
A long tentacle suddenly burst out of the child's mouth, wrapped around Hua Xizi's waist, and dragged her into the straw pile.

The straw pile suddenly collapsed, and a monster like an excavator, with a powdery body and cracked skin, emerged from the ground.

"Kacha!" A rusty roar came from its mouth.

Hua Xizi was held high in the air.

The tentacles extended several sharp thorns and pierced into her body.

Everything happened very quickly!

No one expected that it would be this result!

The so-called "child" was just a part of the tentacle, an illusion.

"Hahaha... Stupid human cultivator, only worthy of being my meal!" The monster laughed sarcastically.

This monster can speak, and unlike others, it has a higher intelligence.

"Masked burrowing beast."

Ye Qing exclaimed in surprise.

Zhu Xiulian and Jin Jiemie were also full of astonishment and vigilance.

None of them dared to rush forward to save Hua Xizi.

The thorn that pierced Hua Xizi's body seemed to be poisonous. In just a moment, Hua Xizi's face turned iron blue, and her hands hung down limply without any reaction.

Qing Jiujiu's Dark Wheel Eyes turned.

[Masked Burrowing Beast, a divine monster, the head of its tentacles can transform into various weak humans to seduce people, gain their sympathy, and then swallow or capture them in one bite, and then use the captured people to lure others to rescue them, so as to enter its control range and destroy them. ]

[Note: Its tentacles are covered with needle-like things that will spray out toxins. Once infected, no matter what your cultivation level is, you will immediately fall into a coma! So, don't get close to it! ]

Qing Jiujiu retracted her Dark Wheel Eyes.

No wonder they didn't dare to rush forward.

To deal with this monster, you can only attack from a distance.

Ye Qing is good at flash and long-range attacks.

But the attack power of his long-range attack special move, "Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers", is too weak.

If Hua Xizi can't kill this monster in one go, she will be in danger.

So either don't make a move, or you must kill it instantly!

Qing Jiujiu walked in front of Ye Qing and said in a low voice, "Lend me the bamboo sword."

Ye Qing frowned slightly and looked down at Qing Jiujiu.

Qing Jiujiu's face was rarely serious, and there was a feeling that she could not be questioned. Ye Qing instinctively handed over the bamboo sword.

Qing Jiujiu took it in her hand, her lips curled up, and a sharp light burst out of her round pupils.

Dare to bully the beautiful sister, then die!

"Plum Blossom Kill!"

She stepped down, pointed the bamboo sword in her hand to the sky, and swung it quickly towards the monster.

In an instant, it seemed as if a red rain fell from the sky, falling on the monster,

Gently and softly like a spring breeze.

The monster was stunned for a moment.


What is this thing? If you can't beat it, just give it a rain of petals?

The monster laughed sarcastically.

"Hahaha... you human idiot, are you performing a petal rain surrender for me... looking at your white and tender appearance, I promise to swallow you directly without chewing, so that you can feel better!"

Ye Qing and Zhu Xiulian were also puzzled.

Ye Qing: What is this Qing Jiujiu doing? Her strength is not that great.

Zhu Xiulian: Did my aunt... make a mistake in swinging the sword? It looks like there is no spiritual energy at all.

Jin Jiemie's eyes suddenly trembled.

No! It's not that there is no spiritual energy, but... it is cleverly wrapped by these 'plum blossoms' and has not been released yet!

Qing Jiujiu raised her chin and sneered.

"Try to move first."

"Move if you want, I'm not afraid of you."

The monster tried to swing its tentacles, but found that its limbs were numb and it couldn't move at all!

Looking again, those red raindrops are actually red flower buds, silently taking root on the monster's skin.

"Shua!" The thin roots at the bottom of the flower buds spread quickly, spreading like a spider web.

The monster's whole body seemed to be anesthetized in an instant, and the tentacles loosened, and Hua Xizi fell to the ground.

Qing Jiujiu quickly flashed, caught Hua Xizi, carried her horizontally with her little hands, and jumped away from the spot.

The two had just left the spot.

Only to hear "bang bang bang bang bang..."

Countless explosions sounded, and countless blood spots suddenly exploded on the monster's body, like blooming enchanting plum blossoms.

The monster's long tentacles were like a plum blossom branch, stretching out, and then falling straight down.

Jin Jiemie sucked!

Ye Qing was shocked!

Zhu Xiulian trembled!

If Qing Jiujiu had used this move at the beginning of the game, they would not have had a chance to win!

But Qing Jiujiu did not use it!

What does this mean? This means... she was just playing with them, just testing them!

Ye Qing was completely convinced. He had thought that his "Heavenly Girl Scattering Flowers" was a good move before, but now it seems that it is not worth a single blow..

Zhu Xiulian was glad that she admitted defeat and called her "little aunt" obediently, otherwise she would be beaten to death.

Jin Jiemie felt that he might never be able to beat Qing Jiujiu in this life, but fortunately, at least Qing Jiujiu is also Jiuxiu's now.

Qing Jiujiu put Hua Xizi, who was held high on her head, flat.

Looking at her originally white and tender face, which now turned livid, Qing Jiujiu could not help but frown.

"Are you poisoned?"

Ye Qing nodded, "Yes, you need a sixth-grade detoxification pill."

He is a half-beast, and his whole body is poisonous, so he is not afraid of poison, and he usually does not carry detoxification things with him.

Ye Qing looked at Zhu Xiulian and asked, "Did you bring detoxification pills?"

"I did bring them, but I only have the third-grade ones."

Zhu Xiulian scratched the back of his head. He had a big appetite, but the food in Tianji Pavilion was too bad, so every time he completed a mission and returned to the pavilion, he would have a big meal.

He didn't have many spiritual stones, so he could only afford the third-grade detoxification pills.

The two looked at Jin Jiemie again.

Jin Jiemie rolled his eyes (his pupils were completely black).

He was originally a living dead man. Even if he was poisoned, at most his activities would be restricted at that time, and he would recover by sleeping in the soil, so he would not bring detoxification pills.

Ye Qing said helplessly to Zhu Xiulian.

"Then you can use the third-grade detoxification pills first, at least it can hold you over, and then buy more when you get to the market."

Zhu Xiulian nodded and flipped through the storage ring.

"Wait a minute, I might have it."

Qing Jiujiu said, and also buried her head in the storage ring.

But the things given by the senior brothers were too many and too mixed. After searching for a long time, she couldn't find it. She had no choice but to pour everything on the ground.


Watermelon, nuts, candied fruits, melon seeds, nine-linked rings, wooden horses, comic books... piled up in a big pile.

Qing Jiujiu jumped into the pile and rummaged around again. Finally, she found a big cloth bag and took out bottles and jars.

In fact, the senior brothers put everything in order for her at the beginning.

But after she took things twice, it became messy. In the past, the sixth senior brother would regularly organize her storage ring in the sect, but now after going down the mountain, no one helped her to organize it.

Ye Qing and the other two were stunned.

Qing Jiujiu took out a bottle from the many bottles and jars and handed it to him.

"Look, is this it?"

Ye Qing took it in his hand, uncorked it and took a look.

A full bottle, one sixth-grade detoxification pill costs 100 spirit stones, there are at least 100 pills here, that is 10,000 spirit stones.

And this bottle is just one of them.

I didn't realize she was a rich person.

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