"Coco once said, 'There are three deaths in a person's life. The first is when your heart stops beating. From a biological point of view, you are dead; the second is at the funeral, when everyone who knows you comes to pay tribute to you, and your social status is dead; the third is when the last person who remembers you dies, then you are really dead...'"

"So, everyone who is related to Jiujiu, I want to read your memories related to Jiujiu, and then engrave her body with colored glass, and activate it with my and Jiuer's flesh and blood. From now on, she is just Jiujiu, an ordinary Jiujiu, Jiujiu without any responsibility."

Qi Fan turned around from the blackboard and whispered to the crowd.

Everyone nodded with relief.

Yes, as long as Jiujiu comes back, it will be fine.

They closed their eyes.

A wisp of memory flew out of their sea of ​​consciousness and gathered towards Qi Fan's palm.

A piece of colorful colored glass was suspended in the air, and these memories kept pouring in.

Qi Fan and Qing Jiu pinched the sword finger in their left hand, raised their right hand, gathered the spiritual energy, and cut it down.

Qi Fan's flesh wrapped around the glass, and Qing Jiu's blood was injected into the glass.

The glass kept spinning, and rays of light flashed, and Qing Jiujiu's face gradually appeared.

After a long time, she opened her eyes.

She still looked ten years old, smiling brightly, with her tiger teeth slightly exposed.

Her silver-white long hair was flying, her soul-colored eyes, and her skin was so white that you could almost see the blood vessels. She was as beautiful as someone who walked out of a comic book.

She opened her lips slightly.

"I'm back."

Qing Jiujiu jumped up and wanted to fly out, but she fell to the ground with a cry of "Ah!".

Qing Jiu, Qi Fan, Mo Ye, Qi Fanfan, Hua Xizi, Liulixian, Ye Qing... A group of people were so scared that they hurriedly went up to support Qing Jiujiu, but they piled up one after another and almost crushed Qing Jiujiu to death!

Blue Star.

Jiuzhou Primary School, Grade 4, Class 3.

The girl in the classroom held two books in her hands.

One book was outside, and the other was inside.

The cover of the book outside read "Nine Years of Compulsory Education - Grade 4 Spells", and the cover of the book inside read "Grade 4 General Chinese".

"Qing Jiujiu! Why are you reading Chinese again! Now is the era of spiritual revival! The whole world is practicing, you will have no future if you only read Chinese books! You have to learn spells and memorize them thoroughly, understand!?"

"If you can't learn spells well in the fourth grade, you won't be able to keep up in the fifth grade, and if you can't keep up in the fifth grade, it's all over in the sixth grade. By then, you won't be able to get into a key middle school. Without a good key middle school, there won't be a good high school. Without a high school, you can't enter the Advanced Taoism Academy, then you... then your life will be over!"

"Besides, the world is so dangerous now. If you can't even use the lowest level of magic, you can only stay at home and be protected by your parents, and you can't go out for the rest of your life, understand!"

The spell teacher looked at Qing Jiujiu with disappointment, scolding and knocking on the table with dogma, then casually pulled her Chinese book out of it and threw it on the ground.

Qing Jiujiu frowned and looked at the spell teacher in front of her.

After resurrection, she returned to Blue Star.

As a result, perhaps because of her "whale fall", the spiritual energy of Blue Star was unprecedentedly abundant, and many Taoist priests, mages, and vampires unexpectedly ascended to heaven, thus triggering a cultivation craze.

The strength of the competition between countries was no longer heavy weapons, but who had more masters.

In addition, the animals in the zoo, the mice in the underground tunnels, the beasts in the forest, the fish and shrimp in the water, the whales in the sea, and the roc flying in the sky were all nourished by the spiritual energy. The low-level ones could use magic, and the high-level ones could change into human form.

They all absorbed the spiritual energy, the low-level ones could use magic, and the high-level ones could even change into human form.

Because their survival resources were plundered by humans, they began to retaliate against humans after they had spiritual energy.

Various reasons.

Various countries took action to vigorously reform education, focusing on cultivation and supplementing other aspects.

Qing Jiujiu, who was once invincible in the lower and upper three realms, found out miserably that even if she memorized these low-level spells and methods by heart, she could not use them to cultivate.

Perhaps, this is the price she paid for her kindness.

However, it doesn't matter, fortunately her system is still there, and the summoning card can still be used.

When in danger, just draw a card at random, the eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother, the fourth brother... 108 brothers, summon them at will, and at worst there are Hua Xizi, Ye Qing, Zhu Xiulian, Jin Jiemie, Nan Guoche...

Although, because of the restrictions of the Blue Star barrier, they do not belong to this world, so they can only appear for a maximum of ten minutes, it doesn't matter, they will act directlyKill instantly.

So Qing Jiujiu decided... to play badly, to play badly! After being tired for so long, it is still the most comfortable to play badly!

Qing Jiujiu looked at the teacher in front of her who was furious, stood up, silently picked up the Chinese textbook on the ground, carefully patted the dust on it, smoothed the wrinkles, and then held it in her arms, and said to the spell teacher sincerely.

"Teacher, I love to study. Studying can make me progress, study can make me wise, and study will make me fulfilled. Everyone's path is different. Although now we strongly support cultivation, we have not cancelled basic learning, so please let me be a useless person who doesn't love cultivation and only loves learning!"


Qing Jiujiu bowed to the teacher seriously.

The spell teacher shook his head helplessly and looked at Qing Jiujiu with a look of giving up.

Then he turned around and left, sighing as he walked.

"She was pretty and fair, but it's a pity that she's ruined!"


Qing Jiujiu shrugged, sat back in her seat, spread the Chinese textbook flat on the table, rotated the pen in her right hand, and recited the poem on it.

"Bu Suanzi, chanting plum blossoms."

"Wind and rain send spring away, snow welcomes spring..."

Outside the window, under the tree.

Mo Ye was wearing a white suit and a work card on his chest, which read - Chinese teacher.

He held the Chinese textbook in his hand, raised his hand to push the glasses frame on his nose, and his eyes were full of relief.

"You are worthy of being my student. There are not many students who love Chinese so much."

The talisman teacher passed by and mocked when he heard this.

"Why learn Chinese? Isn't it enough to know the characters? Otherwise, when you meet a monster on the way home from school, will you recite a poem to it to persuade it? It's so funny."

"I think you might as well give up literature and practice. Ask me for a private lesson. I'll give you a discount."

The talisman teacher raised her slender fingers and pinched a business card with an address on it, and was about to put it into Mo Ye's chest pocket.

Mo Ye took a step back and gave her a cold look.

He turned and entered the classroom of Class 43.

"Students, open your Chinese textbooks and start the class now. The first lesson is three ancient poems."

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