Seeing that Qing Jiujiu's sword was about to pierce his body.

Mo Luoye quickly retreated in an instant to avoid it.

Qing Jiujiu raised her eyebrows. This great emperor could also be in an instant.

It seems that the people of Taichu Prison are indeed much more powerful than this world.

Qing Jiujiu sighed in her heart, but still pretended to be calm on the surface.

"Yes, I have made the Rebirth Stone into a sword. Why don't you kneel down quickly?"

"Hey! Bastard is crazy..."

Mo Luoye raised his hand and pointed at Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu held the Xuanhuang Sword with both hands and was about to cut Mo Luoye's head again, interrupting him directly.

Mo Luoye leaned back and took a deep breath.

This little girl looks so strong.

The most important thing is that she is so small, but she holds such a big sword and can control it freely.

It's so terrifying.

Mo Luoye sighed, and just as he was about to attack, Qing Jiujiu raised the Xuanhuang Sword and quickly spun it towards his neck.

"Hua La!" A sound came out.

The red and black air flashed, and Mo Luoye's head immediately rolled down with a "gurgle".

Black blood spurted out.

Qing Jiujiu frowned slightly, no way, it was solved just like that?

The head that fell to the ground suddenly flew up, opened its mouth wide, and bit towards Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu: ? ? ?

What the hell is this?

Flying head evil?

Qing Jiujiu raised the Xuanhuang Sword again and chopped at his head.

Mo Luoye's head did not dodge, and just floated like this. The Xuanhuang Sword directly chopped the head head-on, and with a "dong" sound, the sword bounced back directly. Qing Jiujiu's palm was numb, and then he saw that Mo Luoye's head was still in the same place, without any wounds.

"Hahahaha... kid, even if there is a rebirth stone on your sword, our six emperors are already immortal. Let's see how you fight!"

Mo Luoye laughed arrogantly and continued to charge towards Qing Jiujiu.

The other emperors also took out their weapons and flew towards Qing Jiu and others.

In the end, before the emperor with the lowest cultivation level could fly over, Zhang Yan led the hundred ghosts and rushed over first.

The melee began.

The fight was so chaotic.

But as Mo Luoye said, the six emperors were already immortal.

Even if their hands, feet and heads were chopped off, it was just like the organs of robots being separated, and then they continued to fight each other.

Qing Jiujiu slapped Mo Luoye's head with a sword, and Mo Luoye's claws pinched her over there. Qing Jiujiu continued to slap his claws away, and then he kicked her again.

The emperors that Qing Jiu and others dealt with were also like this.

Gradually, Qing Jiujiu began to feel tired.

Qing Jiujiu held the Xuanhuang Sword in both hands, panting softly as he looked at Mo Luoye, who had been broken into several pieces.

Mo Luoye smiled triumphantly.

"Hehehe, stop struggling fearlessly. You look tired from fighting so hard. Instead of dying of exhaustion, you might as well surrender directly, return the Rebirth Stone, and let us send you to the Rebirth Pond for direct refining, hehehehe."

His body shook with laughter.

It looked very strange.

The other emperors who were chopped into pieces also laughed mockingly.

Qing Jiujiu frowned and looked at Mo Luoye unhappily.


How could there be someone more arrogant than me in this world?

"If it's chopped into pieces, it can still move, right? What about if it's chopped into powder?"


Qing Jiujiu shouted, then held the sword with both hands, and kept spinning around the pieces of Mo Luoye's body.

Her speed was so fast that it left an afterimage. To the naked eye, it looked like a tornado circling Mo Luoye.

In a moment.

Qing Jiujiu put the Xuanhuang Sword on her shoulder, looked at Mo Luoye in front of her, her lips curled up, her fangs slightly exposed, and smiled wickedly.

Mo Luoye frowned, his face full of confusion.

"That's it?"

"Yes, that's it."

Qing Jiujiu raised her hand, and snapped her fingers with a "snap".

Mo Luoye's body, which had been shattered into more than a dozen pieces, instantly shattered into dust and floated in the air.

Qing Jiujiu waved her hand back, put away the Xuanhuang Sword, and then took out the rattle, which turned into a giant fan, and smiled wickedly.



With a rustling sound, the dust on Mo Luoye's body was blown away by Qing Jiujiu until it was invisible to the naked eye.

The eyes of Qing Jiu, Qi Fan, Qi Fanfan, and Mo Ye lit up, and their minds were instantly opened.

They stepped on their toes and flew towards the emperor fragments they needed to deal with, then quickly rotated with their weapons in hand.

Qing Jiujiu continued to fly towards the weakest emperor.

The few people stopped their movements, and the emperors looked terrified and looked at the floating body fragments.Look.

Their eyes widened and they shook their heads at Qing Jiujiu.


Qing Jiujiu raised her fan and fanned it, and several emperors turned into powder in an instant. Qing Jiujiu fanned it again, and the powder flew away to who knows where.

She put away the fan and clapped her hands on the spot.

"Isn't it just an immortal body? Now it's broken into pieces like this, some of them will recover slowly."

"My daughter is smart." Qing Jiu praised gently.

"Yes, my daughter is the best, my daughter is the most powerful, I will hold the banner for my daughter!" Qi Fan shouted.

Qi Fanfan raised his hand to cover his face, that is to say, Dad, can you not be so exaggerated every time.

Mo Ye stood there without saying anything, just looking at Qing Jiujiu dotingly.

Not far away, Zhang Yan and the ghosts and gods stood there blinking, and they couldn't react for a long time.

Can this method still be used to deal with the emperor?


"Let's not talk about this for now. These six emperors are immortal. It's only a matter of time before they recover and come back to their original state. I have to quickly block the Chaos Abyss, otherwise someone will fly out of it later."

Qing Jiujiu looked at them and said.

"Jiujiu is right. It's important to seal the Chaos Abyss first." Mo Ye nodded.

Qing Jiujiu and the other two also nodded.

Qing Jiujiu stepped on the tiptoes and flew towards the Chaos Abyss.

She closed her eyes, calmed down and switched the divine power in her body to the power of Taichu Prison, then raised her palm, a touch of red and black air jumped in her palm, and suddenly slapped towards the Chaos Abyss.

The Chaos Abyss began to rotate rapidly, and strands of power were drawn from it, uncontrollably sucked towards Qing Jiujiu's palm.

Qing Jiu and the others frowned.

"Why does it look a little wrong?" Qing Jiu murmured.

At this moment, countless powders were also absorbed from all directions towards Qing Jiujiu's Dantian.

And the power emitted by these dusts was exactly that of the six emperors.

"Jiujiu looks like she is absorbing the power of the six emperors and the Chaos Abyss." Mo Ye said coldly.

"Yes, how could this happen." Qing Jiu followed.

Qi Fan frowned: "It's indeed wrong."

"Is it dangerous? No, I'll go and see."

Qi Fanfan and Qing Jiujiu's sea of ​​consciousness are connected, and he can feel that Jiujiu is very uncomfortable when absorbing these powers.

Qi Fanfan quickly flew towards Qing Jiujiu.

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