The two took a deep breath.

As ghosts and gods who had been guarding the same exit and living together for billions of years, they had a tacit understanding, so they thought of the same possibility at the same time.

That is - the master is the new God of Creation who can replace the God of Creation in the legend! ?

They shuddered.

No, impossible!

How could it be possible, absolutely impossible!

If she is the new God of Creation, then if the Lord Taichu Yanluo knew about it, wouldn't she have to be killed immediately?

Then as her newly recruited divine servants, they lived and died with the master, wouldn't they have to die with her?

Ah ah ah ah ah...

They don't want to die! Although they have lived for more than a dozen billions of years, they haven't lived enough.

Yes, that's right!

So, the master must not be!

They looked at each other and nodded firmly.


Qing Jiujiu pinched an invisibility talisman and flew slowly.

The entire Taichu Prison was extremely empty.

It was like a vast desert, or a basketball court without boundaries, with a yellow ground and thick fog.

That Bai Xiaosheng said there were fragments of the Xuanhuang Sword here.

Let's take the Xuanhuang Sword out and try to sense whether there is any.

Qing Jiujiu opened her right hand, and the Xuanhuang Sword was condensed in her palm.

Suddenly, the missing part of the Xuanhuang Sword flashed with light, and the sword body began to shake violently, pointing to the southeast.

Qing Jiujiu quickly changed direction and flew towards the southeast.

Or rather, she was carried by the Xuanhuang Sword to fly towards the southeast.

Flying faster and faster.

In the darkness.

In the distance, a flame appeared out of thin air.

At first it looked very small, but as it flew closer and closer, the flame gradually grew larger.

From the size of a candlelight to the size of a torch and then to the size of a bonfire, when it got closer, it turned out to be a place similar to a crater.

Groups of transparent people were being chained by giants who looked just like Zhu Ming and Gan Yi, and were being driven to the crater.

Qing Jiujiu looked closely and found that among them was Wuwang Divine Emperor.

Her eyes flashed.

It turned out that after the death of a god, he did not turn into ashes directly, but went to the Primordial Prison.

This was consistent with what Gan Yi and Zhu Ming said.

She was hesitating.

The Xuanhuang Sword in her hand was shaking more violently, dragging her to continue flying towards the crater.

The closer she got, the stronger the heat from the crater became, and the light was very dazzling, even more dazzling than the light emitted by the big black gold.

Qing Jiujiu felt that she was about to be roasted.

She held the sword with both hands and directed her thoughts to the Xuanhuang Sword.

Hey, don't get excited!

Even if you find the fragments, don't get excited. Fly slowly and let me adapt. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll be roasted to death.

The Xuanhuang Sword immediately sensed Qing Jiujiu's intention and flew slower.

Qing Jiujiu reached into the storage ring for a long time and found a pair of sunglasses. She put them on her nose. The glaring feeling was finally much better.

Inside the crater.

Those who were driven away by gods and ghosts were stepping on the glowing volcanic mud. Every time they stepped, their feet were instantly corroded to reveal their bones. They were then pulled out and quickly repaired.

This continued over and over again.

From the painful expressions on their faces, they felt pain.

Qing Jiujiu looked at it and couldn't help but feel a pain in the soles of her feet.

Looking further into the middle, it was boiling hot magma like a big pot, the fiery red magma rolling and boiling.

In the center stood a red crystal, emitting the unique power of Taichuyu.

This power seemed to have a charming effect, luring the gods and ghosts one by one. Without the ghosts and gods driving them away, they jumped into the center of the magma one after another and were quickly swallowed up.

As they jumped in, a force rose and condensed into the red crystal.

The power on the red crystal was stronger, and the red light was even stronger.

The Xuanhuang Sword in Qing Jiujiu's hand stopped shaking the moment it approached the red crystal, and the tip of the sword pointed directly at the red crystal.

"This is the third to last fragment. What a magical power."

"I just don't know what will happen if I take it rashly now, will it trigger the so-called Taichu Yanluo?"

Qing Jiujiu spoke softly.


Yang Ke, the leader of the ghosts and gods who was holding the gods and ghosts, shouted loudly in the direction of Qing Jiujiu.

He looked in the direction of Qing Jiujiu and threw the giant steel fork in his hand.

Qing Jiujiu quickly dodged in an instant.

A giant steel fork was inserted into the volcano, and with a "boom" countless boulders rolled down and rolled into the magma, and were instantly submerged.

A fork was inserted into the mountain wall.Big hole, but no figure was seen.

Yang Ke frowned strangely, waved his hand back, and the giant steel fork flew back into his hand.

"What's going on? I seem to hear someone talking."

Deputy leader Qi Tuo laughed.

"What nonsense are you talking about? I think you didn't sleep well last night. Are you dreaming? Besides us ghosts and gods, and these gods and ghosts, who else can be here? If there is, it would have been heated by the heat wave here."

Yang Ke narrowed his eyes and stared at the direction where Qing Jiujiu was.

After watching for a long time, he didn't see any movement, and he shook his head angrily.

"Maybe, the pillow on the bed has collapsed a little after sleeping for a long time, and my neck is uncomfortable. I didn't sleep well all night."

Qi Tuo raised his hand naturally and rubbed Yang Ke's neck.

"I'll find a suitable stone for you later and help you cut it to a suitable height." He smiled gently.

The invisible Qing Jiujiu's eyes widened.

Tsk tsk tsk.

There is passion everywhere.

Yang Ke nodded and smiled: "Okay."

"Let's continue."

Qi Tuo turned around and shouted to the gods and ghosts who were still walking slowly behind the old man.

"Walk faster! Haven't you eaten yet!"

The ghosts and gods waved their whips at the backs of the unconscious gods and ghosts, and the gods and ghosts' steps suddenly quickened.

Qing Jiujiu breathed a sigh of relief.

Almost discovered.

There are so many ghosts and gods here, it's not certain that they can be dealt with.

Qing Jiujiu prepared to hide in the dark and wait.

Just now, the two ghosts and gods mentioned sleeping, which means they are not working all twelve hours.

Then she just needs to wait until they rest, and when there is no one around, she can fly to the side of the red crystal and try to take it back to see if she can be discovered.

Thinking of this.

Qing Jiujiu looked around and finally saw that the big hole made by the ghost had formed a cave. She could fly in and have a good rest.

Qing Jiujiu moved and flew over in an instant.

The cave was very large and spacious. Because it was directly made, the ground was also flat. She took out the bedding from the storage ring, spread it on the ground, and then lay on it, continuing to watch the movement outside.

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