The old man was so angry that he couldn't understand me.

Fei suddenly realized his negligence, blinked a few times, and said, "Yes, but Nan can understand me."

The old patriarch was stunned when he heard this, his dry lips trembled, and he said in surprise, "What? How can humans understand our language?"

Fei quickly turned his head and said, "Nan, say something."

Nan Xunran said lightly, "Yeah."

The patriarch frowned, squinted his eyes, stared at Nan Xunran, and muttered incoherently, "Human, how can you understand our language?"

His eyes seemed a little blurred at this time, and he murmured, "Are you that one?"

Nan Xunran frowned slightly and asked, "What ?”

The chief sighed deeply and said helplessly: “…I can’t remember clearly.”

Fei pointed at the chief’s head and said softly: “The chief’s grandfather was hit on the head by the chief of the Fengyu tribe many years ago, so he forgot many things.”

Then she smiled and put her hands on her waist and said: “But the old chief of the Fengyu tribe was killed by the chief’s grandfather.”

Nan Xunran asked calmly: “What is he talking about?”

Fei shook her head, shrugged, and said: “I don’t know, this is a secret, only the chief of each generation knows, and only after the previous chief dies, another chief will take over.”

Then, she jumped close to Nan Xunran , and said seriously: "But they must be guarding something. Each race in the Green Field has something to guard."

Nan Xunran still had the same expression, and asked casually: "How many races are there in total?"

Fei counted them one by one with her fingers, and said: "Three, we are the Pangu Wolf Clan, the Fengyu Clan, and the Purple Shield Clan."

She paused for a moment, and then continued: "Initially, our three tribes were one, guarding the same thing together, but later some people gradually became dissatisfied, and finally our three tribes separated.

The leader of the Fengyu Clan was dissatisfied with the status quo and tried to annex the other two tribes. Later, he was killed by the leader grandfather and the leader of the Purple Shield Clan."

Nan Xunran slowly said: "What about the things you are guarding?"

Fei blinked her eyes and tilted her head and said, "It seems to be divided. One clan controls one part, and I don't know about the others. I know this because I am the next clan leader, and the clan leader grandfather told me some of it."

After that, she raised her arms proudly, raised her little face and said, "The clan leaders of all generations are the strongest in the clan. Nan, I am awesome, right!"

In Nan Xunran's sea of ​​consciousness, the system said, "Host, host, she is talking about the remnant pages of Huangquan Fantasy Dream. In this secret realm, the aura of the remnant pages of Huangquan Fantasy Dream exists in three places."

Nan Xunran responded, "I know."

On the other side, the old clan leader kept hitting his head with his hands, and his hands were shaking, as if he was trying to resist something.

His body also trembled violently, and the human form and animal form kept switching, as if being pulled by two forces.

Fei shouted anxiously: "Let's go!"

She waved her hands non-stop, "The clan leader is going to lose control. He can't recognize people and will attack randomly."

As she spoke, she pointed to the deep claw marks and various smashed objects in the house.

As the door was quickly closed, a deafening roar came from the house, followed by a sharp scratching sound.

Fei patted her chest with lingering fear and breathed a sigh of relief: "It was a close call. The clan leader almost rushed out."

Behind the two, Nan Shuang slowly walked to Nan Xunran's side and called softly: "Xunran."

Nan Xunran lowered his eyes slightly and looked at her with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

Fei came over curiously, tilted her head and asked, "You don't understand what I'm saying, right?"

Nan Shuang was at a loss, "?"

Fei looked at Nan Xunran seriously and said, "Nan, Elder Feng can speak human language."

Nan Xunran heard this and opened his thin lips lightly, "Go find him."

Fei nodded vigorously, and the action was full of enthusiasm.

Nan Xunran turned his head and looked at Nan Shuang beside him, and said slowly, "Someone in their tribe can speak human language."

Nan Shuang nodded slightly and simply replied, "Okay."


Bamboo Forest

Fei led everyone on the winding path, and they shuttled happily in front. Everyone followed her around.

After a long time, a quiet bamboo forest suddenly came into everyone's sight.

The green bamboo swayed slowly and gently, making a subtle rustling sound, the stream gurgled, and the sun shone.

It poured in through the gaps between the bamboo leaves, like golden threads.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, a small house stood quietly, next to it was a small vegetable garden, full of vitality, and in front of the door was a path paved with bluestone.

Fei approached Nan Xunran and whispered, "Nan, Elder Feng is inside."

Then, she moved closer and added mysteriously, "Elder Feng is actually a human."

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