Jiujiu pondered for a moment, pinched a seal with one hand, turned into a small bee, and flew in through the crack of the door.

Only to see the Jade Purity God Emperor stride towards the room, and then mysteriously close the door.

Qing Jiujiu snorted in her heart.

In broad daylight, in her own yard, in her own room, she was sneaky and had to close the door.

There must be someone hiding inside.

Either a woman or a bad guy.

With the white hair and long beard of the Jade Purity God Emperor, it is probably impossible for him to hide a woman.

Then there is only one possibility - a bad guy!

The Wuwang God Emperor!


So exciting!

Let's go in and take a look.

"Buzz buzz buzz ~" Qing Jiujiu flew inside through the crack of the door and landed on the flower arrangement on the vase.

The Jade Purity God Emperor looked around and couldn't help frowning.

Strange, why did I feel the flow of divine power just now?

But why is it gone now?

He shook his head slightly, it seems that he is old and feels something is wrong.

He pinched his hands together, then waved his hands back, and a Bagua diagram appeared on the ground.

Wuwang God Emperor walked out, and Yuqing God Emperor hurried forward to support Wuwang God Emperor: "I'm sorry, little brother, I have wronged you."

Wuwang God Emperor's two arms were wrapped in gauze, motionless, and his neckThe same thickness, plus his big head and small body, looks really funny.

Qing Jiujiu hid in the petals, and almost couldn't hold back her laughter and fell out.

"Brother, you are too polite. If you hadn't helped to treat my arm, I'm afraid it would be useless."

Yuqing God Emperor's face was serious: "Eh? How many years have we known each other, and you are still so polite to me."

"Little brother, I just saw the new emperor of Changle. It's just like what you said, arrogant, domineering, and aggressive!"

Qing Jiujiu: ? ? ?

Arrogant? Domineering? Aggressive?

Damn, I have never been so polite in my life, okay?

It seems that this polite person can't be!

"What's wrong? What did he do to you?" Wuwang God Emperor looked up and down at Yuqing God Emperor with a worried face and asked.

"That's not true, but she actually asked me for the Life-Retaining Fruit as soon as we met. What a joke! How can I give her such a thing? You know, this fruit is the same as the Life-Retaining Fruit and the Life-Creating Fruit. It was born from the same tree at the beginning of the universe and is extremely precious. Wearing it on your body, you can enter and exit the lower three realms and the upper three realms as if it were flat ground. How can I give it to her?"

Qing Jiujiu raised her eyebrows.

So it's such a precious thing. No wonder this old guy acted as if I had dug up his ancestral grave when I mentioned it just now.

But... what do the lower three realms and the upper three realms mean?

The lower three realms are the mortal world, the immortal world, and the god world.

The upper three realms are the supreme god world? The holy world? Is there anything above it?

Never mind.

If you want this fruit, you can't get it. You have to find a way to 'borrow' it.

When Wuwang Shendi heard about the 'Life-Retaining Fruit', his eyes trembled. With this fruit, if you can't become a saint, you can also directly cross the holy world to avoid the chaos.

We have to find out where the Jade Purity God Emperor put the fruit.

Wuwang God Emperor hurriedly spoke with concern.

"Ah! Brother, you have to put the fruit away. You don't know that Qi Fanfan is insidious and cunning, and he does all kinds of evil. This time you directly rejected him, he will definitely find a way to come to your house and force you to take out the fruit!"

Qing Jiujiu: ??? Insidious and cunning? Doing all kinds of evil?

She raised her eyes and glared at Wuwang God Emperor fiercely.

It seems that the beating was not light before.

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