The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

Nan Family

Nan Xunran lay quietly on the bed, his lips slightly pale.

A few strands of hair were scattered casually on the pillow, adding a bit of handsomeness.

Everyone gathered around the bed, their expressions full of concern.

Nan Xiao's face was full of anxiety, and he looked eagerly at Nan Yushan beside him, and asked in a slightly anxious voice: "Thirteenth Ancestor, what happened to Ran'er?"

He carefully checked Ran'er's body and found nothing abnormal.

Nan Yushan frowned slightly, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said: "It's okay. The power he received was too huge, and his body couldn't adapt to it for a while. He needs to rest well."

When everyone heard this, the stone hanging in their hearts finally fell to the ground, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Nan Yushan gently raised his hand, motioned everyone to leave, and said slowly: "Go out, let him rest well."

After that, he took the lead to step out of the inner hall.


Half a day later

Nan Xunran slowly opened his eyes, and then coughed twice, "Ahem..."

This subtle movement was clearly heard by the people who had been waiting outside the door.

They quickly pushed open the door and rushed in quickly.

I saw Nan Xunran sitting quietly by the bed, with a waterfall-like hair casually draped over his shoulders.

He frowned slightly, and his eyebrows were furrowed.

He first raised his hand and rubbed his brow, as if to relieve the slight discomfort, and then slowly swept his eyes over the people standing at the door.

Everyone stood at the door blankly, staring at this scene infatuatedly, as if they were cast under a spell.

They had never seen Nan Xunran so fragile.

Nan Xiao had just come out of the meeting room and hurried towards Nan Xunran's residence.

When he approached, he saw that the door of the inner hall was half open.

He quickened his pace: "Ran'er, you're awake!"

Upon hearing the voice, Shangguan Xieyue was the first to come back to his senses from his daze, and shouted excitedly: "A Xun!"

Then everyone also spoke: "Master!"

Nan Xunran frowned and whispered: "Don't make noise."

He felt that his senses were magnified more than twice, and the sound was infinitely magnified like thunder in his ears.

When everyone heard the words, the chattering sound disappeared immediately.

At this moment, a woman in lavender suddenly flashed in. Her movements were light and silent.

She walked straight to Nan Xunran, gently held his face with both hands, and carefully examined it. She let go of her hands before Nan Xunran frowned and dodged.

She said solemnly: "That's right, the spiritual power in Xiaoran's body is now running wild in his body, and we must find a way to suppress it."

She walked out and said: "Go out and talk, the sound of our voices is too loud for Xiaoran now."

Everyone looked at each other, followed her out in silence, and the inner hall returned to silence again.


Outside the hall

Nan Xiao clasped his hands together, bent slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Ninth Ancestor."

Nan Qingyuan, standing opposite him, looked calm and just nodded gently.

Nan Qingyuan is the ninth ancestor of the Nan family.

Among the many ancestors of the Nan family, she is an extremely rare one who did not choose to retreat.

Nan Qingyuan said slowly, "I was not here when you were discussing things just now, but since you are back, it means Thirteen has found a way."

Then, she looked at Nan Xiao, "Go find Thirteen and ask him to come as soon as possible."

Nan Xiao heard this and nodded decisively.

Afterwards, Nan Qingyuan turned around and walked towards the inner hall, saying, "I will help Xiaoran suppress the spiritual power in his body temporarily."

She turned to everyone again and said in a serious tone, "Don't come in."

Pei Zimo and others nodded quickly after hearing this.


Inner Hall

Nan Xunran leaned quietly against the bed with his eyes slightly closed.

Nan Qingyuan stepped forward and called softly, "Xiaoran."

Nan Xunran had no reaction.

Nan Qingyuan didn't care. She gently helped Nan Xunran up and put her jade hand on his back.

Afterwards, a gentle spiritual power slowly flowed from her palm to Nan Xunran.

Nan Xunran frowned slightly, and Nan Qingyuan hurriedly said, "Don't move."

At the same time, her other hand gently pressed on Nan Xunran's shoulder, kneading it gently, and her eyes were always focused on his expression.

A moment.

Nan Xunran slowly got up, felt it carefully, and found that everything was normal.

He turned around and saluted Nan Qingyuan: "Thank you, Nine Ancestors."

Nan Qingyuan

She smiled slightly and said softly, "This is only temporary."

Then, a hint of anger appeared on her face, and she said, "You! You worried us so much."

Nan Xunran said softly, "I'm sorry."

Nan Qingyuan gently pushed him back to the bed, and her hands naturally stroked his body, and asked softly, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Nan Xunran shook his head and replied calmly, "It's okay."

"That's good." Nan Qingyuan said softly.

Her hands touched Nan Xunran's hair, and her movements were gentle, and she slowly combed down along the hair.

Then she skillfully gathered her hair and tied it gently with a ribbon, her movements flowing like water.

Nan Xunran's face was as calm as water, and he sat there quietly, feeling her every move.

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