The new phone call was made, and the new phone call was made.

"Ding Dong! It has been confirmed as the Son of Destiny, Nanyang." The system's voice sounded, and Nan Xunran's eyes fell on the top of Nanyang's head, where a panel was flashing.



Identity: Son of Destiny

Destiny value: 350/600 points

Inheritance: Ancient formation inheritance

Close relationship: Brother Nan Yongyan (disciple of the main family of the Nan family)

Father Nan Zhong (son of the second worshiper)


The pressure released by Nan Xunran was like a surging tide, sweeping over the sky and earth with suffocating power.

Everyone felt an irresistible pressure coming suddenly, and their bodies were involuntarily crushed.

Their legs trembled, and they tried to struggle to get up. Some people showed painful expressions on their faces, while others were terrified, but they could only breathe hard under this pressure.

Nanyang tried to resist this powerful pressure. He clenched his teeth, his eyes flashed with unwillingness, and his body kept twisting, trying to get rid of the shackles of this heavy pressure.

Finally, Nanyang could no longer support it, his legs bent, and he knelt on the ground with a "thump". His face was full of resentment and humiliation.

Nan Xunran waved his hand gently, and the terrifying pressure dissipated instantly. Everyone felt relieved and their bodies gradually regained their freedom.

However, this pressure did not completely disappear, but remained on Nanyang alone.

Nan Xunran looked grim, looking down at Nanyang who was kneeling on the ground and struggling, and said slowly: "Yesterday, I heard from the head of the strange beast hall that someone in the branch family tried to steal the wind and thunder beast. Is it you?"

Under heavy pressure, Nanyang raised his head with difficulty, his eyes full of resentment, and gritted his teeth and said: "Humph, it's me, so what!"

Nan Xunran smiled: "In recent years, the main family has neglected the management of the branch family, and now the branch family has taught people to steal? Should I send some servants to manage the branch family?"

Although he had a seemingly gentle smile on his face, his eyes revealed unquestionable majesty and coldness.

The whole scene was silent, with only Nanyang's heavy breathing echoing in the air.

Hearing this, everyone in the branch family was shocked, full of fear and panic.

They didn't want someone from the main family to come, so they stared at Nanyang secretly, full of resentment towards him, resentful that his behavior brought such a big crisis to the entire branch family.

But now that things have come to this, they have to plead for Nanyang. An older branch family member trembled and stepped forward, bowed respectfully and said, "Son of God, Nanyang is young and ignorant. He made such a mistake because of his confusion. Our branch family will definitely discipline him strictly. Please forgive him."

Nanyang's body trembled slightly, but his eyes were full of stubbornness and unyielding. He gritted his teeth and roared, "Get out! I don't need you to plead for me, let them come! What Son of God, it's just a false name!"

Hearing Nanyang's disrespectful words, the branch family members were all shocked. They looked at Nan Xunran in horror, and the face of the older branch family member became extremely ugly.

He hurriedly said: "Nanyang, stop talking nonsense and quickly admit your mistakes to the Son of God!"

Other branch family members also began to persuade: "Nanyang, stop being impulsive and quickly plead with the Son of God!"

Nanyang was not moved at all. He still stiffened his neck and glared at Nan Xunran.

Nan Xunran looked at everything in front of him quietly, indifferent.

He exuded an irresistible powerful pressure, making the air around him seem to solidify.

All the branch family members present were trembling under this pressure. They only dared to lower their voices and persuade in a low voice. They were full of fear and anxiety. They didn't know what to do. They could only look at Nanyang anxiously while paying close attention to Nan Xunran's reaction.

Nan Xunran slowly raised his hand, and his slender fingers stretched out with a slow and steady movement.

In a moment, a stronger pressure that seemed to be able to destroy everything dissipated from the extended finger like a violent torrent.

The pressure brought a suffocating sense of oppression, and quickly spread to every corner with overwhelming force, making the surrounding air seem to be squeezed and distorted.

At this moment, Nanyang was lying on the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner. His face was ruthlessly squeezed and deformed under this powerful pressure, and his original face became more and more distorted and ugly.

Then, Nan Xunran slowly cast his eyes at everyone, and then, with an extremely elegant gesture, he gently bent his index finger and placed it on his lips, making a "

The whole scene suddenly became quiet, and everyone fell silent unconsciously.

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