The five of them returned to their respective rooms in Jiuxiu's courtyard.

Qing Jiujiu was about to lie down and rest for a while, when Hua Xizi ran in with a large wooden basin in her hand.

"Jiujiu, hurry up!"

She pulled Qing Jiujiu up from the bed.

Qing Jiujiu was stunned, "What's wrong?"

"Go take a bath! The mission reward is to soak in the top-grade spirit pool, and soaking for an hour is equivalent to ten years of cultivation!" Hua Xizi urged her when she saw her lazy look.

Qing Jiujiu understood instantly, so that's what happened, no wonder they were so happy just now.

But Hua Xizi did remind her.

She had accelerated the time in the space before, and it is estimated that the little monkeys' wine is better.

The wine bought was too hard to drink, and the cultivation added was not enough. Now that Jinzi has spiritual intelligence, the quality of the wine brewed must be better than before.

"Sister, you guys go, I won't go, ten years of cultivation is useless to me." Qing Jiujiu smiled.

Hua Xizi:!

It hurts.

But she had seen Qing Jiujiu's spiritual energy before, which was so strong and rich. I guess for her, these ten years are really nothing. I'm really curious about how this little guy practices.

It's just that everyone has their own tricks for practicing, and these are all secrets. It's rude to ask directly.

Hua Xizi nodded, "Okay, then you have a good sleep."

She reached out and rubbed Qing Jiujiu's head, then hummed a little tune and went to the spiritual energy pool.

Qing Jiujiu moved her mind and came to the space.

"Time stops."

She whispered and manipulated time to stop, and then came to the forest where the little monkeys lived.

The smell of wine hit her face as soon as she approached.

Jinzi surrounded Qing Jiujiu, "Master, you come back!"

I saw that Jinzi was emitting a strong spiritual energy.

Qing Jiujiu was stunned, "You have upgraded? And directly from spiritual to immortal?"

Jinzi blinked his golden eyes and replied, "Yes, we have almost eaten up the elixir you left for me. Before you came back, I worked with Yinzi, Tongzi, Tiezi, and Aluminum to study the formula of the elixir and re-mixed the elixir. Although it is not the sixth grade, but only the third grade, because it has been eaten for a hundred years, it has become an immortal beast."

"A hundred years?" Qing Jiujiu exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, Master, a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye." It raised its finger and pointed to the top of the space.

There is a virtual sun above the space.

"One day is the sun rising and setting. One day is the sun setting, and we carve a horizontal line on the stone. Since you left, 36,500 horizontal lines have been carved on the largest stone in the forest. Isn't it a hundred years?"

Qing Jiujiu exclaimed, what a guy!

The elixir of the senior brother is so effective. Now Jinzi can not only do five years of college entrance examination simulations, but also do calculus directly, right?

Also, how can this space be so effective? She just said to speed up time, but after two days outside, it was directly a hundred years inside?

Good guy! Good guy!

She looked at these little monkeys again. Now they are immortal products, so will they become divine products in another thousand years?

The key is that they can also study the formula of elixir and successfully develop elixir.

Hiss! Qing Jiujiu's heart was pounding.

However, she said she would take them out to play before, but she didn't let them go out to play. Forget it, let them go out to play first, as she just completed a task.

Qing Jiujiu rubbed Jinzi's head.

"Jinzi, I'm sorry. I made you stay in there for a hundred years by mistake. I will take you outside the Tianji Pavilion now, and you can play as you like."

Qing Jiujiu was full of apologies.

Jinzi's expression was extremely serious, and he waved his hand back.

"No, Master, I am no longer the playful little monkey I used to be. Since I became wise, I have come to understand the importance of learning more and more. Master, if possible, we still want to stay here to learn. We are determined not to leave the space until we become gods, okay?"

Jinzi clenched his fists tightly, and the other monkeys standing behind him did the same, as if they were swearing an oath.

Qing Jiujiu was stunned, "But, but, don't you want freedom?"

"We do, but it's not the right time yet."

"To have long-term freedom, you must have absolute strength, Master, don't say anything, we love to learn, please let us learn!"

"Yes, Master, we love to learn, please let us learn!"

The little monkeys shouted in unison.

Qing Jiujiu: ...

Ah this... She was speechless.

"Well, then okay." Qing Jiujiu had no choice but to nod, "Well, then you study hard, I won't bother you."

Jin Zi suddenly grabbed Qing Jiujiu's skirt, "Master, your wine has been ready for a long time. It's been a hundred years."This fruit wine has become fine wine."

Qing Jiujiu's eyes lit up!

It was all because she was too shocked just now and almost forgot the main thing.

She came in to drink!

Qing Jiujiu looked at the wine pool again, and sure enough, the fruit wine was bright red. If you drink it, it must be sweet and mellow.

Qing Jiujiu pursed her lips and rubbed her palms: "Jinzi, you are so great!"

"Then I won't be polite." Qing Jiujiu rushed towards the wine pool.

"Wait a minute, master." Jinzi shouted.

Qing Jiujiu braked suddenly and almost fell, "Ah? What's wrong?"

"Do you have any elixir on you? I'll study it with Yinzi, Tiezi, Tongzi, and Aluminum first. "Jin Zi asked.

Qing Jiujiu raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened.

She was a little embarrassed at first, but she didn't expect Jin Zi to take the initiative to bring it up.

What are you waiting for?

Qing Jiujiu reached into the storage ring and took out all the pills given by the senior brother, "Here, all for you, you can study them slowly."

Anyway, the space is also carried with you, and there is no difference between putting it in the space and putting it in the storage ring.

"By the way, I have another ninth-grade soul-returning pill here, see if you can study it, and don't force it if you can't. Here."

Qing Jiujiu handed another pill to Jin Zi.

Jin Zi held all the pills in his arms, "Okay, master, drink it quickly, and I will bring the little monkeys to brew it for you after you finish drinking it."

"Okay! Okay! Okay! "

Qing Jiujiu nodded repeatedly.

Jinzi held the elixir and couldn't wait to study it.

Qing Jiujiu looked at its back and sighed, "How amazing! These days, monkeys are so obsessed with learning that they can't help themselves."

She shook her head, then retracted her gaze and looked at the fruit wine.

Hahaha... wine, here I come!

She ran over, lay down on the edge of the wine pool, took a sip first, and it was so delicious that she almost screamed!

This is too delicious! It's better than the peach blossom wine and daughter red wine I drank before. It's sweet, slightly sour, and has the aroma of bananas, pineapples, lemons, strawberries, peaches...all kinds of fruits. I can't tell what the specific taste is. In short, it's very delicious and fragrant!

Qing Jiujiu continued to bury her head and drink "gulp gulp gulp".

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